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Merge pull request #425 from widdowquinn/issue_421
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Issue 421: Fix alignment coverage >1.0 and aniM symmetrical behaviour
  • Loading branch information
widdowquinn authored Apr 8, 2024
2 parents 00df8c7 + 492fe59 commit 1f10a6c
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Showing 55 changed files with 614,436 additions and 166 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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# Issue development output

# SGE output
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .pre-commit-config.yaml
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- repo: /~
rev: 3.9.2
- id: flake8
- id: flake8
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions bandit.yml
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# BANDIT configuration file
skips: ['*', '*test_*.py']
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions pyani/
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Expand Up @@ -558,9 +558,9 @@ def process_blast(
# Populate dataframes: when assigning data, we need to note that
# we have asymmetrical data from BLAST output, so only the
# upper triangle is populated
results.add_tot_length(qname, sname, resultvals[0], sym=False)
results.add_sim_errors(qname, sname, resultvals[1], sym=False)
results.add_pid(qname, sname, 0.01 * resultvals[2], sym=False)
results.add_tot_length(qname, sname, resultvals[0])
results.add_sim_errors(qname, sname, resultvals[1])
results.add_pid(qname, sname, 0.01 * resultvals[2])
results.add_coverage(qname, sname, query_cover)
return results

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191 changes: 126 additions & 65 deletions pyani/
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) The James Hutton Institute 2016-2019
# (c) University of Strathclyde 2019-2021
# (c) University of Strathclyde 2019-2024
# Author: Leighton Pritchard
# Contact:
Expand All @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
# The MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 The James Hutton Institute
# Copyright (c) 2019-2021 University of Strathclyde
# Copyright (c) 2019-2024 University of Strathclyde
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,8 @@
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import intervaltree
from collections import defaultdict

from logging import Logger
from pathlib import Path
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,11 +172,14 @@ def generate_nucmer_jobs(
Loop over all FASTA files, generating Jobs describing NUCmer command lines
for each pairwise comparison.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ncmds, fcmds = generate_nucmer_commands(
filenames, outdir, nucmer_exe, filter_exe, maxmatch
joblist = []
for idx, ncmd in enumerate(ncmds):"Working with nucmer command: %s" % ncmd)
njob = pyani_jobs.Job(f"{jobprefix}_{idx:06d}-n", ncmd)
fjob = pyani_jobs.Job(f"{jobprefix}_{idx:06d}-f", fcmds[idx])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,11 +217,21 @@ def generate_nucmer_commands(
filenames = sorted(filenames) # enforce ordering of filenames
for idx, fname1 in enumerate(filenames[:-1]):
for fname2 in filenames[idx + 1 :]:

# Comparisions A_vs_B
ncmd, dcmd = construct_nucmer_cmdline(
fname1, fname2, outdir, nucmer_exe, filter_exe, maxmatch

# Comparions B_vs_A
ncmd_rvs, dcmd_rvs = construct_nucmer_cmdline(
fname2, fname1, outdir, nucmer_exe, filter_exe, maxmatch

return (nucmer_cmdlines, delta_filter_cmdlines)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,7 +263,7 @@ def construct_nucmer_cmdline(
outdir, called "nucmer_output".
# Cast path strings to pathlib.Path for safety
fname1, fname2 = sorted([Path(fname1), Path(fname2)])
fname1, fname2 = [Path(fname1), Path(fname2)]

# Compile commands
# Nested output folders to avoid N^2 scaling in files-per-folder
Expand All @@ -274,21 +289,15 @@ def construct_nucmer_cmdline(
return (nucmercmd, filtercmd)

# Parse NUCmer delta file to get total alignment length and total sim_errors
def parse_delta(filename: Path) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Return (alignment length, similarity errors) tuple from passed .delta.
:param filename: Path, path to the input .delta file
def parse_delta(filename: Path) -> Tuple[int, int, float, int]:
"""Return (reference alignment length, query alignment length, average identity, similarity erors)
Extracts the aligned length and number of similarity errors for each
aligned uniquely-matched region, and returns the cumulative total for
each as a tuple.
:param filename: Path to the input .delta file
Similarity errors are defined in the .delta file spec (see below) as
non-positive match scores. For NUCmer output, this is identical to the
number of errors (non-identities and indels).
Calculates the aligned lengths for reference and query and average nucleotide
identity, and returns the cumulative total for each as a tuple.
Delta file format has seven numbers in the lines of interest:
The delta file format contains seven numbers in the lines of interest:
see for specification
- start on query
Expand All @@ -300,49 +309,106 @@ def parse_delta(filename: Path) -> Tuple[int, int]:
[NOTE: with PROmer this is equal to error count]
- stop codons (always zero for nucmer)
To calculate alignment length, we take the length of the aligned region of
the reference (no gaps), and process the delta information. This takes the
form of one value per line, following the header sequence. Positive values
indicate an insertion in the reference; negative values a deletion in the
reference (i.e. an insertion in the query). The total length of the alignment
is then:
We report ANIm identity by finding an average across all alignments using
the following formula:
reference_length + insertions - deletions
sum of weighted identical bases / sum of aligned bases from each fragment
For example:
Delta = (1, -3, 4, 0)
A is the reference and has length 11. There are two insertions (positive delta),
and one deletion (negative delta). Alignment length is then 11 + 1 = 12.
reference.fasta query.fasta
>ref_seq_A ref_seq_B 40 40
1 10 1 11 5 5 0
15 20 25 30 0 0 0
The delta file tells us there are two alignments. The first alignment runs from base 1
to base 10 in the reference sequence, and from base 1 to 11 in the query sequence
with a similarity error of 5. The second alignment runs from base 15 to 20 in
the reference, and base 25 to 30 in the query with 0 similarity errors. To calculate
the %ID, we can:
- Find the number of all aligned bases from each sequence:
aligned reference bases region 1 = 10 - 1 + 1 = 10
aligned query bases region 1 = 11 - 1 + 1 = 11
aligned reference bases region 2 = 20 - 15 + 1 = 6
aligned query bases region 2 = 30 - 25 + 1 = 6
- Find weighted identical bases
alignment 1 identity weighted = (10 + 11) - (2 * 5) = 11
alignment 2 identity weighted = (6 + 6) - (2 * 0) = 12
- Calculate %ID
(11 + 12) / (10 + 11 + 6 + 6) = 0.696969696969697
To calculate alignment lengths, we extract the regions of each alignment
(either for query or reference) provided in the .delta file and merge the overlapping
regions with IntervalTree. Then, we calculate the total sum of all aligned regions.
in_aln, aln_length, sim_errors = False, 0, 0

