# Copy this file into /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/ # and add 'autoload h2-list-draw` to .zshrc # # This is an internal function not for direct use emulate -L zsh zmodload zsh/curses setopt typesetsilent extendedglob _hlist_print_with_ansi() { local win="$1" text="$2" out col chunk Xout integer text_offset="$3" max_text_len="$4" text_len=0 no_match=0 nochunk_text_len to_skip_from_chunk to_chop_off_from_chunk before_len # 1 - non-escaped text, 2 - first number in the escaped text, with ; # 3 - second number, 4 - text after whole escape text typeset -a c c=( black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white ) while [[ -n "$text" && "$no_match" -eq 0 ]]; do if [[ "$text" = (#b)([^$'\x1b']#)$'\x1b'\[([0-9](#c0,2))(#B)(\;|)(#b)([0-9](#c0,2))m(*) ]]; then # Text for further processing text="$match[4]" # Text chunk to output now out="$match[1]" # Save color col="$match[2]" (( match[3] >= 30 && match[3] <= 37 )) && col="$match[3]" else out="$text" no_match=1 fi if [ -n "$out" ]; then ################ Expand tabs ################ chunk="$out" before_len="$text_len" Xout="" while [ -n "$chunk" ]; do [[ "$chunk" = (#b)([^$'\t']#)$'\t'(*) ]] && { (( all_text_len=((before_len+${#match[1]})/8+1)*8 )) Xout+="${(r:all_text_len-before_len:: :)match[1]}" before_len+=all_text_len-before_len chunk="$match[2]" } || { Xout+="$chunk" break } done ############################################# # Input text length without the current chunk nochunk_text_len=text_len # Input text length up to current chunk text_len+="$#Xout" # Should start displaying with this chunk? # I.e. stop skipping left part of the input text? if (( text_len > text_offset )); then to_skip_from_chunk=text_offset-nochunk_text_len # LEFT - is chunk off the left skip boundary? +1 for 1-based index in string (( to_skip_from_chunk > 0 )) && Xout="${Xout[to_skip_from_chunk+1,-1]}" # RIGHT - is text off the screen? if (( text_len-text_offset > max_text_len )); then to_chop_off_from_chunk=0+(text_len-text_offset)-max_text_len Xout="${Xout[1,-to_chop_off_from_chunk-1]}" fi [ -n "$Xout" ] && zcurses string "$win" "$Xout" fi fi if (( no_match == 0 )); then if (( col >= 30 && col <= 37 )); then zcurses attr "$win" $c[col-29]/black elif [[ "$col" -eq 0 ]]; then zcurses attr "$win" white/black fi fi done } integer highlight="$1" integer page_height="$2" integer page_width="$3" local y_offset="$4" local x_offset="$5" local text_offset="$6" local win="$7" shift 7 integer max_text_len=page_width-x_offset local boldattr [ "$bold" = "0" ] && boldattr="" || boldattr="+bold" [[ "$active_text" = "underline" || "$active_text" = "reverse" ]] || local active_text="reverse" # Linux has ncv 18, screen* has ncv 3 - underline won't work properly (( ${terminfo[ncv]:-0} & 2 )) && active_text="reverse" # FreeBSD uses TERM=xterm for newcons but doesn't actually support underline [[ "$TERM" = "xterm" && -z "$DISPLAY" ]] && active_text="reverse" integer max_idx=page_height integer end_idx=max_idx [ "$end_idx" -gt "$#" ] && end_idx="$#" integer y=y_offset zcurses attr "$win" "$boldattr" white/black zcurses clear "$win" integer i text_len local text for (( i=1; i<=end_idx; i++ )); do zcurses move "$win" $y "$x_offset" if [ "$i" = "$highlight" ]; then zcurses attr "$win" +"$active_text" # Mark current segment (surrounded with bells, code \7) with red color local text="$@[i]" red=$'\x1b[00;31m' reset=$'\x1b[00;00m' text="${text/(#b)$'\7'(^$'\7'##)$'\7'/$red$match[1]$reset}" _hlist_print_with_ansi "$win" "$text" "$text_offset" "$max_text_len" zcurses attr "$win" -"$active_text" else _hlist_print_with_ansi "$win" "$@[i]" "$text_offset" "$max_text_len" fi zcurses clear "$win" eol y+=1 done if [ "$end_idx" -lt "$max_idx" ]; then zcurses move "$win" $y "$x_offset" zcurses clear "$win" eol fi zcurses attr "$win" white/black # vim: set filetype=zsh: