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Upgrading to Angular v12 (from v11) results in "ReferenceError: process is not defined" #2735

marleypowell opened this issue Jun 17, 2021 · 9 comments


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Issue description or question

When upgrading from Angular v11 to Angular v12 wallaby fails to execute some tests.
I think it's related to this issue: #2659 as Angular v12 now uses Webpack v5. I haven't tried the manual configuration fix suggested in that issue as I'm using the auto config for angular.

Wallaby diagnostics report

  editorVersion: '1.57.0',
  pluginVersion: '1.0.297',
  editorType: 'VSCode',
  osVersion: 'win32 10.0.19042',
  nodeVersion: 'v12.18.2',
  coreVersion: '1.0.1096',
  checksum: 'YmM4OTUwODczZDI5ODE4ZmYyNTk0ZDg4MGIwMDU3Y2YsMTYyNzUxNjgwMDAwMCww',
  config: {
    diagnostics: {
      angular: {
        workspace: {
          '$schema': './node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json',
          version: 1,
          newProjectRoot: 'projects',
          projects: {
            ui: {
              projectType: 'application',
              schematics: {},
              root: '',
              sourceRoot: 'src',
              prefix: 'app',
              architect: {
                build: {
                  builder: '@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser',
                  options: {
                    outputPath: '../../spa-dist',
                    index: 'src/index.html',
                    main: 'src/main.ts',
                    polyfills: 'src/polyfills.ts',
                    tsConfig: '',
                    assets: [ 'src/favicon.ico', 'src/assets', 'src/web.config', 'src/.npmrc' ],
                    styles: [ 'node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-pro/css/all.min.css', 'src/scss/main.scss', 'node_modules/@danielmoncada/angular-datetime-picker/assets/style/picker.min.css' ],
                    stylePreprocessorOptions: { includePaths: [ 'src/scss' ] },
                    vendorChunk: true,
                    extractLicenses: false,
                    buildOptimizer: false,
                    sourceMap: true,
                    optimization: false,
                    namedChunks: true
                  configurations: {
                    production: {
                      fileReplacements: [ { replace: 'src/environments/environment.ts', with: 'src/environments/' } ],
                      optimization: true,
                      outputHashing: 'all',
                      sourceMap: false,
                      namedChunks: false,
                      extractLicenses: true,
                      vendorChunk: false,
                      buildOptimizer: true,
                      budgets: [ { type: 'initial', maximumWarning: '2mb', maximumError: '5mb' }, { type: 'anyComponentStyle', maximumWarning: '6kb' } ]
                  defaultConfiguration: ''
                serve: { builder: '@angular-devkit/build-angular:dev-server', options: { browserTarget: 'ui:build' }, configurations: { production: { browserTarget: 'ui:build:production' } } },
                'extract-i18n': { builder: '@angular-devkit/build-angular:extract-i18n', options: { browserTarget: 'ui:build' } },
                test: {
                  builder: '@angular-devkit/build-angular:karma',
                  options: {
                    main: 'src/test.ts',
                    polyfills: 'src/polyfills.ts',
                    tsConfig: 'tsconfig.spec.json',
                    karmaConfig: 'karma.conf.js',
                    assets: [ 'src/favicon.ico', 'src/assets' ],
                    stylePreprocessorOptions: { includePaths: [ 'src/scss' ] },
                    styles: [ 'node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-pro/css/all.css', 'src/scss/main.scss' ]
                lint: { builder: '@angular-eslint/builder:lint', options: { lintFilePatterns: [ 'src/**/*.ts', 'src/**/*.component.html' ] } }
          defaultProject: 'ui',
          schematics: { '@schematics/angular:component': { style: 'scss', changeDetection: 'OnPush' } },
          cli: { analytics: false }
        main: '// This file is required by karma.conf.js and loads recursively all the .spec and framework files\r\n' +
          '\r\n' +
          "import 'zone.js/testing';\r\n" +
          '\r\n' +
          "import { BrowserDynamicTestingModule, platformBrowserDynamicTesting } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing';\r\n" +
          '\r\n' +
          "import { getTestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';\r\n" +
          '\r\n' +
          'declare const require: any;\r\n' +
          '\r\n' +
          '// First, initialize the Angular testing environment.\r\n' +
          'getTestBed().initTestEnvironment(BrowserDynamicTestingModule, platformBrowserDynamicTesting());\r\n' +
          '// Then we find all the tests.\r\n' +
          '\r\n' +
          '// And load the modules.\r\n' +
          '\r\n' +
          '\r\n' +
          '// Workaround for /~\r\n' +
          '// memory leaks caused by inline styles not being cleaned up.\r\n' +
          'jasmine.getEnv().afterEach(() => cleanStylesFromDOM());\r\n' +
          '\r\n' +
          'const cleanStylesFromDOM = (): void => {\r\n' +
          "\tconst head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];\r\n" +
          "\tconst styles = head.getElementsByTagName('style');\r\n" +
          '\tArray.from(styles).forEach(style => head.removeChild(style));\r\n' +
    testFramework: { version: 'jasmine@3.6.0', configurator: 'jasmine@2.1.3', reporter: 'jasmine@2.1.3', starter: 'jasmine@2.1.3', autoDetected: true },
    env: { kind: 'chrome', type: 'browser', params: {}, viewportSize: { width: 800, height: 600 }, options: { width: 800, height: 600 }, bundle: true },
    files: [
      { pattern: 'src/**/*.spec.ts', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true },
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      { pattern: 'src/main.ts', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true },
      { pattern: 'src/index.html', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true },
      { pattern: 'src/test.base.ts', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true },
      { pattern: 'src/test.wallaby.ts', ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, order: 1 },
      { pattern: 'src/**/*.+(ts|js)', load: false, ignore: false, trigger: true, order: 2 },
      { pattern: 'src/**/*.+(css|less|scss|sass|styl|html|json|svg)', instrument: false, load: false, ignore: false, trigger: true, order: 3 }
    tests: [ { pattern: 'src/**/*.spec.ts', load: false, ignore: false, trigger: true, test: true, order: 4 } ],
    filesWithNoCoverageCalculated: [],
    runAllTestsInAffectedTestFile: false,
    updateNoMoreThanOneSnapshotPerTestFileRun: false,
    addModifiedTestFileToExclusiveTestRun: true,
    compilers: {},
    preprocessors: {},
    maxConsoleMessagesPerTest: 100,
    autoConsoleLog: true,
    delays: { run: 0, edit: 100, update: 0 },
    workers: { initial: 0, regular: 0, recycle: false },
    teardown: undefined,
    hints: {
      ignoreCoverage: '__REGEXP /ignore coverage|istanbul ignore/',
      ignoreCoverageForFile: '__REGEXP /ignore file coverage/',
      commentAutoLog: '?',
      testFileSelection: { include: '__REGEXP /file\\.only/', exclude: '__REGEXP /file\\.skip/' }
    automaticTestFileSelection: true,
    runSelectedTestsOnly: false,
    mapConsoleMessagesStackTrace: false,
    extensions: {},
    reportUnhandledPromises: false,
    throwOnBeforeUnload: true,
    slowTestThreshold: 75,
    lowCoverageThreshold: 80,
    loose: true,
    configCode: 'auto.detect#1313788472'
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      karma: '6.3.3',
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  debug: [
    '2021-06-17T12:49:42.316Z angular/cli config Detected Angular CLI.\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:49.174Z angular/cli karma project config Using virtual C:/Users/marley.powell/source/repos/exclaimercloud-ui/src/ExclaimerCloud.UI/ClientApp/src/test.ts.\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:49.206Z project Wallaby Node version: v12.18.2\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:49.206Z project Wallaby config: C:\\Users\\marley.powell\\source\\repos\\exclaimercloud-ui\\src\\ExclaimerCloud.UI\\ClientApp\\auto.detect\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.243Z project File cache: C:\\Users\\marley.powell\\.vscode\\extensions\\wallabyjs.wallaby-vscode-1.0.297\\projects\\0707cfcee22a3915\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.540Z uiService Listening port 51236\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.686Z workers Parallelism for initial run: 14, for regular run: 7\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.687Z workers Starting run worker instance #0\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.687Z workers Starting run worker instance #1\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.687Z workers Starting run worker instance #2\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.687Z workers Starting run worker instance #3\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.687Z workers Starting run worker instance #4\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.687Z workers Starting run worker instance #5\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.687Z workers Starting run worker instance #6\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.687Z workers Starting run worker instance #7\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.687Z workers Starting run worker instance #8\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.687Z workers Starting run worker instance #9\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.687Z workers Starting run worker instance #10\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.687Z workers Starting run worker instance #11\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.687Z workers Starting run worker instance #12\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.687Z workers Starting run worker instance #13\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.690Z workers Web server is listening at 52583\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.699Z project Stopping process pool\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.699Z project File cache is up-to-date, starting full test run\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.701Z project Running postprocessor\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.717Z postprocessor Processing started.\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.717Z postprocessor Initializing.\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.718Z postprocessor Initializing entry.\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.719Z postprocessor Sanitizing configuration.\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.719Z postprocessor Adjusting configuration.\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:51.719Z postprocessor Creating compiler.\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:52.068Z postprocessor Customizing compiler.\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:49:52.068Z postprocessor Compilation started.\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:15.947Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #0\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:15.948Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #1\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:15.948Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #2\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:15.948Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #3\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:15.948Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #4\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:15.948Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #5\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:15.948Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #6\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:15.948Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #7\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:15.948Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #8\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:15.948Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #9\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:15.948Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #10\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:15.948Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #11\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:15.948Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #12\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:15.948Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #13\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:43.545Z postprocessor Compilation finished.\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:48.790Z postprocessor Emitting 2135 files.\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:48.855Z postprocessor Processing finished.\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.122Z project Postprocessor execution finished\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.122Z project Test run started; run priority: 3\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.138Z project Running all tests\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.195Z workers Starting test run, priority: 3\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.195Z workers Distributing tests between 14 workers\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.200Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.200Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #9uobk]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.200Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #uma5e]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.201Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #2, session #yx4eu]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.201Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #3, session #96hvd]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.201Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #4, session #rcjqf]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.201Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #5, session #jcujt]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.201Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #6, session #2lhjb]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.201Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #7, session #bqpon]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.201Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #8, session #u6t4q]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.201Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #9, session #cbcn0]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.201Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #10, session #cfx9i]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.201Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #11, session #f0nx6]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.201Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #12, session #0yhun]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.201Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #13, session #1tr0s]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.201Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #9uobk]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.207Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 14\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.214Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #0, session #9uobk]: http://localhost:52583/wallaby_sandbox0.html\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.214Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #uma5e]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.217Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 13\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.224Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #1, session #uma5e]: http://localhost:52583/wallaby_sandbox1.html\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.225Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #2, session #yx4eu]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.229Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 13\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.233Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #2, session #yx4eu]: http://localhost:52583/wallaby_sandbox2.html\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.233Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #3, session #96hvd]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.237Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 14\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.242Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #3, session #96hvd]: http://localhost:52583/wallaby_sandbox3.html\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.242Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #4, session #rcjqf]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.244Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 14\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.249Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #4, session #rcjqf]: http://localhost:52583/wallaby_sandbox4.html\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.249Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #5, session #jcujt]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.251Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 13\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.255Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #5, session #jcujt]: http://localhost:52583/wallaby_sandbox5.html\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.255Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #6, session #2lhjb]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.269Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 14\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.277Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #6, session #2lhjb]: http://localhost:52583/wallaby_sandbox6.html\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.277Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #7, session #bqpon]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.281Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 14\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.289Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #7, session #bqpon]: http://localhost:52583/wallaby_sandbox7.html\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.290Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #8, session #u6t4q]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.294Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 14\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.301Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #8, session #u6t4q]: http://localhost:52583/wallaby_sandbox8.html\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.301Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #9, session #cbcn0]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.305Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 14\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.313Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #9, session #cbcn0]: http://localhost:52583/wallaby_sandbox9.html\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.313Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #10, session #cfx9i]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.320Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 14\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.326Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #10, session #cfx9i]: http://localhost:52583/wallaby_sandbox10.html\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.326Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #11, session #f0nx6]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.328Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 13\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.333Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #11, session #f0nx6]: http://localhost:52583/wallaby_sandbox11.html\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.333Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #12, session #0yhun]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.336Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 14\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.339Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #12, session #0yhun]: http://localhost:52583/wallaby_sandbox12.html\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.340Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #13, session #1tr0s]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.342Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 13\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.346Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #13, session #1tr0s]: http://localhost:52583/wallaby_sandbox13.html\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.346Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #9uobk]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.346Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #uma5e]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.346Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #2, session #yx4eu]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.346Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #3, session #96hvd]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.346Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #4, session #rcjqf]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.346Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #5, session #jcujt]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.346Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #6, session #2lhjb]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.346Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #7, session #bqpon]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.346Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #8, session #u6t4q]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.346Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #9, session #cbcn0]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.347Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #10, session #cfx9i]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.347Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #11, session #f0nx6]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.347Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #12, session #0yhun]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.347Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #13, session #1tr0s]\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.347Z workers [worker #0, session #9uobk] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.349Z workers [worker #1, session #uma5e] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.349Z workers [worker #2, session #yx4eu] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.350Z workers [worker #3, session #96hvd] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.350Z workers [worker #4, session #rcjqf] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.351Z workers [worker #5, session #jcujt] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.351Z workers [worker #6, session #2lhjb] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.352Z workers [worker #7, session #bqpon] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.352Z workers [worker #8, session #u6t4q] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.352Z workers [worker #9, session #cbcn0] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.353Z workers [worker #10, session #cfx9i] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.353Z workers [worker #11, session #f0nx6] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.353Z workers [worker #12, session #0yhun] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:49.354Z workers [worker #13, session #1tr0s] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.098Z workers Sandbox (active) [0yhun] error: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.106Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined, stack: ReferenceError: process is not defined\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:217180:21)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:172983:73)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:90483:67)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:77534:64)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-web\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.111Z workers [0yhun] Loaded 20 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.120Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.126Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: should trigger modified icon on tab if not intact\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.132Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.142Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: Domain name maxlength should be 254\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.155Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: Domain Name input should be hidden and disabled when Sender Domain is selected\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.160Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: should update form values correctly\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.167Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.184Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: getFeatureFlags should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.197Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.254Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: formSaved should call setInitialValue\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.266Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: should get signaturesFormArray\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.279Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: initForm should reset or initialize all form values\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.288Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: should load default state\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.298Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: currentLanguage should return selectedLanguage if not null\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.315Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: SetLanguage should set selectedLanguage to correct value\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.325Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: tenantId should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.334Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: currentLanguage should return browserLanguage if selectedLanguage is null\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.350Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.367Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: initForm should reset or initialize all form values\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.374Z workers [0yhun] Test executed: initForm should disable all controls if applyDateRange is false\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.776Z workers Sandbox (active) [yx4eu] error: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.778Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined, stack: ReferenceError: process is not defined\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:217180:21)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:172983:73)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:90483:67)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:76948:64)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-web\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.779Z workers [yx4eu] Loaded 52 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.783Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: loadConfig should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.787Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.791Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: onClose should emit false to close the modal when manage signature clicked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.793Z workers Sandbox (active) [f0nx6] error: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.794Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined, stack: ReferenceError: process is not defined\n' +
      '    at Object.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:257734:1)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Object.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:251058:39)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Object.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:238615:44)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:210946:71)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-we\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.797Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should try to navigate to signature designer with correct params if edit is clicked for a v2 template\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.797Z workers [f0nx6] Loaded 40 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.800Z workers Sandbox (active) [bqpon] error: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.802Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined, stack: ReferenceError: process is not defined\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:217180:21)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:172983:73)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:90483:67)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:78834:64)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-web\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.828Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should call toSignatureDesigner() if edit is clicked for a v2 template\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.828Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should display persons and groups\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.831Z workers [bqpon] Loaded 28 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.834Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should call toggleV1Warning() if edit is clicked for a v1 template\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.834Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should display additional senders as ellipses when greater than 4\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.835Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.838Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should try to navigate to signature rules with correct params if manage signature is clicked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.838Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should display up to 4 senders\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.839Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should have no conditions on initial load\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.842Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should call toSignature() if manage signature is clicked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.842Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.844Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should allow up to 10 advanced query conditions to be added\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.852Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.855Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should display advanced queries\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.857Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should add an Advanced Query condition when Add Condition is clicked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.868Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should display person icon when sender is a specific person\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.873Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update all signatures list, reorder items list after deleting a signature\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.879Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should display Not Applied when no senders are applied\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.880Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update folders list after deleting a folder\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.885Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should display advanced icon when sender rule is an advanced query\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.889Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update all signatures list, reorder items list after deleting a folder\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.894Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should display globe icon when sender is everyone\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.896Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update all signatures list and reorder items list after creating a folder\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.901Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should display excluded person icon when sender is a specific person exclusion\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.902Z workers [u6t4q] Loaded 61 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.904Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update all signatures list and reorder items list after copying a signature to different folder\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.911Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should display excluded group icon when sender rule is a group exclusion\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.911Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: getTranslation should return en-us if not supported\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.912Z workers Sandbox (active) [96hvd] error: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.914Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined, stack: ReferenceError: process is not defined\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:217180:21)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:172983:73)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:90483:67)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:78834:64)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-web\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.914Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update all signatures list and reorder items list after copying a signature to same folder\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.917Z workers [96hvd] Loaded 36 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.919Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should display excluded advanced icon when sender rule is an advanced query exclusion\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.921Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: getTranslation using nl lang should be called with correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.922Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update folders list after creating a folder\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.926Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.927Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should display group icon when sender rule is a group\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.928Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: getTranslation using en-gb lang should be called with correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.932Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should get button text\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.932Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update all signatures list after clearing a search query\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.933Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should display exclamation icon when no senders applied\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.934Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.937Z workers [2lhjb] Loaded 68 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.937Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should load button with exact text\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.938Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update rootFolder after loading the root folder\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.939Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should allow up to 500 advanced queries to be added\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.940Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: getSupportedLanguage should return locale if supported\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.942Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.943Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should load all button harnesses\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.944Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should allow save and close with max length description of 255 characters\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.944Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: getSupportedLanguage should return en-us if not supported\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.950Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update search items state after searching for an item\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.953Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should not hide element when feature isEnabled\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.954Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should load button with regex label match\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.956Z workers Sandbox (active) [9uobk] error: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.958Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined, stack: ReferenceError: process is not defined\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:217180:21)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:172983:73)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:90483:67)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:78834:64)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-web\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.961Z workers [9uobk] Loaded 43 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.962Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.968Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should not click a disabled button\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.969Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update all signatures list and reorder items list after loading multiple signatures\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.972Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should change language from en-us to fr\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.976Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: deviceCode.acquireToken should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.976Z workers Sandbox (active) [cbcn0] error: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.977Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined, stack: ReferenceError: process is not defined\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:217180:21)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:172983:73)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:90483:67)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:78834:64)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-web\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.978Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should hide element when feature isDisabled\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.978Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should focus and blur a button\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.979Z workers Sandbox (active) [rcjqf] error: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.980Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined, stack: ReferenceError: process is not defined\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:217180:21)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:172983:73)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:90483:67)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:78834:64)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-web\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.980Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update all signatures list and reorder items list after reordering items\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.982Z workers [cbcn0] Loaded 30 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.983Z workers [rcjqf] Loaded 32 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.984Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: deviceCode.acquire should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.984Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should toggle see before status icon and text when enabled/disabled\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.985Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should click a button\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.985Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should display all available languages\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.986Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update folders list after reordering folders\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.995Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should have the correct number of tabs\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:56.999Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: consentOptions should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.001Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: hasCompletedOnboarding should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.001Z workers [jcujt] Loaded 75 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.001Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should toggle all devices status icon and text when enabled/disabled\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.002Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should get disabled state\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.004Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update all signatures list and reorder items list after moving a signature\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.006Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.007Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: oldUiUrl should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.007Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: sentItems.disable should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.008Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call moveSignature with the correct URL (api/signatures/move/{itemId}/to/{folderId})\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.008Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should allow users to enable the signature for both Server-side and Client-Side\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.008Z workers Sandbox (active) [cfx9i] error: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.015Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined, stack: ReferenceError: process is not defined\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:217180:21)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:172983:73)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:90483:67)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:76948:64)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-web\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.016Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: save button should be disabled (formDirty is false)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.016Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should display currently selected language\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.018Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should catch an error and stay on same page\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.019Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should update form values when updating the form controls\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.019Z workers [cfx9i] Loaded 28 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.023Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: googleTagManagerConfig should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.029Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: sentItems.checkState should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.029Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call copySignature with the correct URL (api/signatures/copy/{templateId}/to/{folderId})\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.030Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.030Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should emit save\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.031Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.032Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.032Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: toggle bottom menu state\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.032Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: userPhotosUrl should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.033Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: csuaConfigCompleted should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.033Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call getFolders with the correct URL (api/signatures/folders)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.033Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should disable default options when Client-Side is disabled\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.034Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.034Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should navigate to the folder after moving (folder)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.037Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.037Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.038Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: bottom menu should be hidden when state set to false\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.038Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: zendeskAccountId should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.039Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: updateOutlookSignaturesConfiguration should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.039Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call getSignatureItem with the correct URL (api/signatures/root)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.039Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should allow users to select default options for Client-Side\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.040Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should allow a single type of customAttributesMode to be selected\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.046Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should set a correct title\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.046Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: when click ok it should call deleteItem method\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.047Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should navigate to the folder after moving (root)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.048Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should hide link and children if made disabled\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.048Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: restyledSiteUrl should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.049Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: mailRouting.updateConfig should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.049Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call getSignatureItem with the correct URL (api/signatures/itemId)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.049Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should allow users to enable the signature for Server-Side\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.050Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: save button should be enabled (formDirty is true)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.052Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: when click ok it should call copySignature method\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.052Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: modal should be closed after deleting\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.053Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update all signatures list after updating folder name and description\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.056Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should hide link if made disabled\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.057Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: sentItemsConsentUrl should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.058Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: getTenantId should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.058Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call createNewFolder with the correct URL (api/signatures/folder)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.061Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should allow users to enable the signature for Client-Side\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.063Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should call saveForm\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.065Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: ok button click should call copySignature()\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.065Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: ok button click should call deleteItem()\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.066Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update folders list after updating folder name and description\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.067Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: bottom menu should be visible when state set to true\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.068Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: production should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.069Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: mailRouting.getConfig should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.070Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call searchSignatureItems with the correct URL (api/signatures/search?query&pageNumber&pageSize)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.070Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should display correct date/time format for locale: en-us\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.070Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should have optional settings property\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.073Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: modal should be closed after coping\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.073Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should set signature_warning message\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.074Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should have 2 main links - shallow\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.074Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: initForm should reset or initialize all form values\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.074Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update signature thumbnail after updating signature design\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.076Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: checkAzureAdAuth should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.076Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call searchSignatureItems with the correct URL (api/signatures/search/folderId?query&pageNumber&pageSize)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.077Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should display required settings\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.078Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should display correct date/time format for locale: fr\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.079Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should call methods and emit events correctly for retry and cancel\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.079Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should set folder_warning message\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.079Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should set loading state to true on NavigationStart\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.080Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: initForm should disable subjectText and removeText if subjectContains is false\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.080Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update all signatures list after updating signature name\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.081Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: updateCustomAttributesMode should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.082Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call searchSignatureItems with the correct URL (api/signatures/search?query)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.082Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should have title property\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.084Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should show authStatus based on adConsentAuthStatus$\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.084Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should set a correct title\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.084Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should next a router event if matches no conditions\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.085Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: initForm should disable messageText, inEmail and ifNotApplied if removeIfContains is false\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.085Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: getCustomAttributesMode should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.086Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call searchSignatureItems with the correct URL (api/signatures/search/folderId?query)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.086Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should