current_ref, current_qry, raln_length, qaln_length, sim_error, avrg_ID = (

regions_ref = defaultdict(list) # Hold a dictionary for query regions
regions_qry = defaultdict(list) # Hold a dictionary for query regions

aligned_bases = [] # Hold a list for aligned bases for each sequence
weighted_identical_bases = [] # Hold a list for weighted identical bases

for line in [_.strip().split() for _ in"r").readlines()]:
if line[0] == "NUCMER" or line[0].startswith(">"): # Skip headers
if line[0] == "NUCMER": # Skip headers
# Lines starting with ">" indicate which sequences are aligned
if line[0].startswith(">"):
current_ref = line[0].strip(">")
current_qry = line[1]
# Lines with seven columns are alignment region headers:
if len(line) == 7:
aln_length += abs(int(line[1]) - int(line[0])) + 1 # reference length
sim_errors += int(line[4]) # count of non-identities and indels
in_aln = True
# Lines with a single column (following a header) report numbers of symbols
# until next insertion (+ve) or deletion (-ve) in the reference; one line per
# insertion/deletion; the alignment always ends with 0
if in_aln and line[0].startswith("0"):
in_aln = False
elif in_aln:
# Add one to the alignment length for each reference insertion; subtract
# one for each deletion
val = int(line[0])
if val < 1: # deletion in reference
aln_length += 1
elif val == 0: # ends the alignment entry
in_aln = False
return aln_length, sim_errors
# Obtaining aligned regions needed to check for overlaps
tuple(sorted(list([int(line[0]), int(line[1])])))
) # aligned regions reference
tuple(sorted(list([int(line[2]), int(line[3])])))
) # aligned regions qry

# Calculate aligned bases for each sequence
ref_aln_lengths = abs(int(line[1]) - int(line[0])) + 1
qry_aln_lengths = abs(int(line[3]) - int(line[2])) + 1

# Calculate weighted identical bases
sim_error += int(line[4])
(ref_aln_lengths + qry_aln_lengths) - (2 * int(line[4]))

# Calculate average %ID
avrg_ID = sum(weighted_identical_bases) / sum(aligned_bases)

# Calculate total aligned bases (no overlaps)
for seq_id in regions_qry:
qry_tree = intervaltree.IntervalTree.from_tuples(regions_qry[seq_id])
for interval in qry_tree:
qaln_length += interval.end - interval.begin + 1

for seq_id in regions_ref:
ref_tree = intervaltree.IntervalTree.from_tuples(regions_ref[seq_id])
for interval in ref_tree:
raln_length += interval.end - interval.begin + 1

return (raln_length, qaln_length, avrg_ID, sim_error)

# Parse all the .delta files in the passed directory
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,30 +472,25 @@ def process_deltadir(
tot_length, tot_sim_error = parse_delta(deltafile)
if tot_length == 0 and logger is not None:
) = parse_delta(deltafile)
if subject_tot_length == 0 and logger is not None:
if logger:
"Total alignment length reported in %s is zero!", deltafile
sys.exit("Zero length alignment!")
query_cover = float(tot_length) / org_lengths[qname]
sbjct_cover = float(tot_length) / org_lengths[sname]

# Calculate percentage ID of aligned length. This may fail if
# total length is zero.
# The ZeroDivisionError that would arise should be handled
# Common causes are that a NUCmer run failed, or that a very
# distant sequence was included in the analysis.
perc_id = 1 - float(tot_sim_error) / tot_length
except ZeroDivisionError:
perc_id = 0 # set arbitrary value of zero identity
results.zero_error = True
query_cover = float(query_tot_length) / org_lengths[qname]
sbjct_cover = float(subject_tot_length) / org_lengths[sname]
perc_id = weighted_identity

# Populate dataframes: when assigning data from symmetrical MUMmer
# output, both upper and lower triangles will be populated
results.add_tot_length(qname, sname, tot_length)
results.add_tot_length(qname, sname, query_tot_length, subject_tot_length)
results.add_sim_errors(qname, sname, tot_sim_error)
results.add_pid(qname, sname, perc_id)
results.add_coverage(qname, sname, query_cover, sbjct_cover)
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions pyani/
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) The James Hutton Institute 2019
# (c) University of Strathclyde 2019
# (c) The James Hutton Institute 2016-2019
# (c) University of Strathclyde 2019-2024
# Author: Leighton Pritchard
# Contact:
Expand All @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
# The MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 The James Hutton Institute
# Copyright (c) 2019 University of Strathclyde
# Copyright (c) 2019-2024 University of Strathclyde
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ class DeltaMetadata:

def __init__(self) -> None:
"""Initialise DeltaMetadata object."""
self.reference = None #  type: Optional[Path]
self.reference = None # type: Optional[Path]
self.query = None # type: Optional[Path]
self.program = None # type: Optional[str]

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