Releases: z-shell/zi
Releases · z-shell/zi
What's Changed
- ✨ Annex Read-URL API by @ss-o in #178
- ⚡️ Code/Style Update by @ss-o in #191
- ✨ Replace egrep with grep -E by @OmeletWithoutEgg in #215
- ✨ Logo patch by @daudix-UFO by @digital-teams in #218
- ✨ Prevent expansion in some lines in .zi-create func by @Farzat07 in #238
- ⭕ Trunk Merge by @ss-o in #182
- 💚 Optimise CI by @ss-o in #184
- 🚀 Workspace Maintenance by @ss-o in #190
New Contributors
- @digital-teams made their first contribution in #170
- @OmeletWithoutEgg made their first contribution in #215
- @Farzat07 made their first contribution in #238
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.0.2
What's Changed
- refactor(core): ♻️ OSTYPE group update by @ss-o in #83
- ⚡ Update architectures & regexp by @ss-o in #86
- modified: .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/05_membership.yml by @ss-o in #92
- Update example-script by @ss-o in #125
- Internal performace (#154) by @ss-o in #155
- Fix rendering of the issue form by @signed-log in #165
- Readme update 05 31 by @ss-o in #168
New Contributors
- @signed-log made their first contribution in #165
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1
🎉 - Stable tag v1.0.0
Install example:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- -b v1.0.0
What's Changed
- Create main.yml by @ss-o in #37
- +syntax|+performance by @ss-o in #39
- +refactor | +performance by @ss-o in #47
- fix 'col-…' by @ss-o in #48
- checks zi home dir by @ss-o in #49
- Code style update (formatting, renaming) by @ss-o in #50
- Adds links to Wiki by @ss-o in #54
- Post test fix/adds by @ss-o in #57
- Bump cirrus-actions/rebase from 1.4 to 1.5 by @dependabot in #59
- integer | mtime fix by @ss-o in #62
- General maintenance by @ss-o in #66
- Issue 65 compatability issue with exa by @ss-o in #69
- Workflows cleanup by @ss-o in #70
- ziextract - missing error handling fix #64 by @ss-o in #71
- Issue 64 dev ziextract missing error handling by @ss-o in #72
- Update install links by @ss-o in #74
- Add submodules label by @ss-o in #75
- Add loader install by @ss-o in #76
- To wiki by @ss-o in #77
- some adds by @wicoop in #79
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #59
- @wicoop made their first contribution in #79
Full Changelog: 0.9.9...v1.0.0
What's Changed
- Test/lint by @ss-o in #1
- w by @ss-o in #4
- Test/lint by @ss-o in #5
- Update pr-labels.yml by @ss-o in #6
- Test/lint by @ss-o in #7
- Update pr-labels.yml by @ss-o in #8
- Update pr-labels.yml by @ss-o in #9
- Update pr-labels.yml by @ss-o in #11
- Test/lint by @ss-o in #10
- Genaral maintenance #3 + code lint by @ss-o in #12
- Test/lint by @ss-o in #13
- Compatibility functions by @ss-o in #14
- Test/lint by @ss-o in #15
- Greeting message by @ss-o in #16
- Introduced branch specific .gitignore #3 by @ss-o in #17
- Develop by @ss-o in #18
- deleted: zi.code-workspace from main by @ss-o in #19
- Develop by @ss-o in #20
- merge by @ss-o in #24
- Develop by @ss-o in #25
- Develop by @ss-o in #26
- cleanup by @ss-o in #27
- modified: zi.zsh by @ss-o in #28
- Develope by @ss-o in #30
- Beta release by @ss-o in #31
- Develop by @ss-o in #33
- Merge pull request #1 from z-shell/main by @ss-o in #34
New Contributors
Full Changelog: /~