display correct date/time value for locale: en-us\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.086Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should have required settings property\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.087Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should show/hide authorize button based on adConsentMessage$\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.088Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: initForm should reset or initialize all form values\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.088Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should next a navigation end event if instance of NavigationEnd\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.088Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.089Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: getConnectorSetupConfig should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.089Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call saveEditors with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.090Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.091Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should display correct date/time value for locale: en-gb\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.091Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should show authStatus based on type\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.091Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.092Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should next a navigation start event if instance of NavigationStart\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.092Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: should unsubscribe and stopAdConsent onDestroy\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.092Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.093Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call reorder with the correct URL (api/signatures/folder/{folderId}/reorder)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.093Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should display optional settings\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.095Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should call startAdConsent when authorize button is clicked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.095Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: setLocale should call zE once widget has been initialized\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.095Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should next a navigation cancel event if instance of NavigationCancel\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.096Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.098Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call patchItemNameAndDescription with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.098Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should display correct date/time format for locale: de\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.099Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should add a Pragma header\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.100Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: resetForms should check and initialize each rules form\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.102Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should show authStatus based on adConsentMessage$\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.102Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: initZendeskWidget should add script and settings to the DOM\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.102Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.103Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: startAdConsent, stopAdConsent and retryAdConsent should call correct methods\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.105Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call deleteItem with the correct URL (api/signatures/{itemId})\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.106Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should add a Cache-Control header\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.107Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.108Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should display correct date/time format for locale: en-gb\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.109Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.109Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: addZendeskWidgetToDom should not add scripts to the DOM if already loaded\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.109Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should next a navigation error event if instance of NavigationError\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.110Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: should correctly update adConsentMessage$ for Manage User Data page\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.112Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call getSignatureItems with the correct URL (api/signatures/folder/folderId)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.113Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should have closed state default\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.114Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: loadForms should check and initialize each rules form\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.118Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should return userPhotosUrl$ selector and call select\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.118Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: initZendeskWidget should call setSuggestionsLabels method with correct parameters\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.118Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: startConsent should flow correctly\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.122Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: should correctly update adConsentMessage$ for Onboarding page\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.123Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call getSignatureItems with the correct URL (api/signatures/folder/folderId?pageNumber=0&pageSize=10)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.123Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should display correct date/time format for locale: nl\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.124Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should create the app\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.125Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: saveForms should check and initialize each rules form\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.128Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should call selectSnapshot and return correct values when getSentItemsConsentUrl()\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.128Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should call setSuggestionsLabels with correct labels on navigationEndEvent (/signatures/all?id=33c8c898-02a1-4433-b559-950b60b72a9c)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.128Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should call stopSentItemsConsent on destroy\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.130Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: startAdConsent should call updateAdConsentAuthStatus when finished or error\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.130Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call getSignatureItems with the correct URL (api/signatures)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.130Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.131Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: saveUserDetails should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.132Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should display correct date/time format for locale: es\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.132Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should not select option by default if no enabled options exists\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.132Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should call setSuggestionsLabels with correct labels on navigationEndEvent (/signatures/all)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.133Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.133Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: SetAppConfig should load app config\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.134Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call getSignatureItems with the correct URL (api/signatures?pageNumber=0&pageSize=10)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.134Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: loadMailRoutingConfig should be called onInit\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.135Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: getUserDetails should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.136Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should display empty selected value by default if no enabled options found\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.136Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should call setSuggestionsLabels with correct labels on navigationEndEvent (/home)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.136Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should call updateSentItemsState when updateAuthStatus is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.137Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.137Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.137Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should display correct date/time format for locale: it\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.138Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: Sender Domain should be default mailRoutingMode option and control should be required\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.139Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.141Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should have correct initial value\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.141Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should call stopSentItemsConsent when stopConsent is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.142Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should call setSuggestionsLabels with correct labels on navigationEndEvent (/signature/invalid_uuid/overview)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.142Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.143Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should enable/disable save button when form has some/no changes\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.143Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call disableSentItems when disable button is clicked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.143Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should start and stop polling a background process\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.145Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should select first available option by default\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.146Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should call disabledSentItems when disable is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.146Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should call setSuggestionsLabels with correct labels on navigationEndEvent (/signature/33c8c898-02a1-4433-b559-950b60b72a9c/overview)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.147Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: when call checkAuth should call ApiBaseService get method\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.147Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should correctly set startWith value when selecting radio buttons and updating\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.148Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.148Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: domainName should be required and disabled by default\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.149Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call startSentItemsConsent when authorize button is clicked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.149Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should stop polling a background process when status is "Finished"\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.150Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should have correct title\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.151Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should call startConsent when retryConsent is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.151Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should call setSuggestionsLabels with correct labels on navigationEndEvent (/configure/connect-to-microsoft365#sync-user-details)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.152Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: should call keepAlive\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.153Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should save changes only if form is valid and changed\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.153Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call methods correctly for consent message retry and cancel\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.155Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should have correct output\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.155Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.156Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should display conditions descriptor when applied\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.156Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should show/hide action buttons based on consentMessage$\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.156Z workers [1tr0s] Loaded 82 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.157Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.157Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: should disabled clear button if disabled\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.158Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should not display conditions descriptor when not applied\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.158Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should enable/disable disable button based on consentAuthStatus$\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.159Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.161Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.162Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: should keep search value in sync with SignaturesListStateService\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.162Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should show/hide 2 sub links\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.163Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should display disabled icon when signature is not applied\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.163Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.164Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should hide message if there is no provided message\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.165Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: startProcess should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.166Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: should disabled search button if disabled\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.166Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should display Date/Time range descriptor when Date/Time is applied/not applied\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.166Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should show authStatus based on consentMessage$\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.167Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should display message actions if message type is "info"\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.168Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should restart polling if already polling\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.168Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: checkProcess with options should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.169Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should call setSuggestionsLabels with correct labels on navigationEndEvent (/signature-designer;action=Edit;id=0b02a56c-93bf-438c-82ca-4f3f041acfc3)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.169Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: should disabled search input if disabled\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.169Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should display enabled icon when signature is applied\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.170Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should show authStatus based on authStatus$\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.170Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should display message if there is a provided message\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.171Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: checkProcess should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.172Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.172Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should display not applied products descriptor when none are applied\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.173Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should hide message content if there is no provided message content\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.173Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: LoadOnboardingState onboarding current state\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.175Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: should search when enter is pressed inside texbox\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.176Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should display message actions if message type is "spinner"\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.176Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should display correct date/time format for locale: pt\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.177Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: LoadFeatureFlags should update state correctly\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.178Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: should clear search value when clear button is clicked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.179Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should hide message actions if message type is "success"\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.180Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: FeatureFlagsState.featureFlags should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.180Z workers [rcjqf] Test executed: should trim whitespace from search queries\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.181Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should display message actions if message type is "warning"\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.182Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: FeatureFlagsState.isDisabled should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.183Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should display message actions if message type is "error"\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.184Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: FeatureFlagsState.isEnabled should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.185Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should update `loader` and `displayActions` when message type changes\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.186Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: formSaved should call setInitialValue with correct values when everyone is false\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.188Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should emit retry and cancel when action buttons are clicked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.189Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: initForm should reset or initialize all form values\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.196Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.198Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: formSaved should call setInitialValue with correct values when everyone is true\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.198Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.205Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: resetForm should reset all form values\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.209Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: initForm should disable all controls if everyone is true\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.209Z workers Sandbox (active) [uma5e] error: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.211Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined, stack: ReferenceError: process is not defined\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:217180:21)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:172983:73)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:90483:67)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-webpack.js?1623934248788:26:16)\n' +
      '    at Module.window.__moduleBundler.modules.<computed> (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:76948:64)\n' +
      '    at window.__moduleBundler.require (http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-web\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.212Z workers [uma5e] Loaded 107 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.213Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should allow users to add up to 500 editors\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.213Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should call when checkForms is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.215Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.216Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should create the datasource\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.218Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should return list of signatures when connect method is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.231Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should check a background process\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.231Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.232Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: setLocale should call zE after widget has been initialized\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.234Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should call updatePageNumber for number of paged required when viewChanges\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.240Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: initForm should reset or initialize all form values\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.247Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.249Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: SearchItems should load into the state correctly\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.251Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should call and route toSignatures()\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.261Z workers [cfx9i] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.261Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.262Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should open delete modal\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.263Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should open move modal dialog\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.264Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: signature senders\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.292Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should stop polling all background processes\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.293Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should load default state\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.294Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: folder senders\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.295Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should display descriptor for all applied products when multiple products are applied\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.305Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should update initial value when saveCustomAttributes is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.306Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should set sidebar state to closed if screen size <= 992\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.330Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should check connectorSetupConsent with background process options\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.338Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: ClearSearch should remove all items and clear currentQuery\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.342Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should call getPeople with correct URL and params\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.353Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should output sideBar menu data\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.353Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should display a recipients descriptor\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.354Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should update initial value when cleanConnectorSetupForm is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.356Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.357Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should set polling timeout for AdsSync to 0\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.366Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: SearchItems should remove all current items if query is different\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.377Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should call getGroup with correct URL and params\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.378Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update parent item state if any child state is active\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.384Z workers [0yhun] Run 20 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.391Z workers [0yhun] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.398Z workers [96hvd] Test executed: should stop polling a background process when status is "Error"\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.400Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should update adConsent state when updateAdConsentAuthStatus is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.402Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: currentQuery should return current