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Jesse Evers edited this page Mar 2, 2021 · 12 revisions

The recommended installation method will always be featured on the; however, this page is for documenting additional installation methods:

cURL + here string:

% source /dev/stdin <<< "$(curl -fsSL"

cURL (for non-OSX users or those that prefer not to use homebrew):

% mkdir $HOME/.local
% mkdir -p $HOME/.local/php-version # or your place of choice
% cd !$
% curl -# -L /~ | tar -xz --strip 1

# add the following to your shell's configuration file (i.e. `.bashrc` or `.zshrc`):
source $HOME/.local/php-version/ && php-version 5.x.x

Git/Github (for non-OSX users or those that prefer not to use homebrew):

% mkdir $HOME/.local
% cd $HOME/.local
% git clone /~

# add the following to your shell's configuration file (i.e. `.bashrc` or `.zshrc`):
source $HOME/.local/php-version/ && php-version 5.x.x

Arch Linux:

an AUR package of the same name has been created for easy install management

  • first install the php-version package
  • then source and initialize the script file by adding the following to your shell's config file (i.e. .bashrc or .zshrc):
source /usr/lib/php-version/ && php-version 5.x.x

(, the current, and the main can also be found in /usr/lib/php-version)

php-version contributors:

# IMPORTANT: first, fork `php-version` to your GITHUB_USER
% cd $PROJECTS_ROOT # or wherever you store your projects
% git clone /~
% git remote add upstream /~

# add the following to your shell's configuration file (i.e. `.bashrc` or `.zshrc`):
source $PROJECTS_ROOT/php-version/ && php-version 5.x.x

# adding a feature
% cd $PROJECTS_ROOT/php-version
% git checkout master
% git pull upstream master
% git push origin master
% git checkout -b new-feature
# edit, commit, push, pull-request
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