# React Native Firebase Storage Upload Sample This sample app demonstrates how to use [react-native-fetch-blob](/~https://github.com/wkh237/react-native-fetch-blob) along with firebase SDK to upload file to Firebase storage. Though React Native does not support Blob object, with help of react-native-fetch-blob polyfill you're able to do this. **NOTICE: We've corrected XMLHttpRequest in `react-native-fetch-blob@0.9.6` implementation if you are using previous version please upgrade react-native-fetch-blob to `0.9.6` to fix login and realtime database error** ## prerequisite - react-native-cli installed ## How to use Clone the repository and execute the following command ``` $ npm install && react-native link ``` Then run React Native app as usual ## More Information Web polyfills of react-native-fetch-blob is still in development, more Information about the project and document, please visit [the wiki](/~https://github.com/wkh237/react-native-fetch-blob/wiki/Web-API-Polyfills-(experimental)).