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Wallaby slow to run tests compared to jest #2879

ludwig-vaan opened this issue Dec 14, 2021 · 3 comments

Wallaby slow to run tests compared to jest #2879

ludwig-vaan opened this issue Dec 14, 2021 · 3 comments


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ludwig-vaan commented Dec 14, 2021

Issue description / question

Hello ! I drop nvm for volta to improve my shell performance but wallaby don't find node. /~

do I miss something 🤔

➜ which node
// wallaby.js

module.exports = () => ({
  autoDetect: true,
  env: {
    type: node,
    runner: '/Users/ludwig/.volta/bin/node',
// wallaby.js console
​​[Error] Failed to load configuration file: ReferenceError: node is not defined​​
​​[Error]     at module.exports (./wallaby.js:4:11)​​
​​[Error] Please refer to our docs:​​
​[Info]​ Started Wallaby.js Core v1.0.1193

Wallaby diagnostics report

  editorVersion: '1.63.1',
  pluginVersion: '1.0.322',
  editorType: 'VSCode',
  osVersion: 'darwin 20.6.0',
  nodeVersion: 'v14.18.2',
  coreVersion: '1.0.1193',
  config: {},
  packageJSON: {
    dependencies: {
    devDependencies: {
  fs: { numberOfFiles: 0 },
  debug: []
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Fixed ! I had misconfigured my PATH

export VOLTA_HOME="$HOME/.volta"
export PATH="$VOLTA_HOME/bin:$PATH"

but wallaby is relatively slow now
Finished executing 542 affected test(s) in 3.38 minute(s)

versus jest
Done in 76.45s.

But I don't think it's due to VOLTA but integration testing library like @testing-library/react-native

  editorVersion: '1.63.1',
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    diagnostics: {
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    '2021-12-14T21:07:26.815Z angular/cli config Angular CLI not found.\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:26.941Z jest/config Detected Jest.\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:26.942Z jest/config Configured Jest.\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:26.943Z project Wallaby Node version: v14.18.2\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:26.943Z project Wallaby config: <homeDir>/Sources/luko-app-react-native/auto.detect\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:27.634Z project File cache: <homeDir>/.vscode/extensions/wallabyjs.wallaby-vscode-1.0.322/projects/1fc9ad426cf93acc\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:27.781Z uiService Listening port 51235\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:27.786Z project package.json file change detected, invalidating local cache\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:27.970Z workers Parallelism for initial run: 10, for regular run: 5\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:27.970Z workers Starting run worker instance #0\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:27.970Z workers Starting run worker instance #1\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:27.970Z workers Starting run worker instance #2\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:27.970Z workers Starting run worker instance #3\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:27.970Z workers Starting run worker instance #4\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:27.970Z workers Starting run worker instance #5\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:27.970Z workers Starting run worker instance #6\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:27.970Z workers Starting run worker instance #7\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:27.970Z workers Starting run worker instance #8\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:27.970Z workers Starting run worker instance #9\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:27.971Z workers Web server is listening at 56329\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:27.971Z project File cache requires some updates, waiting required files from IDE\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.210Z project Stopping process pool\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.210Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #0\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.211Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #1\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.212Z project Test run started; run priority: 3\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.229Z project Running all tests\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.271Z workers Starting test run, priority: 3\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.271Z workers Distributing tests between 10 workers\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.273Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.273Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #9xhus]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.273Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #g1hg8]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.273Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #2, session #yvai1]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.273Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #3, session #0d38u]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.273Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #4, session #7nun6]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.273Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #5, session #gf6tt]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.273Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #6, session #rujpc]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.273Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #7, session #ugx0h]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.273Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #8, session #hc1vh]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.273Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #9, session #sfdue]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.274Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #9xhus]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.274Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #g1hg8]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.274Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #2, session #yvai1]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.274Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #3, session #0d38u]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.274Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #4, session #7nun6]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.274Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #5, session #gf6tt]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.274Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #6, session #rujpc]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.274Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #7, session #ugx0h]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.274Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #8, session #hc1vh]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.274Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #9, session #sfdue]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.274Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #9xhus]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.274Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #g1hg8]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.274Z workers [worker #0, session #9xhus] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.280Z workers [worker #1, session #g1hg8] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.301Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #2\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.301Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #2, session #yvai1]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.301Z workers [worker #2, session #yvai1] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.309Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #3\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.309Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #3, session #0d38u]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.309Z workers [worker #3, session #0d38u] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.312Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #4\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.312Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #4, session #7nun6]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.312Z workers [worker #4, session #7nun6] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.315Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #5\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.315Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #5, session #gf6tt]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.315Z workers [worker #5, session #gf6tt] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.318Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #9\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.318Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #9, session #sfdue]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.318Z workers [worker #9, session #sfdue] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.321Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #6\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.321Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #6, session #rujpc]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.321Z workers [worker #6, session #rujpc] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.324Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #8\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.324Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #8, session #hc1vh]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.324Z workers [worker #8, session #hc1vh] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.327Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #7\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.327Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #7, session #ugx0h]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.327Z workers [worker #7, session #ugx0h] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.817Z fs No metadata for added file found: .git/.watchman-cookie-MacBook-Pro-de-ludwig.local-974-21\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.817Z fs No metadata for added file found: .git/.watchman-cookie-MacBook-Pro-de-ludwig.local-974-22\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.917Z fs File deleted: .git/.watchman-cookie-MacBook-Pro-de-ludwig.local-974-22\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.917Z fs No metadata for deleted file found: .git/.watchman-cookie-MacBook-Pro-de-ludwig.local-974-22\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.917Z fs File deleted: .git/.watchman-cookie-MacBook-Pro-de-ludwig.local-974-21\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:28.917Z fs No metadata for deleted file found: .git/.watchman-cookie-MacBook-Pro-de-ludwig.local-974-21\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:29.017Z fs File deleted: .git/.watchman-cookie-MacBook-Pro-de-ludwig.local-974-26\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:29.017Z fs No metadata for deleted file found: .git/.watchman-cookie-MacBook-Pro-de-ludwig.local-974-26\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:45.519Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (sfdue): 2021-12-14T21:07:28.963Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:45.612Z fs No metadata for added file found: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:45.725Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (rujpc): 2021-12-14T21:07:29.013Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:59.438Z fs File changed: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:59.438Z fs No metadata for changed file found: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:59.477Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (7nun6): 2021-12-14T21:07:28.867Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:59.534Z fs File changed: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:59.534Z fs No metadata for changed file found: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:59.588Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (9xhus): 2021-12-14T21:07:28.866Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:59.634Z fs File changed: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:59.634Z fs No metadata for changed file found: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:59.669Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (0d38u): 2021-12-14T21:07:28.908Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:59.673Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (ugx0h): 2021-12-14T21:07:29.038Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:59.735Z fs File changed: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:07:59.736Z fs No metadata for changed file found: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:08:52.918Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- app/utils/navigation.ts\n' +
      '- app/luko-ui/components/Navigation/NavigationBarIOS/NavigationBarIOS.test.js\n' +
      '- app/luko-ui/components/Navigation/NavigationBarIOS/index.tsx\n' +
      '- app/luko-ui/components/Modal/ModalActionSheet/ModalActionSheetPresenter.ts\n' +
      '- app/luko-ui/components/Form/index.ts\n' +
      '- app/luko-ui/components/Form/SelectInput/SelectInput.tsx\n' +
      '- app/features/home/utils/deferredLinksHandler.ts\n' +
      '- app/features/claims/utils/ClaimProcessUtils.ts\n' +
      '- app/features/claims/ClaimTypeSelectorScreen/ClaimTypeSelectorScreen.nav.ts\n' +
      '- app/features/claims/ClaimTypeSelectorScreen/index.ts\n' +
      '- app/features/authentication/signup/SignupCredentialsScreen.tsx\n' +
      '- app/features/authentication/signup/index.tsx\n' +
      '- app/core/navigation/goToMainMenu.tsx\n' +
      '- app/core/navigation/helper.ts\n' +
      '- app/core/navigation/registerComponent.tsx\n' +
      '- app/core/navigation/unlogged/middleware.ts\n' +
      '- app/core/linking/index.ts\n' +
      '- app/core/linking/linkingHandler.ts\n' +
      '- app/core/linking/supportedPaths.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:08:53.120Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:08:59.752Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- app/utils/navigation.ts\n' +
      '- app/store/resetStore.ts\n' +
      '- app/store/user/authActions.ts\n' +
      '- app/store/user/userActions.ts\n' +
      '- app/store/assets/assetsActions.ts\n' +
      '- app/store/app/appActions.ts\n' +
      '- app/luko-ui/components/Modal/ModalActionSheet/ModalActionSheetPresenter.ts\n' +
      '- app/luko-ui/components/Form/index.ts\n' +
      '- app/luko-ui/components/Form/SelectInput/SelectInput.tsx\n' +
      '- app/features/lite/components/__tests__/SelectContractInput.test.tsx\n' +
      '- app/features/home/utils/deferredLinksHandler.ts\n' +
      '- app/features/cms/CMSScreens.nav.ts\n' +
      '- app/features/cms/utils.ts\n' +
      '- app/features/claims/utils/ClaimProcessUtils.ts\n' +
      '- app/features/claims/ClaimTypeSelectorScreen/ClaimTypeSelectorScreen.nav.ts\n' +
      '- app/features/claims/ClaimTypeSelectorScreen/index.ts\n' +
      '- app/features/authentication/signup/SignupCredentialsScreen.tsx\n' +
      '- app/features/authentication/signup/index.tsx\n' +
      '- app/core/navigation/goToMainMenu.tsx\n' +
      '- app/core/navigation/helper.ts\n' +
      '- app/core/navigation/registerComponent.tsx\n' +
      '- app/core/navigation/unlogged/middleware.ts\n' +
      '- app/core/linking/index.ts\n' +
      '- app/core/linking/linkingHandler.ts\n' +
      '- app/core/linking/supportedPaths.tsx\n' +
