H5PART is a structured HDF5 data format that stores multiple time-step data for particle simulation scenarios and can be used for ParaView / VisIt visualization.
- HDF5 >= 1.10.6 .
Only FPM and Meson are supported, other build systems can copy source files
, ./h5part/inc/*.f90
, ./h5part/src/*.c
) directly,
and gfortran
compiler is tested.
h5part = { git = "/~https://github.com/zoziha/h5part" }
> fpm run --example --all # run the example
!> Paraview example
program main
use h5part_module
implicit none
integer(8) :: file_id, status, npoints, i
real(8) :: origin, spacing
real(8), allocatable :: x(:), y(:), z(:), px(:), py(:), pz(:)
integer(8), allocatable :: id(:)
npoints = 99_8
allocate (x(npoints), y(npoints), z(npoints))
allocate (px(npoints), py(npoints), pz(npoints))
allocate (id(npoints))
! generate random data
do i = 1, int(npoints)
x(i) = -50.0_8 + randn()
y(i) = -50.1_8 + randn()
z(i) = -50.2_8 + randn()
px(i) = 0.3 + real(i)
py(i) = 0.4 + randn()
pz(i) = 0.5 + 10*randn()
id(i) = i
end do
! open file for writing
file_id = h5pt_openw("./example/pv.h5part")
if (file_id == 0) error stop 'h5part is occupied ?!'
! set file step
status = h5pt_setstep(file_id, step=1_8)
status = h5pt_writefileattrib_string(file_id, "author", "foobar")
status = h5pt_writefileattrib_string(file_id, "date", "2022-06-27")
status = h5pt_setnpoints(file_id, npoints=npoints)
! x, y, z must be written to file, which is the coordinate of particles
status = h5pt_writedata(file_id, "x", x)
status = h5pt_writedata(file_id, "y", y)
status = h5pt_writedata(file_id, "z", z)
! px, py, pz are the properties of particles
status = h5pt_writedata(file_id, "px", px)
status = h5pt_writedata(file_id, "py", py)
status = h5pt_writedata(file_id, "pz", pz)
status = h5pt_writedata(file_id, "id", id)
! close file
status = h5pt_close(file_id)
real(8) function randn()
call random_number(randn)
end function randn
end program main
After normal run, example/hv.h5part
will be generated, which can be opened by ParaView.