query\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.408Z workers [cbcn0] Test executed: should call getPeople with correct URL without params if no query\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.410Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should toggle sidebar state\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.419Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should update initial value when saveCsuaDownloadSettings is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.439Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should delete editor field when the delete button is clicked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.444Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should set sidebar state to open if screen size > 992\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.455Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should update sentItems state when setSentItemsState is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.468Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should update top level item state if path is active\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.476Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should call toSignatureDesigner() if edit is clicked for a v2 template\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.531Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should call updateAdvancedQuery() when updating an existing query\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.532Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should update initial and model value when saveMailRoutingConfig is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.562Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: message_capture should target /configure/outlooksignatures\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.573Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should call updateValueAndValidity() if control is blurred without a value\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.573Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should update sentItems state when disabledSentItems is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.614Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: outlook_signatures should target /configure/outlooksignatures\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.624Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should update sentItems state when updateSentItemsState is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.645Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should not disable any sidebar links in dev mode\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.679Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should update initial and model value when loadConnectorSetupConfig is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.680Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: Configuration child links should work correctly when onboardingCompleted is false\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.700Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should show parent link as active if any child is active\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.701Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should resets the form when cancel button is clicked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.706Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should try to navigate to signature designer with correct params if edit is clicked for a v2 template\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.710Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should not disable configuration if configurationDisabled is false\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.712Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should update initial and model value when loadTenantConfig is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.718Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should display a validation error when value is invalid\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.719Z workers [rcjqf] Run 32 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.722Z workers [rcjqf] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.737Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should not disable any child sidebar links in dev mode (except configuration)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.758Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should load default state\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.776Z workers [cfx9i] Run 28 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.778Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: Configuration child links should work correctly when onboardingCompleted is true\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.781Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should allow users to add up to 500 auto completes\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.789Z workers [cfx9i] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.800Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should update initial value when cleanAdSyncForm is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.812Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: diagnostic_logs should target /troubleshooting/diagnostic-logs\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.813Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should show parent link as active when sub routes navigated to\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.843Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: creating new query after cancelling changes should give clean form\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.848Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should update deviceCodeConfig when refreshDeviceCode is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.871Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should disable configuration if configurationDisabled is false and marketingUserJourneyEnabled is true\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.873Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should create the app - deep\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.891Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should not update deviceCodeConfig when refreshDeviceCode returns null\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.897Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should not display a validation error when email is a valid shape\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.903Z workers [96hvd] Run 36 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.904Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should disable configuration if configurationDisabled is true\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.907Z workers [cbcn0] Run 30 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.908Z workers [96hvd] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.915Z workers [cbcn0] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.922Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should call toggleV1Warning() if edit is clicked for a v1 template\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.923Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should update initial and model value when loadMailRoutingConfig is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.927Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: diagnostic_logs should be an external link when disabled\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.948Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: message_capture should be an external link when disabled\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.957Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should show link as active\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.959Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should call markAsTouched() if control is blurred without a value\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.970Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: outlook_signatures should be an external link when disabled\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.991Z workers [yx4eu] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.992Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should toggle previewState\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.997Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:57.999Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: loadFeatureFlags should dispatch LoadFeatureFlags\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.005Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should open move modal dialog\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.023Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: loadOnboardingState should dispatch LoadOnboardingState\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.043Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should call moveSignatue facade method with signatureId and new folderId\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.062Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should always load root items and folder items when executed for some folder\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.067Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should allow users to search for a group\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.075Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: signature not applied\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.077Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should call getFolderNames facade method with parentId\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.080Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.099Z workers [9uobk] Test executed: should request root items only once when executed for root folder\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.114Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.124Z workers [yx4eu] Run 52 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.127Z workers [yx4eu] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.143Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should allow users to search for a specific sender\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.166Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: folder not applied\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.185Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should hide editor error message if everyone is enabled\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.186Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.209Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should allow users to remove a auto complete\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.214Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: empty advanced query description should block modal submit\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.224Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should call openCopyModal\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.228Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: getGroups with mailOnly should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.237Z workers [9uobk] Run 43 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.239Z workers [9uobk] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.243Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should show editors field with initial empty value when click Add Editor\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.250Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: initForm should reset or initialize all form values\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.252Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.270Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: formSaved should call setInitialValue\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.274Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: getGroups should call API with the correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.292Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.313Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should call if formChecked and form is invalid\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.314Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.320Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should call openFolder when folder preview is clicked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.337Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: initForm should reset or initialize all form values\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.349Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.373Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should call when setFolderState is called with null\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.375Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should add modifier for folder\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.378Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should enable all other options when Everyone is unselected\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.385Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should call openFolder when open folder button is clicked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.390Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.399Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should return correct icon name for signature\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.410Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: should call when setFolderState is called with value\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.427Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should return correct icon name for folder\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.443Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: sentItemsAuthStatus should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.448Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should clear query when updateFolderId(id) is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.459Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: syncScopeGroup should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.469Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should correctly update consentMessage$\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.470Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should update currentState$ when updateQuery(query) is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.474Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: customAttributes should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.489Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: sentItems should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.494Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should update currentState$ when resetState(state) is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.505Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: customAttributesFormChanged should return correct result if form is changed/unchanged\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.518Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should update currentState$ when updateFolderId(id) is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.522Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: syncScopeGroupId should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.525Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should update the formGroup when adding and deleting specific senders\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.538Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: mailRoutingFormChanged should return correct result if form is changed/unchanged\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.541Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should update currentState$ when updatePageNumber(n) is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.543Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should translate sidebar link to the language selected by the LanguageSelector\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.554Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: connectorSetupFormChanged should return correct result if form is changed/unchanged\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.566Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should set noneFoundMessage$ when no signatures are returned and query is provided\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.575Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: deviceCodeConfig should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.583Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: Advanced query should have correct translation keys for sub-title in senders view\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.589Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should set noneFoundMessage$ when no signatures are returned and query not provided\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.591Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: deviceCodeVerificationUrl should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.607Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.616Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should not update signatures$ when reloadItem(id) is called and item does not exist\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.617Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: adConsentAuthStatus should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.639Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: adSyncFormChanged should return correct result if form is changed/unchanged\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.640Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: create an instance\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.647Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should show email error with correct text when an empty field is blurred\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.653Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should update signatures$ when currentState$ changes\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.655Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: mailRoutingConfig should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.670Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: adSyncState should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.677Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should toggle loading$ when currentState$ changes\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.683Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.687Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: adSyncResult should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.699Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should call editQuery() when edit button is clicked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.701Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should update signatures$ when reloadPageNumber(n) is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.703Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: adConsent should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.710Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should have a link property to the home page\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.719Z workers [2lhjb] Test executed: connectorSetupConfigState should return correct result\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.725Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should update currentState$ when setState(state) is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.738Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should have 2 main links\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.761Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should update signatures$ with empty list when getSignatureItems errors\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.765Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should have 2 sub links\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.774Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should update moreAvailable when a page is loaded\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.793Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should have a link title Home\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.798Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should update currentState$ when updateState(state) is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.815Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should update the formGroup when adding and deleting group members\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.822Z workers [u6t4q] Test executed: should have a route property to the home page\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.822Z workers [2lhjb] Run 68 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.824Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should update lastPage when a page is loaded\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.824Z workers [2lhjb] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.847Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should update signatures$ when reloadItem(id) is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.870Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should update totalAvailable when a page is loaded\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.918Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.918Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: cancelling changes made to queryForm modal do not change the service form value\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.926Z workers [u6t4q] Run 61 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.939Z workers [u6t4q] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.972Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: searching by address domain returns multiple people/groups with the same domain\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.980Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:58.998Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: searching for a invalid person/group returns no results\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.003Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should show required error when delete editor\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.029Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: searching by display name returns correct person\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.080Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: editor textbox should have max length attribute of 255 characters\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.080Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should call resetForms when cancel button is clicked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.082Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should display specificSender error when checkForms() is called and control is empty\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.089Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: searching by smtp address returns correct person\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.129Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.158Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should use correct autocomplete attribute value for browsers\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.192Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: searching and selecting first option should display correct value\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.194Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should open query form when button edit is clicked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.219Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: searching for an email not in the autocomplete should display correct value\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.249Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should display groupMember error when checkForms() is called and control is empty\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.262Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: hideOptions should hide dropdown if display is false\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.289Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: hideOptions should not hide dropdown if display is true\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.294Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: Advanced query should have correct translation keys for label and sub-title\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.350Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: PatchItem should update the state correctly\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.366Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: editing changes made to queryForm modal do not change the service form value\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.375Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: ReorderItemPositions should reorder item positions in state\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.399Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should navigate to the folder after creating a folder\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.412Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should disable all other options when Everyone is selected\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.430Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: LoadItems should load into the state correctly\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.453Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: LoadItemsPage should load into the state correctly\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.479Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: editing an advanced query should load the form value into the queryForm modal\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.485Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: UpdateEditors should update the state correctly\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.517Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should catch an error and stay on same page if DeleteItem fails\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.518Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.536Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should set polling state\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.562Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: UpdateNameAndDescription should update the state correctly\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.568Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should timeout if polling does not complete before pollingTimeout\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.586Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should start polling after subscribing to provided source\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.590Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: MoveSignature should update the state correctly\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.606Z workers [f0nx6] Test executed: should stop polling when stopPolling method is called\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.617Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: UpdateSignaturePreview should add a timestamp to the signature image url\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.643Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should not call