Before you begin:
- Check out the existing issues.
If you spot something new, open an issue using a template. We'll use the issue to have a conversation about the problem you want to fix.
Fork using the command line:
- Fork the repo so that you can make your changes without affecting the original project until you're ready to merge them.
Make your changes to the file(s) you'd like to update.
When you're done making changes and you'd like to propose them for review, use the pull request template to open your PR (pull request).
- Once you submit your PR, others from the Docs community will review it with you.
- After that, we may have questions, check back on your PR to keep up with the conversation.
Congratulations! The whole community thanks you. ✨
You can browse existing issues to find something that needs help!
Labels can help you find an issue you'd like to help with.
- The
label is for problems or updates that anyone in the community can start working on. - The
good first issue
label is for problems or updates we think are ideal for beginners. - The
label is for problems or updates on the difficulity level. - The
label is for problems or updates in the docs.These will usually require some knowledge of Markdown.
You can use the GitHub user interface ✏️ for some small changes, like fixing a typo or updating a readme. You can also fork the repo and then clone it locally, to view changes and run your tests on your machine.
- If you’re just getting started work on an issue labeled “First Timers Only”.
- In an active repository (not an archived one), choose an open issue from the issue list, claim it in the comments, and a maintainer will assign it to you.
- After approval you must make continuous notes on your progress in the issue while working. If there is not at least one comment every 3 days, the maintainer can reassign the issue.
- Create a branch specific to the issue you're working on, so that you send a PR from that branch instead of the base branch on your fork.
- If you’d like to create a new issue, please go through our issue list first (open as well as closed) and make sure the issues you are reporting do not replicate the existing issues.
- Have a short description on what has gone wrong (like a root cause analysis and description of the fix), if that information is not already present in the issue.
- If you have issues on multiple pages, report them separately. Do not combine them into a single issue.