      '- app/core/cmsContent/linkHandler/index.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:08:59.952Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:09:53.016Z fs No metadata for added file found: .git/FETCH_HEAD\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:09:54.951Z fs File changed: .git/FETCH_HEAD\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:09:54.951Z fs No metadata for changed file found: .git/FETCH_HEAD\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:26.496Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (g1hg8): 2021-12-14T21:07:28.866Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:26.619Z fs File changed: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:26.619Z fs No metadata for changed file found: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:26.806Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (gf6tt): 2021-12-14T21:07:28.947Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:27.361Z fs File changed: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:27.361Z fs No metadata for changed file found: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:27.384Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (yvai1): 2021-12-14T21:07:28.913Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.924Z workers [gf6tt] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.924Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should filter out unsupported types\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.925Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should support multiple contracts\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.926Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should sort types by title alphabetically\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.928Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should return yes for old date\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.929Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should return no for recent date\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.929Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should check conditions to open claim first\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.931Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: with claim type and contract, should call openClaim\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.932Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: with no claim type, should go to type selector\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.933Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: with no contract, should use the single contract\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.934Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: with no contract, should select one of contracts\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.934Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: with no claim type and no contract, should go to type then contract selector\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.936Z workers [gf6tt] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.937Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: exctract data should return empty array\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.937Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: exctract data should return empty array when backend returns empty data\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.937Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: exctract data should return well extracted data\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.938Z workers [gf6tt] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.939Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should return true\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.939Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should return false\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.940Z workers [gf6tt] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.940Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should be a wrong email\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.941Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should be a correct email\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.941Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should be a wrong postcode\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.942Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should be a correct postcode\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.942Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should be a wrong password\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.943Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should be a correct password\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.945Z workers [gf6tt] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.946Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should return empty variant\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.949Z workers [gf6tt] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.949Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: getSubtitleTintColor with error\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.950Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: getSubtitleTintColor withOUT error\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.950Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: getSubtitleTintColor with editable subtitle\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.950Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: getSubtitleTintColor with not editable subtitle\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.951Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: getSubtitleTintColor with error\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.951Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: formatDeviceInformations android\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.952Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: formatDeviceInformations iOS\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.955Z workers [gf6tt] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.955Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should transform Broken-Glass into BrokenGlass\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.956Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should transform Broken Glass into BrokenGlass\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.956Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should transform eScooter into EScooter\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.956Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should return EScooter unchanged\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.958Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: should return empty string\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.959Z workers [gf6tt] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.961Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: linky should be invalid\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:34.962Z workers [gf6tt] Test executed: linky should be valid\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.318Z workers [g1hg8] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.318Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: onboarding MRH should return false\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.334Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: FAQ should return true\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.334Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: onboarding NVEI should return false\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.334Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: onboarding MRH with params should return false\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.335Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: onboarding NVEI with params should return false\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.336Z workers [g1hg8] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.336Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: Should open the modal when focused\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.337Z workers [g1hg8] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.337Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: should has a length equals to 4\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.338Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: should always fill with undefined until 4 items\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.338Z workers [g1hg8] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.339Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: should return the same string if no template founded\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.339Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: should return contract values if existing contract\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.339Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: should return empty values if not contract\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.355Z workers [g1hg8] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.355Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: should get all main infos\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.356Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: should not get occurence date\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.356Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: should not get filed on date\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.356Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: should not get dates\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.357Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: get milestone colors for doing\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.357Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: get milestone colors for done\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.357Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: get milestone colors for coming\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.357Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: is action valid\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.357Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: is list valid\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.358Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: get claim subtitle\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.359Z workers [g1hg8] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.359Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: if user has elec meter, household not already set and wasnt dismiss\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.359Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: if user has gas meter, household not already set and wasnt dismiss\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.359Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: if user has gas & elec meter, household not already set and wasnt dismiss\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.359Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: if user has both meter, setup Gas household but not Elec\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.360Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: if user has both meter, Elec household but not Gas\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.360Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: if user has only Elec meter, Elec household not set\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.360Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: if user has power meter and card was dismiss\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.360Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: if user has gas meter and card was dismiss\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.360Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: if user has power & gas meter and household already set\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.361Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: if user has power meter and household already set\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.361Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: if user has gas meter and household already set\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.361Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: if user has no gas & elec meter, household not already set and wasnt dismiss\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.361Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: if user has only Elec meter, Elec household set\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.361Z workers [g1hg8] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.362Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: should be pressable and change state\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.362Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: should not be pressable\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.362Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: should not be pressable\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.364Z workers [g1hg8] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.364Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: Gas Graph data in kwh\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.364Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: Gas Graph data in €\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.364Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: Elec Graph data in kwh\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.365Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: Elec Graph data in €\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.365Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: should be true\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.365Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: should be false\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.365Z workers [g1hg8] Test executed: empty should be false\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.528Z workers [gf6tt] Run 37 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.528Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (gf6tt): 2021-12-14T21:10:32.340Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.532Z workers [gf6tt] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.593Z workers [g1hg8] Run 44 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.593Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (g1hg8): 2021-12-14T21:10:32.828Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:35.596Z workers [g1hg8] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.040Z workers [7nun6] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.040Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should return empty value\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.041Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should return empty value\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.041Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should return correct mapping\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.041Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should support skipped with no value\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.041Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should have correct empty snapshots\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.041Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should return correct mapping\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.041Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should return correct mapping\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.042Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should return array of urls\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.042Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should support no value\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.042Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should handle array value\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.042Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should handle dictionary value\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.042Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should handle dictionary with empty