The library is a collection of algorithms and data structures that are designed for modern C++ bioinformatics applications. You can use the library in your own projects or as a part of a larger project. The current project is developing and evolving, and changes will be made to the library as time goes on.
- New version of the library: 0.1.0
- New tool sv2nl is released
- Embrace C++20 standard
- Supports modern C++ features
- Support concurrency and thread safety
- Priority is given to safety and clean design
- Hard to use wrongly
- Testing extensively
- Python bindings
The library contains algorithms for:
- Interval Tree
- VcfParser
- More to come
The library contains applications for:
- sv2nl Mapping Structural Variants to Non-Linear Transcripts Variants
$ sv2nl -h
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Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
yangliz5 🚇 |