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Releases: zengtianyu1215/SimpleClock

SimpleClock 2.0(10) Release

18 Jan 06:47
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SimpleClock 2.0(10) Release ChangeLog::

Time: 2019/01/18 15:21:26


  1. Fixed Time Lapse Bugs in Issue #2 (Issue #2 Fixed).
  2. Fixed Bugs in Timer and Clock (Issue #2 Fixed).
  3. Improve SimpleClock Efficiency in CPU Time.
  4. Fixed Bugs in Clock Interface Right-Click Menu.
  5. Improve the Performance of Right-Click Menu.
  6. Add Auto-Update Framework, Sparkle. The Download Source is from GitHub.
  7. Add Time Today Widget.
  8. Add Calendar Today Widget.
  9. Add Validating Condition to Timer Input.
  10. Update SimpleClock Homepage.
  11. Improve Today Widget Performance in Battery and CPU Time.
  12. Improve Preference Saving Method.
  13. Add More Localization Files.
  14. Fixed Bugs on Sending Notifications.
  15. Now SimpleClock Total Download Rate has Reached 750+. 🎉 Thanks!
    If you have problems when you are using SimpleClock, please post an issue on SimpleClock.

编译时间: 2019/01/18 15:21:26


  1. 修复了 Issue #2 中有关时间延迟的问题;
  2. 修复了 Issue #2 中在时钟和定时器的问题;
  3. 改进了 SimpleClock 在 CPU 时间上面的表现,能耗进一步降低;
  4. 修复了右键菜单与 Touch Bar 的交互问题;
  5. 修复了当前界面失焦适用右键菜单造成的闪退问题;
  6. 添加了 Sparkle 自动更新框架,更新源为本 GitHub 网站。从 2.0 版本开始,可以使用 Sparkle 进行更新;
  7. 添加了时钟小部件,无需打开应用即可查看时间,在通知栏中的今天部分可以添加;
  8. 添加了日历小部件,无需打开应用即可查看日历,在通知栏中的今天部分可以添加;
  9. 添加了定时器输入验证功能,防止非法时间输入;
  10. 更新了 SimpleClock 主页;
  11. 改进了时钟和日历部件的性能,整体性能与系统部件一致;
  12. 改进了设置保存方法;
  13. 添加了本地化文件;
  14. 修复了定时器的通知发出问题;
  15. 到现在,SimpleClock 的总共下载量已经超过了750次,24星,4个分支。🎉

如果在使用过程中遇到无法解决的Bug,欢迎在 Issue 中提出


16 Nov 06:34
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test Pre-release


SimpleClock 1.8(8) Release

01 Oct 06:40
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SimpleClock 1.8(8) Release ChangeLog::

Time: 2018/10/01 13:44:26


  1. Add Supports for Mac OS X 10.14 Mojave;
  2. Full Theme Mode switch in Clock, Timer and Stopwatch;
  3. Add Right-Click Menu in Clock interface, which can help iMac and Macbook Pro without Multi-Touch Bar to use the functions provided in Multi-Touch Bar; (Issue #1 Fixed)
  4. Add Triple-Click Gesture Recognizer to change the light / dark theme;
  5. Add Calendar Part in Clock's Calendar label;
  6. Delete Calendar from App Menu;
  7. Add Sparkle Auto-Update Framework; (Now it is under testing...)
  8. Optimized with battery and CPU; (Issue #1 Fixed)
  9. Fix CPU bugs and multi-threads bugs; (Issue #1 Fixed)
  10. Add Constrains in all interface;
  11. Use New Dark Mode of Mac OS X 10.14 Mojave
  12. Fix the bug on starting scene;
  13. Fix display bugs on Multi-touch Bar;
  14. Now SimpleClock support Mac OS X 10.12;
  15. Reach 600+ users, 4 forks and 19 stars on Github. Thanks!

If you have problems when you are using SimpleClock, please post an issue on SimpleClock.