values\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.042Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should handle string value\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.042Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should map information correctly\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.043Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should map information correctly\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.043Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should support DATETIME_PICKER\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.043Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should map field to options\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.043Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should infer the correct fields options\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.043Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should map fields to options\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.043Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should not enable snapshots if zero snapshots\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.044Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should map action types correctly\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.044Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should always have a primary action\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.044Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: should set fullWidth for INFO & EMERGENCY STEP\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.867Z workers [7nun6] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.867Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: exctract data should return empty array\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.867Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: exctract data should return empty array when backend returns empty data\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.867Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: exctract data should return well extracted data\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.868Z workers [7nun6] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.868Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: persisted state should return true\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.868Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: persisted state should return true and then undefined\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.869Z workers [7nun6] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.869Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: cacheDuration must be set to 0 in dev\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.889Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: cacheDuration must be set to 300 in prod\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.902Z workers [7nun6] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.902Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: Should work for an empty alert array\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.902Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: Should work for a single alert\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.903Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: Should work for multiple distinct alerts\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.903Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: Should work for multiple same department hazard alerts\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.903Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: Should work for complex multiple hazard alerts\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.904Z workers [7nun6] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.904Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: surface display info for floor\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.905Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: surface display info for ceiling\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.905Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: surface display info for wall\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.905Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: get next type index\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.905Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: remove surface\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.907Z workers [7nun6] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.907Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: is completed\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.909Z workers [7nun6] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.909Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: getHasLinkyMeter\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:36.909Z workers [7nun6] Test executed: getLinkyState\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:37.056Z workers [7nun6] Run 43 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:37.056Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (7nun6): 2021-12-14T21:10:35.975Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:37.060Z workers [7nun6] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:37.104Z workers [rujpc] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:37.116Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should return open and closed claims\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:37.118Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should return no open claims\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:37.119Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should return empty arrays\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:38.338Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- app/luko-ui/components/Charts/BarCharts/utils/__test__/index.test.ts\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:38.539Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:39.194Z fs File changed: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:39.194Z fs No metadata for changed file found: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:39.293Z fs File changed: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:39.293Z fs No metadata for changed file found: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:39.604Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (hc1vh): 2021-12-14T21:07:28.971Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.213Z workers [0d38u] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.213Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: should return query parts\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.213Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: should return mutation parts\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.214Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: should return query operation type and name\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.214Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: should return mutation operation type and name\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.214Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: should return undefined\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.477Z workers [yvai1] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.477Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should pop navigation\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.477Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should close modal navigation\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.478Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should still pop navigation by default\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.478Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should NOT pop navigation if handler returns true\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.479Z workers [yvai1] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.480Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return ask_gas\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.480Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return gas\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.481Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return success after electricity lite setup\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.481Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return electricity after gas lite setup\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.481Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return success after gas lite setup\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.483Z workers [yvai1] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.483Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return first component of locale for en\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.483Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return default language for other languages\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.484Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return first component of locale for fr\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.484Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return localized text when found\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.484Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return fallback when missing translation\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.484Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return last component in locale\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.485Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should handle incorrect locale\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.485Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should support complex locale\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.486Z workers [yvai1] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.486Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return true for future dates\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.487Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return false for older dates and today\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.487Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should support string with format\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.487Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return true for older dates\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.487Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return false for recent dates\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.488Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should support no argument\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.488Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should convert date to ISO 8061 without time\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.488Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should convert date to ISO 8061 with time\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.489Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should convert date to time format\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.489Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should convert date to short date format\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.489Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should convert date to long date format\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.490Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should create a date from a string\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.490Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return correct date\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.490Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return false for not incorrect formated date\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.491Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return false for not provided date\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.491Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should add the correct amount of days\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.491Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should substract the correct amount of days\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.493Z workers [yvai1] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.494Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should get no document\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.494Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should get photo\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.495Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should get video\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.495Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should get other\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.496Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should get all types\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.499Z workers [yvai1] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.499Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should be full height step\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.500Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should be full screen step\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.500Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should step need bottom navigation\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.501Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: top bar button color override for step\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.501Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should support no actions\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.501Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should filter out topbar actions\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.501Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should filter only topbar actions\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.502Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should show secondary actions only for uncomplete step [iOS]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.502Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should support additional actions\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.503Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return empty array for emergency question\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.503Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return null when no nextStep nor action\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.504Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return nextStep when creating claim\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.504Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return claim action when not creating claim\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.504Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: should return the same claim action only if dynamic\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.564Z workers [yvai1] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.565Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should