.NET 9 Preview 4, Android 34.99.0-preview.4.272
512 commits
to main
since this release
How to install?
This release is not yet available from the Visual Studio installer. Download the .NET 9 Preview 4 SDK, followed by:
> dotnet workload install android
Successfully installed workload(s) android.
To verify installation:
> dotnet workload list
Installed Workload Id Manifest Version Installation Source
android 34.99.0-preview.4.272/9.0.100-preview.4 SDK 9.0.100-preview.4
What's Changed
- $(AndroidPackVersionSuffix)=preview.4; net9 is 34.99.0.preview.4 by @jonathanpeppers in #8831
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Bump to NuGet 6.7.1 by @pjcollins in #8833
- Add test for Binding Projects Incremental Build by @dellis1972 in #8706
- [ci] Use managed identity for ApiScan by @pjcollins in #8823
- [LayoutBindings] LayoutBindings: 'PreserveAttribute' is obsolete warnings by @dellis1972 in #8529
- Bump 'NuGet.*' and 'Newtonsoft.Json' NuGet versions. by @jpobst in #8825
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Update to newer ILRepack which supports debug files. by @jpobst in #8839
- Bump binutils to 17.0.6-7.2.1 by @grendello in #8806
- Bump to xamarin/monodroid@fefc158ef3 by @pjcollins in #8850
- Switch 64-bit hashes to xxhash3 by @grendello in #8721
- [APIScan] Scan extra symbols and update parameters by @pjcollins in #8812
- Update THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.txt generation code by @grendello in #8853
- Bumps LLVM to v18.1.3 and XA utils version to 8.0.0 by @grendello in #8852
- [ci] Update dependabot ignore list by @pjcollins in #8864
- Don't use azureedge.net CDN by @directhex in #8846
- Add a unit test to check environment processing by @dellis1972 in #8856
- [Mono.Android] Commit baseline PublicAPI files for API-35. by @jpobst in #8840
- [Mono.Android] Bind Android 15 DP 2 by @jpobst in #8741
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Remove "Xamarin" from messages by @jonpryor in #8884
- [AndroidToolTask] Log tool output as error by @pjcollins in #8861
- [Mono.Android] Bind API-35 Beta 1. by @jpobst in #8891
- Bump to binutils based on LLVM 18.1.4 by @grendello in #8885
- Remove MonoArchive_BaseUri from Configurables.cs by @akoeplinger in #8890
- Bump to xamarin/monodroid@a5742221b3 by @pjcollins in #8893
- [build] Bump $(AndroidNetPreviousVersion) to 34.0.95 by @pjcollins in #8898
- [Mono.Android] fix potential leak of RunnableImplementors by @jonathanpeppers in #8900
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] fix detection of "Android libraries" by @jonathanpeppers in #8904
- Bump to xamarin/monodroid@9ca6d9f6 by @dellis1972 in #8895
Full Changelog: 34.99.0-preview.3.231...34.99.0-preview.4.272