navigate when dispatching DeleteItem for folder/signature inside the root folder\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.667Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: DeleteItem should delete the folder and its signatures from entities (folder)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.692Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: DeleteItem should reset search query\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.696Z workers [f0nx6] Run 40 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.698Z workers [f0nx6] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.717Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: CopySignature should catch an error\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.741Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should navigate to the parent folder after deleting\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.763Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: LoadRootFolder should load into the state correctly\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.789Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: DeleteItem should delete the signature from entities (signature)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.811Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should load default state\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.836Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: CopySignature should update the state correctly\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.859Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: LoadItem should load into the state correctly\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.881Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: CreateFolder should add to the state correctly\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:50:59.942Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: scrollToIndex should scroll viewport to particular signature by index\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.012Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should display message when scrolling triggers loading of next page that is empty\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.046Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should display message when pageSize - 1 or less signatures are loaded\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.093Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should show/hide an error based on the validity of `email` input\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.100Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: signature previewClicked()\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.135Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: folder previewClicked()\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.136Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: Introduction should have correct translate keys text\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.168Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: editor options should be disabled on initial loading\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.181Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should display description instead of config when item is a folder\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.197Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should have a help link with correct translate key text\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.206Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.232Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.255Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should display new signature items when scrolled - large screen\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.259Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: everyone should have initial value of checked \n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.290Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: editor options should be enabled when everyone is unchecked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.293Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should scroll to index - large screen\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.328Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should get the scroll offset - large screen\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.337Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should update the form value\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.360Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.404Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should disabled cancel button after cancelling changes\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.413Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should get the scroll offset - small screen\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.453Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should allow a single Start With value to be selected\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.454Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Error: Timeout - Async function did not complete within 5000ms (set by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL), stack: Error: Timeout - Async function did not complete within 5000ms (set by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL)\n' +
      '    at http://localhost:52583/__wallaby__/jasmine@3.6.0/framework.js:16:13811\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.478Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should scroll to index - small screen\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.497Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should open ContactDetailsModalComponent with empty object if user details not found\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.501Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: query condition value should have max length of 255 characters\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.520Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should display new signature items when scrolled - small screen\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.532Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should show/hide CreateSignatureFeatureComponent depending on MarketingUserJourney feature flag\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.563Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should have correct icon foreach useful link\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.564Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should delete the advanced query condition when the trash button is clicked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.576Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should update the viewport size when the page viewport changes\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.594Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should open ContactDetailsModalComponent as dialog when editContactDetails is emitted\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.603Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should show error message on advanced query\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.617Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should display message when no signature are loaded and query not provided\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.630Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call createSignature when createSignature is emitted\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.637Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: latestResult should return latest result for each background process\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.658Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should not display message when signatures are loaded\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.664Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should display overview video IFrame\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.682Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: initForm should disable all controls if everyone is true\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.693Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should display message when no folder signature are loaded\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.696Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.700Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.723Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: initForm should reset or initialize all form values\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.757Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should display new signature items when scrolled - medium screen\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.757Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should call saveSignatureSettings with correct URL and options\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.758Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call onSelect\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.775Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should fail to saveSignatureSettings\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.790Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should get the scroll offset - medium screen\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.790Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call toggleOptions and be readonly\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.793Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should call getAdvancedQueryFields with correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.813Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should call getSignatureSettings with correct URL\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.816Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call onSelect and output timePickerValue\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.823Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should scroll to index - medium screen\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.829Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.843Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call toggleOptions\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.868Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call clickedOutside\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.878Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: viewport should load signature items data\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.894Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.902Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: can link to home page\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.931Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should show external link em tag contains correct icon classes\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.933Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should open folder when navigating to /signatures/folder/{folderId}\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.956Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should show external link has correct external icon\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.965Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: should show all signatures when navigating to /signatures\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:00.984Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should external link have correct title\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.000Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: activeChildItems should return all active child items\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.009Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.016Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: itemPositions should return itemPositions array\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.032Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: orderedChildItems should return ordered items\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.034Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should have the correct title\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.048Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: orderedChildIds should return ordered child ids\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.067Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: childItemPositions should return child item positions\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.088Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: currentItems should return queried items when currentQuery\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.105Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: itemPositionsMap should return itemPositions record\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.122Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: currentItems should return child items when no currentQuery\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.140Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: folderNames should return all folders names as ISelectItem\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.146Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should call startPolling with background process options and update state from callback\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.156Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: rootFolderId should return root folder id\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.171Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should call checkPolling and update state from callback\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.172Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: folders should return all folders\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.188Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: item should return an item by id\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.199Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should call startPolling and update state from callback\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.203Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: rootFolder should return root folder\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.218Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: itemRules should return an items rules \n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.234Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.234Z workers [uma5e] Test executed: childItems should return all items from the targeted folder\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.270Z workers [bqpon] Test executed: should intercept error from the api\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.328Z workers [uma5e] Run 107 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.329Z workers [uma5e] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.348Z workers [bqpon] Run 28 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.349Z workers [bqpon] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.448Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should enable cancel button after changes made\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.616Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should not call close on modal when trying to save invalid form\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.721Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call close on modal when cancel button is clicked\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.819Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should load form values from modal data\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:01.909Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should display all dynamic form items\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:02.000Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should display 2 dynamic form columns\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:02.454Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should alert user after unsuccessful saving\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:03.427Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should not disabled after unsuccessful saving\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:03.646Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should call overridesService service and close modal when trying to save valid form\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:04.334Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should toggle save button in case we revert field values\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:04.357Z workers [jcujt] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:04.417Z workers [jcujt] Run 75 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:04.418Z workers [jcujt] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:04.726Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should call saveSignatureSettings with correct id\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:05.381Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should call onFormCheck when clicked and forms are not valid\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:06.351Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should disabled save button after successfully saving\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:07.638Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should call reloadItem$ when saving successful\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:08.300Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should not call rulesFormService when trying to save an empty signature name\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:09.582Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should call saveSignatureSettings when clicked and forms are valid\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:10.570Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should enable save button after changes made\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:10.619Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: startConnectorSetup should dispatch StartPolling with the correct connector setup config\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:10.643Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: startAdsSync should dispatch UpdateFormValue for tenantConfig.connectorSetupConfig.form\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:10.665Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: startAdsSync should dispatch StartPolling with the correct sync scope group id\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:10.689Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: startConnectorSetup should dispatch StartPolling with the correct connector setup config (allEmails)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:11.064Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should enable/disable cancel button based on cancelDisabled$ state\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:11.409Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should enable/disable save button based on saveDisabled$ state\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:11.754Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should have correct page title for signature inside a folder\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:11.781Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:12.116Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: form name should have correct value\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:12.463Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should have correct page title for signature inside root folder\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:12.796Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: name value should have max length of 64 characters\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:13.774Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should update form name when change the name\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:14.452Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should display an error when blurring an empty signature name\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:14.486Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:14.511Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should allow navigation if feature isEnabled\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:14.530Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should throw error if no feature flags are provided (canActivate)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:14.562Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should throw error if no feature flags are provided (canLoad)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:14.578Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should check isEnabled by default for feature flag\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:14.592Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should check isDisabled for feature flag \n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:14.607Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should check isDisabled for feature flags \n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:14.624Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should check isEnabled for feature flags \n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:14.641Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should check isEnabled/isDisabled for feature flags \n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:14.658Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should check isEnabled by default for feature flags\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:14.674Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should check isEnabled for feature flag\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:14.738Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:14.838Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should call getSignatureSettings with route params id\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:14.862Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:14.951Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: localeDatePipe should not have been called when Error\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:15.131Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should call getGroups with mailOnly true\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:15.179Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: localeDatePipe should have been called when Finished\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:15.225Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: [Feature] should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:15.277Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: [Feature] Should display Start Sync Button\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:15.325Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: [Feature] should display excl-feature component\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:15.377Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: [Feature] Should disable group control if syncAllUsers is true\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:15.556Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: [Feature] Should display an error message if form is invalid\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:15.607Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: localeDatePipe should not have been called when inProgress\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:15.658Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: [Feature] Start Sync Button should trigger startAdsSync EventEmitter if form is valid\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:15.703Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: [Feature] Correct sync status should be displayed\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:15.745Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: [Feature] Start Sync Button should not trigger startAdsSync EventEmitter if form is invalid\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:15.934Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: [Step] Should display an error message if form is invalid\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:15.976Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: [Step] should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.029Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: [Step] Start Sync Button should not trigger startAdsSync EventEmitter if form is invalid\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.069Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: [Step] Should display Start Sync Button\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.113Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: [Step] Should disable group control if syncAllUsers is true\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.154Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: [Step] Start Sync Button should trigger startAdsSync EventEmitter if form is valid\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.196Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: [Step] should display azureAdSync step content\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.244Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: can test for get 404 error\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.263Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: can test ApiBaseService.get with matching header\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.279Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: can test multiple requests\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.295Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: can test delete for 404 error\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.312Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: can test put for 404 error\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.332Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should be created\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.351Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: can test ApiBaseService.get method for signature\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.368Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: can test for network error\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.388Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: can test ApiBaseService.get method for all signatures\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.406Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: can test patch for 404 error\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.423Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: can test post for 404 error\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.461Z workers [1tr0s] Test executed: should create\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.530Z workers [1tr0s] Run 82 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.531Z workers [1tr0s] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.531Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.588Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.591Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.595Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.606Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.670Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2021-06-17T12:51:16.946Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n'
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By adding this:

(window as any).process = {
  env: { NODE_ENV: undefined },

to the bottom of my polyfills.ts file it has fixed the issue "ReferenceError: process is not defined".

I guess this works as a temporary fix...

For some reason if I add the same thing to a polyfills.wallaby.ts file it does not fix the issue.

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NikGovorov commented Jun 18, 2021

Hi @marleypowell,

Does ng test fail too with the same error?

RE polyfills.wallaby.ts: the file is only supported by multi-project workspaces, in your case you have one app in your workspace.

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@NikGovorov Nope ng test was working fine.

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Could you please share your karma.conf.js?

I created a simple fresh Angular CLI 12 project and added the following test to app.component.spec.ts

  it(`should not have 'process' available`, () => {
    expect((window as any).process).toBeUndefined();

The fact that the test passes shows that process by default should not be available in Angular CLI 12 projects. So I assume karma somehow sets process in your case, either via webpack's DefinePlugin or manually like you did.

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Karma config:

// Karma configuration file, see link for more information

module.exports = function (config) {
		basePath: '',
		frameworks: ['jasmine', '@angular-devkit/build-angular'],
		plugins: [
		client: {
			clearContext: false, // leave Jasmine Spec Runner output visible in browser
		coverageIstanbulReporter: {
			dir: require('path').join(__dirname, './coverage/ClientApp'),
			reports: ['html', 'lcovonly', 'text-summary'],
			fixWebpackSourcePaths: true,
		reporters: ['progress', 'kjhtml', 'junit'],
		junitReporter: {
			outputDir: './coverage/karma',
		port: 9876,
		colors: true,
		logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
		autoWatch: true,
		browsers: ['Chrome'],
		customLaunchers: {
			ChromeHeadlessNoSandbox: {
				base: 'ChromeHeadless',
				flags: ['--no-sandbox'],
		singleRun: false,
		restartOnFileChange: true,

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NikGovorov commented Jun 18, 2021

Does not look like karma adds it.

Could you please open http://localhost:52583/____wallaby-bundle.js?1623934248969&wallabyFileId=bundle:217180:21(run wallaby and copy the actual query string from the error message) and check what does actually reference process? 217180 is a line number and 21 is a column number.

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marleypowell commented Jun 18, 2021

window.__moduleBundler.modules[1990] = function(module, exports, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "DEFAULT_GUARD_TYPE": () => (/* binding */ DEFAULT_GUARD_TYPE),
/* harmony export */   "EMPTY_ACTIVITY_MAP": () => (/* binding */ EMPTY_ACTIVITY_MAP),
/* harmony export */   "STATE_DELIMITER": () => (/* binding */ STATE_DELIMITER),
/* harmony export */   "TARGETLESS_KEY": () => (/* binding */ TARGETLESS_KEY)
/* harmony export */ });
var DEFAULT_GUARD_TYPE = 'xstate.guard';

window.__moduleBundler.modules[1992] = function(module, exports, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "IS_PRODUCTION": () => (/* binding */ IS_PRODUCTION)
/* harmony export */ });
var IS_PRODUCTION = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'; // <---- process is referenced here.

window.__moduleBundler.modules[2051] = function(module, exports, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
exports.STATE_DELIMITER = '.';
exports.EMPTY_ACTIVITY_MAP = {};
exports.DEFAULT_GUARD_TYPE = 'xstate.guard';
exports.TARGETLESS_KEY = '';

window.__moduleBundler.modules[6] = function(module, exports, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {var global = __webpack_require__(7);
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = __webpack_require__(8).f;
var createNonEnumerableProperty = __webpack_require__(23);
var redefine = __webpack_require__(26);
var setGlobal = __webpack_require__(27);
var copyConstructorProperties = __webpack_require__(37);
var isForced = __webpack_require__(49);

Jasmine looks to use process if there is a global error.

Zone.__load_patch('jasmine', (global, Zone, api) => {
    const __extends = function (d, b) {
        for (const p in b)
            if (b.hasOwnProperty(p))
                d[p] = b[p];
        function __() {
            this.constructor = d;
        d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : ((__.prototype = b.prototype), new __());
    // Patch jasmine's describe/it/beforeEach/afterEach functions so test code always runs
    // in a testZone (ProxyZone). (See: angular/zone.js#91 & angular/angular#10503)
    if (!Zone)
        throw new Error('Missing: zone.js');
    if (typeof jest !== 'undefined') {
        // return if jasmine is a light implementation inside jest
        // in this case, we are running inside jest not jasmine
    if (typeof jasmine == 'undefined' || jasmine['__zone_patch__']) {
    jasmine['__zone_patch__'] = true;
    const SyncTestZoneSpec = Zone['SyncTestZoneSpec'];
    const ProxyZoneSpec = Zone['ProxyZoneSpec'];
    if (!SyncTestZoneSpec)
        throw new Error('Missing: SyncTestZoneSpec');
    if (!ProxyZoneSpec)
        throw new Error('Missing: ProxyZoneSpec');
    const ambientZone = Zone.current;
    // Create a synchronous-only zone in which to run `describe` blocks in order to raise an
    // error if any asynchronous operations are attempted inside of a `describe` but outside of
    // a `beforeEach` or `it`.
    const syncZone = ambientZone.fork(new SyncTestZoneSpec('jasmine.describe'));
    const symbol = Zone.__symbol__;
    // whether patch jasmine clock when in fakeAsync
    const disablePatchingJasmineClock = global[symbol('fakeAsyncDisablePatchingClock')] === true;
    // the original variable name fakeAsyncPatchLock is not accurate, so the name will be
    // fakeAsyncAutoFakeAsyncWhenClockPatched and if this enablePatchingJasmineClock is false, we also
    // automatically disable the auto jump into fakeAsync feature
    const enableAutoFakeAsyncWhenClockPatched = !disablePatchingJasmineClock &&
        ((global[symbol('fakeAsyncPatchLock')] === true) ||
            (global[symbol('fakeAsyncAutoFakeAsyncWhenClockPatched')] === true));
    const ignoreUnhandledRejection = global[symbol('ignoreUnhandledRejection')] === true;
    if (!ignoreUnhandledRejection) {
        const globalErrors = jasmine.GlobalErrors;
        if (globalErrors && !jasmine[symbol('GlobalErrors')]) {
            jasmine[symbol('GlobalErrors')] = globalErrors;
            jasmine.GlobalErrors = function () {
                const instance = new globalErrors();
                const originalInstall = instance.install;
                if (originalInstall && !instance[symbol('install')]) {
                    instance[symbol('install')] = originalInstall;
                    instance.install = function () { var process = {listeners: function(){},removeAllListeners: function(){}};
                        const originalHandlers = process.listeners('unhandledRejection');
                        const r = originalInstall.apply(this, arguments);
                        if (originalHandlers) {
                            originalHandlers.forEach(h => process.on('unhandledRejection', h));
                        return r;
                return instance;

Also one of the packages that I use immer references process.env.NODE_ENV.