add missing data at the start and be [0, ..., 23]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.565Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should add missing data at the end and be [0, ..., 23]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.565Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should add missing data at the start and be [0, ..., 6]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.566Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.566Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should add missing data at the end and be [0, ..., 6]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.566Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should add missing data at the start start on the 1st\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.567Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should add missing data at the end finish on the 31st\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.568Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should add missing data on month with less than 31 days\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.568Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should return the original dataset when nothing to fill\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.568Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should provide a formatted dataset for the Daily view\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.569Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should provide a formatted dataset for the Monthly\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.569Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should have a start date of 1 and an end of 31\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.569Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should have start date of 1 and add missing data if last month does not have 31 days\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.570Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should create 31 days month for data in between\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.570Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should provide a formatted dataset for the Yearly\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.570Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Compute all the month values into one\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.571Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should start in January and end in December\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.571Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should split daily data into array of the desired length\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.571Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should split weekly data into array of the desired length\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.572Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should split monthly data into array of the desired length\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.572Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should split yearly data into array of the desired length\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.572Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should correctly trim an single entry dataset\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.573Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should correctly trim an empty dataset\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.573Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should correctly trim a partially filled dataset\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.573Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should correctly trim a fully filled dataset\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.574Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should correctly trim a middle filled dataset\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.574Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should create a full daily dataset\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.574Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should create a full weekly dataset\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.574Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should create a full monthly dataset\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.575Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should create a full yearly dataset\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.575Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should create a daily dataset\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.575Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should generate the correct daily timestamp\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.576Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should create a weekly dataset\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.576Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should generate the correct weekly timestamp\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.576Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should create a monthly dataset\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.577Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should generate the correct monthly timestamp\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.577Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: Should create a yearly dataset\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.577Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: getAverage\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.580Z workers [yvai1] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.580Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: getLukoElecState\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.580Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: getHasElectricalDevice\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.581Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: getHasLukoElec\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.581Z workers [yvai1] Test executed: getPowerSettings\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.980Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token d in JSON at position 3\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:40.981Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token : in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.109Z workers [0d38u] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.109Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: should configure lite modal title with correct wording after linky setup\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.109Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: should configure lite modal title with correct wording after gas setup\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.109Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: should configure lite modal description with correct wording after gas setup\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.109Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: should configure mainChoice text correctly\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.109Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: should configure secondChoice text correctly\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.110Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: mainChoice action should call goToSupplierScreen for Linky\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.110Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: mainChoice action should call goToSupplierScreen for gazpar\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.110Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: secondChoice action should call dismiss modal\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.111Z workers [0d38u] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.111Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: Should correctly mount the `Title`\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.112Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: Should correctly mount the `Description`\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.112Z workers [0d38u] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.112Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: should return default message for empty error\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.112Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: should not append error message if no gql errors\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.112Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: should not append first graphql error message\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.113Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: extractGraphQLErrorMessage\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.123Z workers [0d38u] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.123Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: MRH all available\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.123Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: MRH spouse limit reach\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.123Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: HU all limits reach\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.123Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: Empty type return Person Icon\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.123Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: Spouse return Heart icon\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.123Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: Should return undefined if beneficiary do not exist\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.124Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: Should return the right beneficiary if beneficiary exist\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.124Z workers [0d38u] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.125Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: measures for wall\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.125Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: measures for ceiling\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.125Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: measures for floor\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.126Z workers [0d38u] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.126Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: Should create a valid array for an empty base one\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.126Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: Should create a valid array for a base one with less than 7 elements\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.126Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: Should create a valid array for a base one with 7 elements\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.126Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: Should not modify the array size if more than 7 elements\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.127Z workers [0d38u] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.127Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: getGasSettings should return empty settings\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.127Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: getGasSettings should return end of consent error settings\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.128Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: getGasSettings should return status error settings\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.128Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: getGasSettings should return settings - no error\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.128Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: gas status and consent\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.128Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: hasGasAlreadyAdded\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.128Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: getGasPCE\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.128Z workers [0d38u] Test executed: getHasGazparMeter\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.181Z workers [yvai1] Run 94 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.181Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (yvai1): 2021-12-14T21:10:39.620Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.182Z workers [yvai1] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.216Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token : in JSON at position 6\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.377Z workers [0d38u] Run 41 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.377Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (0d38u): 2021-12-14T21:10:40.104Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.381Z workers [0d38u] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.906Z workers [rujpc] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.906Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should enable confirm button \n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.907Z workers [rujpc] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.907Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should get open state\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.908Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should get closed state\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.908Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should get lock state\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.909Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should get default state, empty list\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.909Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should get default state, no list\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.909Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should get open picture\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.909Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should get closed picture\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.909Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should get locked picture\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.910Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should get default picture, empty list\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.910Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should get default picture, no list\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.910Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should get open title and color\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.911Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should get closed title and color\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.911Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should get locked title and color\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.911Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should get default title and color, empty