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Eonics Open Hack Night #19: Hugo wizardry

The Presentation

This repository contains a presentation implemented with remark.js and—naturally—Hugo.

In order to try it out, you'll first need to install Hugo.

Once it's installed, run hugo server in the project directory, then point your browser to http://localhost:1313.

If you're curious how it's built, feel free to inspect the project's files. The overall skeleton is at layouts/_default/baseof.html, and the slides live in content/

The Workshop

The assignment

In this workshop we're going to create a portfolio website of a fictitious press agency named Acme Press.

The agency is selling photographs to be used by news websites, other agencies, blogs and so on.

The actual webshop functionality requires a server part, so we'll assume it's implemented elsewhere. The objective of this workshop is building an online catalogue of the available items, properly classified by author, tags, and image properties.

For the content we use a pre-cooked set of portfolio items.

Getting started

  1. Install Hugo.
  2. Create a boilerplate directory structure (we ask Hugo to create a YAML config file):
hugo new site acme-press -f yml
  1. Download the Creative Portfolio theme:
cd acme-press
git clone /~ themes/hugo-creative-portfolio-theme
rm -rf themes/hugo-creative-portfolio-theme/.git
  1. Copy the starter site content from this repository: everything below _acme-press/ should be copied as-is into the new site root.
cp -r /path/to/eonics-hugo/_acme-press/* .
  1. Try out the result: run hugo server, then go to http://localhost:1313. The result should look as follows:

Further assignment steps

1. Make portfolio items visible

Make each portfolio article display a big version of the picture. Add the file layouts/portfolio/single.html with the following content:

{{ define "main" }}
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-9 content-column white-background">
  {{ partial "mobile_nav_toggle.html" . }}
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-lg-8">
      <div class="content-column-content">
         <h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
         {{ with .Params.image }}
         <img src="{{ . | absURL }}" alt="Image">
         {{ end }}
         {{ .Content }}
{{ end }}

2. Add a price parameter to each item

Add price: X.XX (feel free to make up a number in each case) to the front matter of each file under content/portfolio.

3. Add price display

Make the price show up in both list and single views.

Hint: fetch the price value as {{ .Params.price }}

4. Add navigation buttons

Add Previous and Next buttons for portfolio items in the single view.

5. Add authors taxonomy

  • Add authors taxonomy to config.yml.
  • Add authors: parameter to the content pages' front matter, with a single author.
  • Add list and terms templates: layouts/authors/list.html and layouts/authors/terms.html respectively.
  • Add Author heading to the single item view.
  • Add Authors link to the side menu.

Hint: read about Taxonomies in Hugo docs.

6. Add tags taxonomy

  • Add tags taxonomy to config.yml.
  • Add tags: parameter to the content pages' front matter, with a list of tags.
  • Add list and terms templates: layouts/tags/list.html and layouts/tags/terms.html respectively.
  • Add Tags link to the side menu.

7. Bonus task: deploy your website to a hosting

If you want your website to actually be available online, you can choose from a number of free alternatives.

But first you'll need to check it into a GitHub repository. Make sure to add the following to your .gitignore:


Then follow the steps for the hosting of your choice:

Useful links


The workable solution to all of the above is located under _solution.


Eonics Open Hack Night #19: Hugo wizardry






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