function n(n){for(var t=arguments.length,r=Array(t>1?t-1:0),e=1;e<t;e++)r[e-1]=arguments[e];if("production"!==process.env.NODE_ENV){var i=Y[n],o=i?"function"==typeof i?i.apply(null,r):i:"unknown error nr: "+n;throw Error("[Immer] "+o)}throw Error("[Immer] minified error nr: "+n+(r.length?" "{return"'"+n+"'"})).join(","):"")+". Find the full error at:")}function t(n){return!!n&&!!n[Q]}function r(n){return!!n&&(function(n){if(!n||"object"!=typeof n)return!1;var t=Object.getPrototypeOf(n);if(null===t)return!0;var,"constructor")&&t.constructor;return r===Object||"function"==typeof r&&}(n)||Array.isArray(n)||!!n[L]||!!n.constructor[L]||s(n)||v(n))}function e(r){return t(r)||n(23,r),r[Q].t}function i(n,t,r){void 0===r&&(r=!1),0===o(n)?(r?Object.keys:nn)(n).forEach((function(e){r&&"symbol"==typeof e||t(e,n[e],n)})):n.forEach((function(r,e){return t(e,r,n)}))}function o(n){var t=n[Q];return t?t.i>3?t.i-4:t.i:Array.isArray(n)?1:s(n)?2:v(n)?3:0}function u(n,t){return 2===o(n)?n.has(t),t)}function a(n,t){return 2===o(n)?n.get(t):n[t]}function f(n,t,r){var e=o(n);2===e?n.set(t,r):3===e?(n.delete(t),n.add(r)):n[t]=r}function c(n,t){return n===t?0!==n||1/n==1/t:n!=n&&t!=t}function s(n){return X&&n instanceof Map}function v(n){return q&&n instanceof Set}function p(n){return n.o||n.t}function l(n){if(Array.isArray(n))return;var t=tn(n);delete t[Q];for(var r=nn(t),e=0;e<r.length;e++){var i=r[e],o=t[i];!1===o.writable&&(o.writable=!0,o.configurable=!0),(o.get||o.set)&&(t[i]={configurable:!0,writable:!0,enumerable:o.enumerable,value:n[i]})}return Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(n),t)}function d(n,e){return void 0===e&&(e=!1),y(n)||t(n)||!r(n)?n:(o(n)>1&&(n.set=n.add=n.clear=n.delete=h),Object.freeze(n),e&&i(n,(function(n,t){return d(t,!0)}),!0),n)}function h(){n(2)}function y(n){return null==n||"object"!=typeof n||Object.isFrozen(n)}function b(t){var r=rn[t];return r||n(18,t),r}function m(n,t){rn[n]||(rn[n]=t)}function _(){return"production"===process.env.NODE_ENV||U||n(0),U}function j(n,t){t&&(b("Patches"),n.u=[],n.s=[],n.v=t)}function O(n){g(n),n.p.forEach(S),n.p=null}function g(n){n===U&&(U=n.l)}function w(n){return U={p:[],l:U,h:n,m:!0,_:0}}function S(n){var t=n[Q];0===t.i||1===t.i?t.j():t.O=!0}function P(t,e){e._=e.p.length;var i=e.p[0],o=void 0!==t&&t!==i;return e.h.g||b("ES5").S(e,t,o),o?(i[Q].P&&(O(e),n(4)),r(t)&&(t=M(e,t),e.l||x(e,t)),e.u&&b("Patches").M(i[Q],t,e.u,e.s)):t=M(e,i,[]),O(e),e.u&&e.v(e.u,e.s),t!==H?t:void 0}function M(n,t,r){if(y(t))return t;var e=t[Q];if(!e)return i(t,(function(i,o){return A(n,e,t,i,o,r)}),!0),t;if(e.A!==n)return t;if(!e.P)return x(n,e.t,!0),e.t;if(!e.I){e.I=!0,e.A._--;var o=4===e.i||5===e.i?e.o=l(e.k):e.o;i(3===e.i?new Set(o):o,(function(t,i){return A(n,e,o,t,i,r)})),x(n,o,!1),r&&n.u&&b("Patches").R(e,r,n.u,n.s)}return e.o}function A(e,i,o,a,c,s){if("production"!==process.env.NODE_ENV&&c===o&&n(5),t(c)){var v=M(e,c,s&&i&&3!==i.i&&!u(i.D,a)?s.concat(a):void 0);if(f(o,a,v),!t(v))return;e.m=!1}if(r(c)&&!y(c)){if(!e.h.F&&e._<1)return;M(e,c),i&&i.A.l||x(e,c)}}function x(n,t,r){void 0===r&&(r=!1),n.h.F&&n.m&&d(t,r)}function z(n,t){var r=n[Q];return(r?p(r):n)[t]}function I(n,t){if(t in n)for(var r=Object.getPrototypeOf(n);r;){var e=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r,t);if(e)return e;r=Object.getPrototypeOf(r)}}function k(n){n.P||(n.P=!0,n.l&&k(n.l))}function E(n){n.o||(n.o=l(n.t))}function R(n,t,r){var e=s(t)?b("MapSet").N(t,r):v(t)?b("MapSet").T(t,r):n.g?function(n,t){var r=Array.isArray(n),e={i:r?1:0,A:t?t.A:_(),P:!1,I:!1,D:{},l:t,t:n,k:null,o:null,j:null,C:!1},i=e,o=en;r&&(i=[e],o=on);var u=Proxy.revocable(i,o),a=u.revoke,f=u.proxy;return e.k=f,e.j=a,f}(t,r):b("ES5").J(t,r);return(r?r.A:_()).p.push(e),e}function D(e){return t(e)||n(22,e),function n(t){if(!r(t))return t;var e,u=t[Q],c=o(t);if(u){if(!u.P&&(u.i<4||!b("ES5").K(u)))return u.t;u.I=!0,e=F(t,c),u.I=!1}else e=F(t,c);return i(e,(function(t,r){u&&a(u.t,t)===r||f(e,t,n(r))})),3===c?new Set(e):e}(e)}function F(n,t){switch(t){case 2:return new Map(n);case 3:return Array.from(n)}return l(n)}function N(){function r(n,t){var r=s[n];return r?r.enumerable=t:s[n]=r={configurable:!0,enumerable:t,get:function(){var t=this[Q];return"production"!==process.env.NODE_ENV&&f(t),en.get(t,n)},set:function(t){var r=this[Q];"production"!==process.env.NODE_ENV&&f(r),en.set(r,n,t)}},r}function e(n){for(var t=n.length-1;t>=0;t--){var r=n[t][Q];if(!r.P)switch(r.i){case 5:a(r)&&k(r);break;case 4:o(r)&&k(r)}}}function o(n){for(var t=n.t,r=n.k,e=nn(r),i=e.length-1;i>=0;i--){var o=e[i];if(o!==Q){var a=t[o];if(void 0===a&&!u(t,o))return!0;var f=r[o],s=f&&f[Q];if(s?s.t!==a:!c(f,a))return!0}}var v=!!t[Q];return e.length!==nn(t).length+(v?0:1)}function a(n){var t=n.k;if(t.length!==n.t.length)return!0;var r=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,t.length-1);return!(!r||r.get)}function f(t){t.O&&n(3,JSON.stringify(p(t)))}var s={};m("ES5",{J:function(n,t){var e=Array.isArray(n),i=function(n,t){if(n){for(var e=Array(t.length),i=0;i<t.length;i++)Object.defineProperty(e,""+i,r(i,!0));return e}var o=tn(t);delete o[Q];for(var u=nn(o),a=0;a<u.length;a++){var f=u[a];o[f]=r(f,n||!!o[f].enumerable)}return Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(t),o)}(e,n),o={i:e?5:4,A:t?t.A:_(),P:!1,I:!1,D:{},l:t,t:n,k:i,o:null,O:!1,C:!1};return Object.defineProperty(i,Q,{value:o,writable:!0}),i},S:function(n,r,o){o?t(r)&&r[Q].A===n&&e(n.p):(n.u&&function n(t){if(t&&"object"==typeof t){var r=t[Q];if(r){var e=r.t,o=r.k,f=r.D,c=r.i;if(4===c)i(o,(function(t){t!==Q&&(void 0!==e[t]||u(e,t)?f[t]||n(o[t]):(f[t]=!0,k(r)))})),i(e,(function(n){void 0!==o[n]||u(o,n)||(f[n]=!1,k(r))}));else if(5===c){if(a(r)&&(k(r),f.length=!0),o.length<e.length)for(var s=o.length;s<e.length;s++)f[s]=!1;else for(var v=e.length;v<o.length;v++)f[v]=!0;for(var p=Math.min(o.length,e.length),l=0;l<p;l++)void 0===f[l]&&n(o[l])}}}}(n.p[0]),e(n.p))},K:function(n){return 4===n.i?o(n):a(n)}})}function T(){function e(n){if(!r(n))return n;if(Array.isArray(n))return;if(s(n))return new Map(Array.from(n.entries()).map((function(n){return[n[0],e(n[1])]})));if(v(n))return new Set(Array.from(n).map(e));var t=Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(n));for(var i in n)t[i]=e(n[i]);return u(n,L)&&(t[L]=n[L]),t}function f(n){return t(n)?e(n):n}var c="add";m("Patches",{$:function(t,r){return r.forEach((function(r){for(var i=r.path,u=r.op,f=t,s=0;s<i.length-1;s++){var v=o(f),p=i[s];0!==v&&1!==v||"__proto__"!==p&&"constructor"!==p||n(24),"function"==typeof f&&"prototype"===p&&n(24),"object"!=typeof(f=a(f,p))&&n(15,i.join("/"))}var l=o(f),d=e(r.value),h=i[i.length-1];switch(u){case"replace":switch(l){case 2:return f.set(h,d);case 3:n(16);default:return f[h]=d}case c:switch(l){case 1:return f.splice(h,0,d);case 2:return f.set(h,d);case 3:return f.add(d);default:return f[h]=d}case"remove":switch(l){case 1:return f.splice(h,1);case 2:return f.delete(h);case 3:return f.delete(r.value);default:return delete f[h]}default:n(17,u)}})),t},R:function(n,t,r,e){switch(n.i){case 0:case 4:case 2:return function(n,t,r,e){var o=n.t,s=n.o;i(n.D,(function(n,i){var v=a(o,n),p=a(s,n),l=i?u(o,n)?"replace":c:"remove";if(v!==p||"replace"!==l){var d=t.concat(n);r.push("remove"===l?{op:l,path:d}:{op:l,path:d,value:p}),e.push(l===c?{op:"remove",path:d}:"remove"===l?{op:c,path:d,value:f(v)}:{op:"replace",path:d,value:f(v)})}}))}(n,t,r,e);case 5:case 1:return function(n,t,r,e){var i=n.t,o=n.D,u=n.o;if(u.length<i.length){var a=[u,i];i=a[0],u=a[1];var s=[e,r];r=s[0],e=s[1]}for(var v=0;v<i.length;v++)if(o[v]&&u[v]!==i[v]){var p=t.concat([v]);r.push({op:"replace",path:p,value:f(u[v])}),e.push({op:"replace",path:p,value:f(i[v])})}for(var l=i.length;l<u.length;l++){var d=t.concat([l]);r.push({op:c,path:d,value:f(u[l])})}i.length<u.length&&e.push({op:"replace",path:t.concat(["length"]),value:i.length})}(n,t,r,e);case 3:return function(n,t,r,e){var i=n.t,o=n.o,u=0;i.forEach((function(n){if(!o.has(n)){var i=t.concat([u]);r.push({op:"remove",path:i,value:n}),e.unshift({op:c,path:i,value:n})}u++})),u=0,o.forEach((function(n){if(!i.has(n)){var o=t.concat([u]);r.push({op:c,path:o,value:n}),e.unshift({op:"remove",path:o,value:n})}u++}))}(n,t,r,e)}},M:function(n,t,r,e){r.push({op:"replace",path:[],value:t}),e.push({op:"replace",path:[],value:n.t})}})}function C(){function t(n,t){function r(){this.constructor=n}a(n,t),n.prototype=(r.prototype=t.prototype,new r)}function e(n){n.o||(n.D=new Map,n.o=new Map(n.t))}function o(n){n.o||(n.o=new Set,n.t.forEach((function(t){if(r(t)){var e=R(n.A.h,t,n);n.p.set(t,e),n.o.add(e)}else n.o.add(t)})))}function u(t){t.O&&n(3,JSON.stringify(p(t)))}var a=function(n,t){return(a=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(n,t){n.