list\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.912Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should get default title and color, no list\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.912Z workers [rujpc] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.912Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should return coordinates in a promise\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.915Z workers [rujpc] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.915Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: handle no consumption\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.915Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: handle error\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.915Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: return last value correctly\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.915Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: return last value with the correcly unit\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.915Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: formatConsumptionData\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.916Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: getWarningIconColor\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.916Z workers [rujpc] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.916Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should contain 14 digit\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.916Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: should NOT contain 14 digit\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.918Z workers [rujpc] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.918Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: Should item to be found when searching\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.918Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: Should button to be visible and clickable\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.921Z workers [rujpc] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.921Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: test hasHomeAddress\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.921Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: test getHasHomeDetails\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.921Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: test getHasHomeAppliances\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.921Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: test getHomePostalCode\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.922Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: test getHomeAddress\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.922Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: test getHomeUUID\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:41.922Z workers [rujpc] Test executed: test getHomeAssetId\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:42.093Z workers [rujpc] Run 37 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:42.093Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (rujpc): 2021-12-14T21:10:41.260Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:42.096Z workers [rujpc] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:42.150Z workers [sfdue] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:42.397Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: Should not call the callback before the first iteration\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:42.398Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: Should call the callback after the first iteration\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:42.400Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: Should call the callback at each iteration\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:42.554Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: Should stop calling the callback when we clear it\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.725Z workers [sfdue] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.725Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: Should correctly show the Gas content\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.725Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: Should correctly show the Electrical content\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.726Z workers [sfdue] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.726Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should return true\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.726Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should return false\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.727Z workers [sfdue] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.727Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: return Error type\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.727Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: convert string to Error\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.727Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: convert Error to string\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.727Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: return error string\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.728Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: convert unknow to Error\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.729Z workers [sfdue] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.729Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: works for empty arrays\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.729Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: works for empty prev array\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.730Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: works for empty new array\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.730Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: works for no overlapping ids\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.730Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: works for overlapping ids\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.730Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should correctly sort the array\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.731Z workers [sfdue] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.731Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should return en as default value\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.731Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should return es whith Catalan language\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.731Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should return es whith Basque language\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.731Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should return es whith Galician language\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.733Z workers [sfdue] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.733Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should correspond to RN.Platform.OS android\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.733Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should default to false\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.733Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should correspond to RN.Platform.OS ios\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.733Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should default to false\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.734Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should be iOS14 - number 13.9\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.734Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should be iOS14 - number 14.5\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.734Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should not be iOS14 - number 15.1\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.734Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should be iOS14 - string 13.9.1\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.734Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should be iOS14 - string 14.0.1\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.734Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should not be iOS14 - string 15.0.1\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.735Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should be mandatory - number 14.5\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.735Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should not be mandatory - number 14.4\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.735Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should be mandatory - number 15.1\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.735Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should be mandatory - string 14.5.0\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.735Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should not be mandatory - string 14.4.1\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.735Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should be mandatory - string 14.5.1\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.735Z workers [sfdue] Test executed: should correspond to\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.865Z workers [ugx0h] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.866Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should return the correct code\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.866Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should return one contract\n',
    "2021-12-14T21:10:43.866Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: shouldn't return any contracts\n",
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.868Z workers [ugx0h] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.868Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should track elec button click correctly\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.868Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should track gas button click correctly\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.868Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should track water button click correctly\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.868Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should track daily elec period correctly\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.869Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should track weekly elec period correctly\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.869Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should track monthly elec period correctly\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.869Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should track yearly elec period correctly\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.869Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should track daily gas period correctly\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.869Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should track daily water period correctly\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.869Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should return elec chart track screen params\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.870Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should return gas chart track screen params\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.870Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should return water chart track screen params\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.871Z workers [ugx0h] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.871Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=null, id=2) => null\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.871Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[], id=2) => []\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.871Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{id: 2}], id=2) => [{id: 2}]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.871Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{id: 2}], id=3) => []\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.871Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{id: 2}, {id: 2}], id=2) => [{id: 2}, {id: 2}]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.872Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{id: 2}, {id: 3}], id=2) => [{id: 2}]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.872Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=null, id=2) => null\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.872Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[], id=2) => null\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.872Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{id: 2}], id=2) => {id: 2}\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.872Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{id: 2}], id=3) => null\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.872Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{id: 2}, {id: 2}], id=2) => {id: 2}\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.872Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{id: 2}, {id: 3}], id=2) => {id: 2}\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.873Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=null, name=2) => null\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.873Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[], name=2) => []\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.873Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{name: 2}], name=2) => [{name: 2}]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.873Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{name: 2}], name=3) => []\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.873Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{name: 2}, {name: 2}], name=2) => [{name: 2}, {name: 2}]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.873Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{name: 2}, {name: 3}], name=2) => [{name: 2}]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.873Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=null, type=2) => null\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.873Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[], type=2) => []\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.874Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{type: 2}], type=2) => [{type: 2}]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.874Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{type: 2}], type=3) => []\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.874Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{type: 2}, {type: 2}], type=2) => [{type: 2}, {type: 2}]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.874Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{type: 2}, {type: 3}], type=2) => [{type: 2}]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.874Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=null, value=2) => null\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.874Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[], value=2) => []\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.874Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{value: 