JSON Schema Mocker is a Lua library to generate mock data from a JSON Schema.
Category | Supported |
boolean | supported |
integer | minimum , maximum , exclusiveMinimum , exclusiveMaximum |
number | minimum , maximum , exclusiveMinimum , exclusiveMaximum |
string | minLength , maxLength , format (date and date-time ) |
array | minItems , maxItems |
object | supported |
null | supported |
others | enum , allOf , oneOf |
Install via LuaRocks:
luarocks install jsonschema-mocker
local jsonschema_mocker = require "jsonschema-mocker"
local mocker = jsonschema_mocker.new()
local res = mocker:mock({
type = "object",
properties = {
age = { type = "integer", minimum = 0 },
name = { type = "string" },
activated = { type = "boolean" },
hobbies = { type = "array", items = { type = "string" }, minItems = 0, maxItems = 5 },
rank = { enum = { "A", "B", "C", "D" } },
--[[ res
activated = false,
age = 27,
hobbies = { "v7t8fCape", "OEt7ExyKuUzBentHd", "S6MtSh", "IrowzGG7POFoDBio" },
name = "DP6CjCN7mlMnAo",
rank = "C"
-- ]]
local jsonschema_mocker = require "jsonschema-mocker"
local mocker = jsonschema_mocker.new({
-- integer mocker options
integer = {
minimum = 0,
maximum = 999,
-- number mocker options
number = {
minimum = 0,
maximum = 999,
-- string mocker options
string = {
min_length = 1,
max_length = 20,
charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890",
formatters = nil,
-- array mocker options
array = {
min_items = 0,
max_items = 0,
-- object mocker optiosn
object = {
only_required_properties = false,
-- customize mock result function
customize = function(res, schema)
return res
For more usage samples, refer to the /samples