# zinit-annex-readurl
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Intermediate Download Page](#intermediate-download-page)
- [Skipping `dlink''` Ice](#skipping-dlink-ice)
- [Sorting matched URLs/versions](#sorting-matched-urlsversions)
- [Filtering The Matched URLs](#filtering-the-matched-urls)
- [Examples](#examples)
## Usage
Load as a regular plugin via:
zinit light zdharma-continuum/z-a-readurl
After executing the above command (possibly via `zshrc`), it's then possible to use the `dlink''` and `dlink0''` ices
and the special `as'readurl|…'` value of the `as''` ice.
This Zinit extension allows to automatically download the newest version of a file to which the URL is hosted on a
The annex provides:
1. Two new ices: `dlink''` and `dlink0''`.
1. A handling of the special values of the `as''` ice, i.e.: of `as'readurl'`, `as'readurl|command'`, etc.
> **Note**: The annex works only with snippets, not plugins.
It works as follows:
- invoke `snippet` (or pass the `http://…` address using the `for` syntax) on the web-page that hosts the URL to the
file to download,
- provide `dlink''` ice with the expected file-download URL, replacing the version with the `%VERSION%` keyword,
- also, provide `as''` ice with one of the following values: `readurl`, `readurl|command`, `readurl|completion`,
`readurl|null`; the part after the `|` has the same meaning as in the normal `as''` ice.
So, for example:
zinit for \
as'readurl|command' \
extract \
The snippet is just an example. The same effect is obtained by loading as `junegunn/fzf-bin` plugin with `from'gh-r'`
As demonstrated, the `dlink''` can be a relative or an absolute path and also a full URL (i.e.: beginning with the
`http://…` prefix).
## Intermediate Download Page
Sometimes, like in the case of the [terraform](http://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform) command, the download link isn't
on the download page but on a page listed on it. In such cases utilize the `dlink0''` ice and provide the pattern for
the additional, intermediate download page. For For example, in the case of `terraform`, the Zinit command is:
zinit for \
as'readurl|command' \
dlink0'/terraform/%VERSION%/' \
dlink'/terraform/%VERSION%/terraform_%VERSION%_linux_386.zip' \
extract \
id-as'terraform' \
## Skipping `dlink''` Ice
Sometimes the URL of the download page differs from the URL of the archive in just a few `/`-sections. In such a case,
it is possible to skip the `dlink''` ice by appending a `++`-separated fragment of the archive URL, like so:
zinit for \
as'readurl|command' \
extract \
If the archive URL has some different `/`-sections, then it's possible to strip the conflicting ones from the download
URL by using `+++`, `++++`, etc. – the number of the `/`-section that'll be stripped equals the number of the `+` minus
2\. So, for example:
zinit for \
as'readurl|command' \
extract \
## Sorting matched URLs/versions
Sometimes the download page doesn't list the package versions from newest to the oldest, but in some other order. In
such case, it's possible to sort the URLs / package versions by prepending the chosen `dlink` ice (`dlink0''` or
`dlink''`) with the exclamation mark (`dlink'!…'`, etc.). See the next section for an example:
## Filtering The Matched URLs
Sometimes some unwanted URLs match the `dlink''`/`dlink0''` regex/pattern. In such case it's possible to filter them out
by appending a filtering regex to the `dlink''` ice as: `dlink='the-main-regex~%the-unwanted-URLs-regex%'` (or the same
for `dlink0''`). An example package that can benefit from this is the [Open Shift](https://www.openshift.com/) client,
which doesn't sort the URLs from latest to the oldest – hence the exclamation mark (`!`) prepend – and it has special
URLs like `stable-4.4` or `candidate-4.5` together with the regular version URLs (like `4.5.0-rc.1`):
zinit for \
as'readurl|command' \
dlink'openshift-client-windows-%VERSION%.zip' \
dlink0'!%VERSION%~%(stable|latest|fast|candidate).*%' \
id-as'ocp' \
The above snippet of Zsh code / Zinit invocation will sort the URLs (`dlink0'!…'`) and then filter out the special ones
from the results (via `…~%(stable|latest|fast|candidate).*%`), this way selecting the latest version of the Open Shift
## Examples
[**Pulumi**](https://www.pulumi.com/), a tool to create, deploy, and manage modern cloud software.
zi for \
as'readurl|null' \
dlink'https://get.pulumi.com/releases/sdk/pulumi-%VERSION%-linux-x64.tar.gz' \
extract'!' \
id-as'pulumi' \
sbin'pulumi*' \