2}], value=2) => [{value: 2}]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.874Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{value: 2}], value=3) => []\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.874Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{value: 2}, {value: 2}], value=2) => [{value: 2}, {value: 2}]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.875Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{value: 2}, {value: 3}], value=2) => [{value: 2}]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.875Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=null, value=2) => null\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.875Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[], value=2) => null\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.875Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{value: 2}], value=2) => {value: 2}\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.875Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{value: 2}], value=3) => null\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.875Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{value: 2}, {value: 2}], value=2) => {value: 2}\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.876Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{value: 2}, {value: 3}], value=2) => {value: 2}\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.876Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: contracts and assets from mocks, first contract\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.876Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=null, key=id) => []\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.876Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[], key=id) => []\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.876Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{id: 2}], key=id) => [2]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.876Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{name: 2}], key=id) => []\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.876Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (List=[{id: 2}, {id: 2}], key=id) => [2, 2]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.877Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: getListKeysg/(List=[{id: 2}, {id: 3}], key=id) => [2, 3]\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.877Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should update existing object in array\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.877Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should insert new object\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.877Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should support empty array\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.877Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should support undefined values\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.877Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: Should return empty id list\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.877Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: Should return one bridge ID\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.877Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: Should return one id per device type\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.878Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should return 0 device\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.878Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: Should return 1 device\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.878Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: Should return 3 devices\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.879Z workers [ugx0h] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.879Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should return base of url without params\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.879Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should return base of url with params\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.880Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should return empty list of params if no params\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.880Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should return list of params if params\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.880Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should return base if no params\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.880Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should return base and params formated\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.880Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should return uri if no params\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.880Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should return uri and new params\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.880Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should return uri and existing+new params\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.880Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: isDeepLinkSemVerSupported\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.881Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: getDeepLinkSemVer\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.881Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: getQueryParams\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.882Z workers [ugx0h] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.882Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: handle error case\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.882Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: handle nominal case\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.882Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: linearInterpolation\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.883Z workers [ugx0h] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.883Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: parseWifiListResult should return empty array\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.883Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: parseWifiListResult should return filled array\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.981Z workers [sfdue] Run 40 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.981Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (sfdue): 2021-12-14T21:10:43.081Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:43.985Z workers [sfdue] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.432Z workers [ugx0h] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.432Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should be equal to 96\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.433Z workers [ugx0h] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.433Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should open RN-Image-Picker library\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.433Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.433Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should open RN-Image-Picker Camera\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.434Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should open Expo-Document-Picker\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.434Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (all media) should open Image Picker with all actions\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.434Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: (all but files) should open Image Picker\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.434Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should open only photo camera\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.434Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should open only video camera\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.435Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should open only photo gallery\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.435Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should open only video gallery\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.435Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should open only file picker\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.435Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should reject if not type enabled\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.435Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should return file by default\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.435Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should detect image type\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.435Z workers [ugx0h] Test executed: should detect video type\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.536Z workers [ugx0h] Run 100 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.536Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (ugx0h): 2021-12-14T21:10:43.838Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:44.537Z workers [ugx0h] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.186Z workers [hc1vh] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.186Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: Should call the API for a code on mount\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.186Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: Should call the API when manually asking for a new code after the first call\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.187Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: Should start a timer when manually asking for a code\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.187Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: Should not validate the code when not fully filled\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.187Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: Should validate the code when fully filled\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.187Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: Should show a spinner while making the validation API call\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.188Z workers [hc1vh] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.188Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should return empty string\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.188Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should return empty string when bad data\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.188Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should return normal date from elec\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.188Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should return normal date from gas\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.188Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should return gap date\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.188Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should return elec date when too few days\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.189Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should return gas date when too few days\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.189Z workers [hc1vh] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.189Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should return last path component\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.189Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should return last path component without parameters\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.189Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should return source if not a path\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.189Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should return last dot component\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.190Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should return empty string if no extension\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.190Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should convert hello to Hello\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.190Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should convert HELLO to HELLO\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.190Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should convert h to H\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.190Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should return empty when not exist\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.190Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should return the same when empty\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.190Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should convert hello to Hello\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.190Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should convert HELLO to Hello\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.190Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should convert Hello to Hello\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.191Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should convert h to H\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.191Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should return empty when not exist\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.191Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should return the same when empty\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.191Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should truncate the string\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.191Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should return specific ending\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.191Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should  not truncate the string\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.191Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: undefined should return empty string\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.191Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: null should return empty string\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.192Z workers [hc1vh] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.192Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: init\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.192Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should support url\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.192Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should support url\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.192Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should support url\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.192Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should support myluko url\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.192Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should luko:// url\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.193Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should split protect url\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.193Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should