- Python.
- Visualization ToolKit (VTK).
- LaTeX.
- Matplotlib.
- ImageMagick
- Mayavi
- C++ Template Image Processing Toolkit
- Open Graphics Library
- X Window System
- OpenSees.
- Boost c++ libraries.
- NumPy.
- SciPy.
- libmpfr. Multiple precision floating-point computation developers tools (libmpfr).
- libgmp. Multiple precision arithmetic library developers tools (libgmp).
- Spectra C++ Library For Large Scale Eigenvalue Problems
- Arpack (Fortran77 subroutines to solve large scale eigenvalue problems; libarcpack2-dev).
- Arpack++ (object-oriented version of the ARPACK package).
- Lapack Library of linear algebra routines; (liblapack-dev).. See also the project homepage
- SuperLU (Direct solution of large, sparse systems of linear equations libsuperlu3-dev).
- Suitesparse. Collection of libraries for computations for sparse matrices. See also the project homepage
- PETSC (Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation). See also the project homepage
- Skypack (SKYline PACKage). The SKYPACK package corresponds to a set of subprograms written in standard Fortran 77 intended for linear algebra operations with real symmetric matrices stored in skyline form.
- ITPACK collection of subroutines for solving large sparse linear systems by adaptive accelerated iterative algorithms).
- MUMPS: MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver.