We teste TFaaS server on the following node: CentOS 7 Linux, 16 cores, 30GB of RAM. The benchmarks was done using modified version of hey tool using the following command:
# in this example we used 1000 calls with 100 concurrent clients
# the input.json file contains set of input parameters we sent to TFaaS
hey -n 1000 -c 100 -m POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -D input.json https://localhost:8083/json
The results are the following:
- 1000 calls with 100 concurrent clients:
Total: 2.4778 secs
Slowest: 1.3385 secs
Fastest: 0.0045 secs
Average: 0.2135 secs
Requests/sec: 403.5864
Total data: 12000 bytes
Size/request: 12 bytes
Status code distribution:
[200] 1000 responses
Response time histogram:
0.005 [1] |
0.138 [508] |∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
0.271 [382] |∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
0.405 [10] |∎
0.538 [5] |
0.672 [5] |
0.805 [8] |∎
0.938 [11] |∎
1.072 [14] |∎
1.205 [27] |∎∎
1.339 [29] |∎∎
- 5000 calls with 200 concurrent clients:
Total: 10.5098 secs
Slowest: 2.9215 secs
Fastest: 0.0051 secs
Average: 0.3828 secs
Requests/sec: 475.7460
Total data: 60000 bytes
Size/request: 12 bytes
Status code distribution:
[200] 5000 responses
Response time histogram:
0.005 [1] |
0.297 [2079] |∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
0.588 [2603] |∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
0.880 [132] |∎∎
1.172 [5] |
1.463 [12] |
1.755 [20] |
2.047 [28] |
2.338 [42] |∎
2.630 [74] |∎
2.921 [4] |
For protobuffer data we used the following commands:
# first we create a proto.msg file with our input data
# key: "attr1"
# value: 0.1
# ....
# then we converted this message into binary form, here /path should point to
# location of proto area which contains our tfaaspb definitions
cat proto.msg | protoc -I/path/proto --encode tfaaspb.Row tfaaspb.Predictions > proto.bin
# call hey with the following options
# 1000 calls with 100 concurrent clients
hey -n 1000 -c 100 -m POST -D proto.bin https://localhost:8083/proto
# 5000 calls with 200 concurrent clients
hey -n 5000 -c 200 -m POST -D proto.bin https://localhost:8083/proto
The results are the following:
- 1000 calls with 100 concurrent clients:
Total: 2.5362 secs
Slowest: 1.4648 secs
Fastest: 0.0050 secs
Average: 0.2194 secs
Requests/sec: 394.2874
Total data: 7000 bytes
Size/request: 7 bytes
Status code distribution:
[200] 1000 responses
Response time histogram:
0.005 [1] |
0.151 [573] |∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
0.297 [322] |∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
0.443 [9] |∎
0.589 [1] |
0.735 [4] |
0.881 [10] |∎
1.027 [18] |∎
1.173 [15] |∎
1.319 [41] |∎∎∎
1.465 [6] |
- 5000 calls with 200 concurrent clients:
Total: 10.3902 secs
Slowest: 2.7922 secs
Fastest: 0.0044 secs
Average: 0.3775 secs
Requests/sec: 481.2210
Total data: 35000 bytes
Size/request: 7 bytes
Status code distribution:
[200] 5000 responses
Response time histogram:
0.004 [1] |
0.283 [1985] |∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
0.562 [2664] |∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
0.841 [162] |∎∎
1.120 [7] |
1.398 [4] |
1.677 [15] |
1.956 [22] |
2.235 [37] |∎
2.513 [78] |∎
2.792 [25] |
As you can see from these tests the results between JSON and proto exchange with TFaaS server are quite similar.