split protect url with a /\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.193Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should support url with fragment\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.193Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should luko:// url with fragment\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.193Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should handle no fragment found\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.193Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should handle URL from RNLinking\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.193Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should support all tabs path\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.193Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should not handle empty fragment over path\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.193Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should return true|false if supported\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.194Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should support claim open for type\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.194Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should support claim open for unknown type\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.194Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should support claim complete action\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.194Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should support claim update action\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.194Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should support open repair for type\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.194Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should support open repair without type\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.194Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should support bridge settings\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.194Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should support elec settings\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.194Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should support door settings\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.195Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should support gas settings\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.195Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should support gas setup\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.195Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should redirect to home address before gas setup\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.195Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should redirect to home details before gas setup\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.195Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should redirect to home appliances before gas setup\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.195Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should redirect to linky setup\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.195Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: shouldnt support gas settings when gas is not installed\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.195Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: Should work without param\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.195Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: Should work with param\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.195Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should not show ForceUdpate modal\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.196Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should not show ForceUdpate modal with current package version\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.196Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: should show ForceUdpate modal\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.196Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: Should support the fastlogin campain\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.196Z workers [hc1vh] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.197Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: cities to choices - No choices\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.197Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: cities to choices - One choice\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.197Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: cities to choices - Several choices\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.198Z workers [hc1vh] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.198Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: primary button should navigation to electricity contract\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.198Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: secondary button should present "service unavailable" modal\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.198Z workers [hc1vh] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.198Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: zero should be human readable\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.199Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: few seconds should be human readable\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.199Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: few minutes should be human readable\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.199Z workers [hc1vh] Test executed: few hours should be human readable\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.293Z workers [hc1vh] Run 80 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.293Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (hc1vh): 2021-12-14T21:10:45.734Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:46.296Z workers [hc1vh] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:50.668Z workers [9xhus] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:50.668Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: Should return an empty campain on start\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:50.668Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: Should be able to save a deferred link\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:50.668Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: Should be able to clear a deferred link\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.107Z workers [9xhus] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.107Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: Should not open the modal when disabled and focused\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.107Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: Should open the modal when enabled and focused\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.108Z workers [9xhus] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.108Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.108Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: Should correctly show the Gas content\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.108Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: Should correctly show the Electrical content\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.108Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: Should correctly show the CTA to Enedis for Electricity\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.108Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: Should correctly show all the Electricity steps\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.109Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: Should correctly show all the Gas steps\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.109Z workers [9xhus] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.109Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: should return true if illustratedHeader\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.109Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: should return false if no illustratedHeader\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.109Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: should return a title if supported components\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.109Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: should return false if no supported components\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.110Z workers [9xhus] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.110Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: should return null when intercom_push_type\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.110Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: should call goToReferralScreen when luko_landing_page is REFERRALS\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.110Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: should call goToTab when luko_landing_page is COVER\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.110Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: should call goToTab when luko_landing_page is PROTECT\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.112Z workers [9xhus] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.112Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: should call goToNextLiteStep with gas step after a press on the card\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.112Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: should call goToNextLiteStep with elec step after a press on the card\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.112Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: should call onClose after a press on close button\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.113Z workers [9xhus] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.113Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: should not be checked\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.113Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: should be checked\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.113Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: should change state\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.113Z workers [9xhus] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.113Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: should return environnment production\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.114Z workers [9xhus] Test executed: should return environnment dev\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.189Z workers [9xhus] Run 26 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.189Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (9xhus): 2021-12-14T21:10:50.632Z\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.190Z workers [9xhus] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.191Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.278Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.278Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.297Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.300Z project Test name duplicate: getSubtitleTintColor with error\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.304Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.394Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:10:51.658Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:24:59.634Z fs File changed: .git/FETCH_HEAD\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:24:59.634Z fs No metadata for changed file found: .git/FETCH_HEAD\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:25:01.668Z fs File changed: .git/FETCH_HEAD\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:25:01.668Z fs No metadata for changed file found: .git/FETCH_HEAD\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:05.655Z fs File changed: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:05.655Z fs No metadata for changed file found: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:05.756Z fs File changed: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:05.756Z fs No metadata for changed file found: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:05.873Z fs File changed: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:05.873Z fs No metadata for changed file found: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:05.973Z fs File changed: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:05.974Z fs No metadata for changed file found: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:06.074Z fs File changed: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:06.074Z fs No metadata for changed file found: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:06.174Z fs File changed: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:06.174Z fs No metadata for changed file found: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:06.274Z fs File changed: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:06.274Z fs No metadata for changed file found: node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.15.5.test.json\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:20.544Z fs File changed: .git/FETCH_HEAD\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:20.544Z fs No metadata for changed file found: .git/FETCH_HEAD\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:22.529Z fs File changed: .git/FETCH_HEAD\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:22.529Z fs No metadata for changed file found: .git/FETCH_HEAD\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:32.734Z fs No metadata for added file found: .git/index.lock\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:32.834Z fs File deleted: .git/index.lock\n',
    '2021-12-14T21:28:32.834Z fs No metadata for deleted file found: .git/index.lock\n'

@smcenlly smcenlly changed the title use wallaby.js with volta as node manager version Wallaby slow to run tests compared to jest Dec 14, 2021
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Could you please try starting Wallaby a few more times?

Both Wallaby and Jest cache your files (in fact, Wallaby uses Jest's cache when for Jest projects). What has likely happened is that since you had already started/run your tests in Jests, your code was already transformed so Jest didn't need to do this work. In comparison, when you started Wallaby, Wallaby had never done this work and so it was slower the first time.

You should be able to test this by running npx jest --clearCache and then run Jest from the CLI and compare to Wallaby first test time. On subsequent starts, Wallaby should be roughly the same speed as jest subsequent start.

...I don't think it's due to VOLTA but integration testing library like @testing-library/react-native

Is there a specific reason why you think @testing-library/react-native was slowing down the tests when using Wallaby?

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I'm going to assume that Wallaby is fast running the second time and that the performance of Wallaby and Jest is roughly the same when comparing first start (on fresh directory) and subsequent starts.

If you're still having problems, please let us know and we will re-open the issue.

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