The BitcoinKit library is a Swift implementation of the Bitcoin protocol which support both BCH and BTC. Improving the mobile ecosystem for Bitcoin developers is our mission.
BitcoinKit allows maintaining a wallet, sending or receiving transactions without a full blockchain node. Following is a wallet app that demonstrates the way to use it.
Release notes are here.
- Encoding/decoding addresses: base58, Cashaddr, P2PKH, P2SH, WIF format.
- Transaction building blocks: inputs, outputs, scripts.
- EC keys and signatures.
- BIP32, BIP44 hierarchical deterministic wallets.
- BIP39 implementation.
- SPV features are under construction. The following functions cannot work well sometimes.
- Send/receive transactions.
- See current balance in a wallet.
- iOS 9.0+ / Mac OS X 10.11+ / tvOS 9.0+ / watchOS 2.0+
- Xcode 10.0+
- Swift 5.0+
$ gem install cocoapods
CocoaPods 1.5.0+ is required to build BitcoinKit.
To integrate BitcoinKit into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
source '/~'
platform :ios, '13.0'
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'BitcoinKit', '~> 1.1.0'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
Add this to Cartfile
github "yenom/BitcoinKit" ~> 1.1.0
Run carthage update
to build the framework and drag the built BitcoinKit.framework
into your Xcode project.
Simply add the following lines to dependencies of your Package.swift:
.package(url: "/~", .upToNextMinor(from: "1.1.0"))
Note that following data types and features are currently not supported on Linux platform.
- SQLite based BlockStore
Contributions to BitcoinKit are welcome and encouraged! Feel free to open issues, drop us pull requests.
BitcoinKit is maintained and funded by Yenom. Visit our website or say hi on twitter (@Yenom_wallet_en)
BitcoinKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.
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