编译时间: 2018/10/01 13:44:26


  1. 现已支持 Mac OS X 10.14 Mojave;
  2. 全面改进的界面,在时钟、计时器、秒表都有改进;
  3. 在时钟界面添加了右键菜单,能够让 iMac 和没有 Multi-Touch Bar 的 Macbook / Macbook Pro 使用相应的功能,如主题转换、开关;(Issue #1 已修复)
  4. 在时钟界面,添加了三击手势检测,能够快速转换明亮和暗色主题;
  5. 在时钟界面,添加了日历模块,利用右键菜单即可打开;
  6. 删除了日历界面;
  7. 添加了 Sparkle 自动更新框架; (正在测试中)
  8. 提省了 SimpleClock 在 CPU 和电池方面的性能 (Issue #1 已修复)
  9. 修复了 CPU 和多线程的相关错误 (Issue #1 已修复)
  10. 在界面中添加了相关的约束条件;
  11. 暗色界面采用了来自 Mac OS X 10.14 Mojave 的新材质;
  12. 减少启动过程中的错误和重复项;
  13. 修复了在 Multi-Touch Bar 上的显示错误;
  14. SimpleClock 在 Mac OS X 10.12 上会获得更好的支持;
  15. 现在 SimpleClock 已经有 600+ 位用户,在 GitHub 上有 4 个分支和 19 星的评价,感谢各位!

如果在使用过程中遇到无法解决的Bug,欢迎在 Issue 中提出

SimpleClock 1.7(7) Release

04 Apr 14:57
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SimpleClock 1.7(7) Release ChangeLog::

Time: 2018/04/04 22:47:00


  1. Full Theme Mode switch in Clock, Timer and Stopwatch;
  2. Add Calendar Part. Now in developing;
  3. Fix the bug on starting scene;
  4. Fix the bugs on Multi-touch Bar;
  5. Now SimpleClock support Mac OS X 10.12;
  6. Reach 150+ users. Thanks!

If you have problems when you are using SimpleClock, please post an issue on SimpleClock.


  1. 全新的暗色/亮色模式,支持时钟,秒表和计时器;
  2. 加入日历(正在开发);
  3. 修复启动时,主界面不能正常显示的Bug;
  4. 修复触控栏显示问题;
  5. SimpleClock 现在已经支持OS X 10.12;
  6. 1.6版本用户数达到150+,谢谢!

如果在使用过程中遇到无法解决的Bug,欢迎在 Issue 中提出

SimpleClock 1.6(6) Release

08 Feb 08:18
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SimpleClock 1.6(6) Release ChangeLog::

Time: 2018/02/08 16:15:00


  1. Fix Clock window bugs;
  2. Add localization files;
  3. Add language: Chinese Simplified;
  4. Add language: Chinese Traditional;
  5. Add language: German (Deutsch);

SimpleClock 1.5(5) Release

07 Feb 10:02
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SimpleClock 1.5(5) Release ChangeLog::

Time: 2018/02/07 18:00:00


  1. Fix notification bugs;
  2. Fix memory leak bugs;
  3. etc;

SimpleClock 1.3(4) Release

31 Jan 06:24
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SimpleClock 1.3(4) Release ChangeLog::

Time: 2018/01/31 14:21


  1. Fix 12/24 Hour Mode bugs;
  2. Add Timer Notification and Sound;
  3. Add Stopwatch Notification and Sound;
  4. Fix Layout Features;
  5. etc.;

SimpleClock 1.2(3) Release

27 Jan 07:31
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SimpleClock 1.2(3) Release ChangeLog::

Time: 2018/01/27 15:15


  1. Fix several bugs
  2. Add Timer Function
  3. Add Multi-Touch Bar Functions in Clock, Timer and Stopwatch
  4. Fix design feature bugs
  5. Cancel the Second Changer function in the center of the clock
  6. Make the text bigger.
  7. etc.

SimpleClock 1.1(2) Release

26 Jan 09:57
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SimpleClock 1.1(2) Release ChangeLog::

Time: 2018/01/26 17:52

  1. Add Clock function;
  2. Add Timer/Stopwatch function
  3. Add blurry background
  4. Add Fullscreen Mode
  5. Add Light/Dark Theme Changer
  6. Add HH:MM/HH:MM:SS Mode Changer