__proto__=t}||function(n,t){for(var r in t)t.hasOwnProperty(r)&&(n[r]=t[r])})(n,t)},f=function(){function n(n,t){return this[Q]={i:2,l:t,A:t?t.A:_(),P:!1,I:!1,o:void 0,D:void 0,t:n,k:this,C:!1,O:!1},this}t(n,Map);var o=n.prototype;return Object.defineProperty(o,"size",{get:function(){return p(this[Q]).size}}),o.has=function(n){return p(this[Q]).has(n)},o.set=function(n,t){var r=this[Q];return u(r),p(r).has(n)&&p(r).get(n)===t||(e(r),k(r),r.D.set(n,!0),r.o.set(n,t),r.D.set(n,!0)),this},o.delete=function(n){if(!this.has(n))return!1;var t=this[Q];return u(t),e(t),k(t),t.D.set(n,!1),t.o.delete(n),!0},o.clear=function(){var n=this[Q];u(n),p(n).size&&(e(n),k(n),n.D=new Map,i(n.t,(function(t){n.D.set(t,!1)})),n.o.clear())},o.forEach=function(n,t){var r=this;p(this[Q]).forEach((function(e,i){,r.get(i),i,r)}))},o.get=function(n){var t=this[Q];u(t);var i=p(t).get(n);if(t.I||!r(i))return i;if(i!==t.t.get(n))return i;var o=R(t.A.h,i,t);return e(t),t.o.set(n,o),o},o.keys=function(){return p(this[Q]).keys()},o.values=function(){var n,t=this,r=this.keys();return(n={})[V]=function(){return t.values()},{var;return n.done?n:{done:!1,value:t.get(n.value)}},n},o.entries=function(){var n,t=this,r=this.keys();return(n={})[V]=function(){return t.entries()},{var;if(n.done)return n;var e=t.get(n.value);return{done:!1,value:[n.value,e]}},n},o[V]=function(){return this.entries()},n}(),c=function(){function n(n,t){return this[Q]={i:3,l:t,A:t?t.A:_(),P:!1,I:!1,o:void 0,t:n,k:this,p:new Map,O:!1,C:!1},this}t(n,Set);var r=n.prototype;return Object.defineProperty(r,"size",{get:function(){return p(this[Q]).size}}),r.has=function(n){var t=this[Q];return u(t),t.o?!!t.o.has(n)||!(!t.p.has(n)||!t.o.has(t.p.get(n))):t.t.has(n)},r.add=function(n){var t=this[Q];return u(t),this.has(n)||(o(t),k(t),t.o.add(n)),this},r.delete=function(n){if(!this.has(n))return!1;var t=this[Q];return u(t),o(t),k(t),t.o.delete(n)||!!t.p.has(n)&&t.o.delete(t.p.get(n))},r.clear=function(){var n=this[Q];u(n),p(n).size&&(o(n),k(n),n.o.clear())},r.values=function(){var n=this[Q];return u(n),o(n),n.o.values()},r.entries=function(){var n=this[Q];return u(n),o(n),n.o.entries()},r.keys=function(){return this.values()},r[V]=function(){return this.values()},r.forEach=function(n,t){for(var r=this.values(),;!e.done;),e.value,e.value,this),},n}();m("MapSet",{N:function(n,t){return new f(n,t)},T:function(n,t){return new c(n,t)}})}function J(){N(),C(),T()}function K(n){return n}function $(n){return n}var G,U,W="undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol("x"),X="undefined"!=typeof Map,q="undefined"!=typeof Set,B="undefined"!=typeof Proxy&&void 0!==Proxy.revocable&&"undefined"!=typeof Reflect,H=W?Symbol.for("immer-nothing"):((G={})["immer-nothing"]=!0,G),L=W?Symbol.for("immer-draftable"):"__$immer_draftable",Q=W?Symbol.for("immer-state"):"__$immer_state",V="undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.iterator||"@@iterator",Y={0:"Illegal state",1:"Immer drafts cannot have computed properties",2:"This object has been frozen and should not be mutated",3:function(n){return"Cannot use a proxy that has been revoked. Did you pass an object from inside an immer function to an async process? "+n},4:"An immer producer returned a new value *and* modified its draft. Either return a new value *or* modify the draft.",5:"Immer forbids circular references",6:"The first or second argument to `produce` must be a function",7:"The third argument to `produce` must be a function or undefined",8:"First argument to `createDraft` must be a plain object, an array, or an immerable object",9:"First argument to `finishDraft` must be a draft returned by `createDraft`",10:"The given draft is already finalized",11:"Object.defineProperty() cannot be used on an Immer draft",12:"Object.setPrototypeOf() cannot be used on an Immer draft",13:"Immer only supports deleting array indices",14:"Immer only supports setting array indices and the 'length' property",15:function(n){return"Cannot apply patch, path doesn't resolve: "+n},16:'Sets cannot have "replace" patches.',17:function(n){return"Unsupported patch operation: "+n},18:function(n){return"The plugin for '"+n+"' has not been loaded into Immer. To enable the plugin, import and call `enable"+n+"()` when initializing your application."},20:"Cannot use proxies if Proxy, Proxy.revocable or Reflect are not available",21:function(n){return"produce can only be called on things that are draftable: plain objects, arrays, Map, Set or classes that are marked with '[immerable]: true'. Got '"+n+"'"},22:function(n){return"'current' expects a draft, got: "+n},23:function(n){return"'original' expects a draft, got: "+n},24:"Patching reserved attributes like __proto__, prototype and constructor is not allowed"},Z=""+Object.prototype.constructor,nn="undefined"!=typeof Reflect&&Reflect.ownKeys?Reflect.ownKeys:void 0!==Object.getOwnPropertySymbols?function(n){return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n))}:Object.getOwnPropertyNames,tn=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors||function(n){var t={};return nn(n).forEach((function(r){t[r]=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n,r)})),t},rn={},en={get:function(n,t){if(t===Q)return n;var e=p(n);if(!u(e,t))return function(n,t,r){var e,i=I(t,r);return i?"value"in i?i.value:null===(e=i.get)||void 0===e?void 0}(n,e,t);var i=e[t];return n.I||!r(i)?i:i===z(n.t,t)?(E(n),n.o[t]=R(n.A.h,i,n)):i},has:function(n,t){return t in p(n)},ownKeys:function(n){return Reflect.ownKeys(p(n))},set:function(n,t,r){var e=I(p(n),t);if(null==e?void 0:e.set)return,r),!0;if(!n.P){var i=z(p(n),t),o=null==i?void 0:i[Q];if(o&&o.t===r)return n.o[t]=r,n.D[t]=!1,!0;if(c(r,i)&&(void 0!==r||u(n.t,t)))return!0;E(n),k(n)}return n.o[t]===r&&"number"!=typeof r||(n.o[t]=r,n.D[t]=!0,!0)},deleteProperty:function(n,t){return void 0!==z(n.t,t)||t in n.t?(n.D[t]=!1,E(n),k(n)):delete n.D[t],n.o&&delete n.o[t],!0},getOwnPropertyDescriptor:function(n,t){var r=p(n),e=Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r,t);return e?{writable:!0,configurable:1!==n.i||"length"!==t,enumerable:e.enumerable,value:r[t]}:e},defineProperty:function(){n(11)},getPrototypeOf:function(n){return Object.getPrototypeOf(n.t)},setPrototypeOf:function(){n(12)}},on={};i(en,(function(n,t){on[n]=function(){return arguments[0]=arguments[0][0],t.apply(this,arguments)}})),on.deleteProperty=function(t,r){return"production"!==process.env.NODE_ENV&&isNaN(parseInt(r))&&n(13),,t[0],r)},on.set=function(t,r,e){return"production"!==process.env.NODE_ENV&&"length"!==r&&isNaN(parseInt(r))&&n(14),,t[0],r,e,t[0])};var un=function(){function e(t){var e=this;this.g=B,this.F=!0,this.produce=function(t,i,o){if("function"==typeof t&&"function"!=typeof i){var u=i;i=t;var a=e;return function(n){var t=this;void 0===n&&(n=u);for(var r=arguments.length,e=Array(r>1?r-1:0),o=1;o<r;o++)e[o-1]=arguments[o];return a.produce(n,(function(n){var r;return(r=i).call.apply(r,[t,n].concat(e))}))}}var f;if("function"!=typeof i&&n(6),void 0!==o&&"function"!=typeof o&&n(7),r(t)){var c=w(e),s=R(e,t,void 0),v=!0;try{f=i(s),v=!1}finally{v?O(c):g(c)}return"undefined"!=typeof Promise&&f instanceof Promise?f.then((function(n){return j(c,o),P(n,c)}),(function(n){throw O(c),n})):(j(c,o),P(f,c))}if(!t||"object"!=typeof t){if((f=i(t))===H)return;return void 0===f&&(f=t),e.F&&d(f,!0),f}n(21,t)},this.produceWithPatches=function(n,t){return"function"==typeof n?function(t){for(var r=arguments.length,i=Array(r>1?r-1:0),o=1;o<r;o++)i[o-1]=arguments[o];return e.produceWithPatches(t,(function(t){return n.apply(void 0,[t].concat(i))}))}:[e.produce(n,t,(function(n,t){r=n,i=t})),r,i];var r,i},"boolean"==typeof(null==t?void 0:t.useProxies)&&this.setUseProxies(t.useProxies),"boolean"==typeof(null==t?void 0:t.autoFreeze)&&this.setAutoFreeze(t.autoFreeze)}var i=e.prototype;return i.createDraft=function(e){r(e)||n(8),t(e)&&(e=D(e));var i=w(this),o=R(this,e,void 0);return o[Q].C=!0,g(i),o},i.finishDraft=function(t,r){var e=t&&t[Q];"production"!==process.env.NODE_ENV&&(e&&e.C||n(9),e.I&&n(10));var i=e.A;return j(i,r),P(void 0,i)},i.setAutoFreeze=function(n){this.F=n},i.setUseProxies=function(t){t&&!B&&n(20),this.g=t},i.applyPatches=function(n,r){var e;for(e=r.length-1;e>=0;e--){var i=r[e];if(0===i.path.length&&"replace"===i.op){n=i.value;break}}var o=b("Patches").$;return t(n)?o(n,r):this.produce(n,(function(n){return o(n,r.slice(e+1))}))},e}(),an=new un,fn=an.produce,cn=an.produceWithPatches.bind(an),sn=an.setAutoFreeze.bind(an),vn=an.setUseProxies.bind(an),pn=an.applyPatches.bind(an),ln=an.createDraft.bind(an),dn=an.finishDraft.bind(an);/* harmony default export */ const __WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__ = (fn);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
  module.exports = __webpack_require__(1566);
} else {
  module.exports = __webpack_require__(1567);

I have another project that I also upgraded to angular v12 which didn't have any issues. It may be specific packages that I use that reference process.

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Thanks for reporting the issue. It is fixed and the fix is published in the latest core version.

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Very quick fix thank you! 🙂

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