Fortran User Defined Exceptions Handler
Experimental Code: Use it carefully! still under development
##What is ForEx?
ForEx is fortran 2003 project taking advance of the C preprocessor capabilities in order to emulate exception handling.
- Exception hierarchy: ForEx can handle any error object extended from the Exception base class.
- Local flow control: throwing an exception changes the local flow. THROW performs local jumps to the end of the TRY frame or FINALLY.
- Global handling: the exception stack is a global object under the singleton pattern.
- Single THROW call per scope:
- Single throw call per local TRY scope.
- Single throw call per local CATCH scope.
- Single throw call per local FINALLY scope.
- Re-throwing: a exception can be raised again in the CATCH scope.
- Re-throwing Backtrace: an exception saves the stack of contexts where it has been throwed.
- Handle throwed exceptions: CATCH iterate over all the exceptions looking for the first that matches the same class.
- CATCH precedence: multiple CATCH calls in the same TRY frame are executed sequencially.
- Automatic exception stack cleaning when CATCH: if several exceptions has been thrown along the program, only one of them will be handled in the next CATCH call.
- Customizable catching action: Exception class contains the Catch procedure to customize the action performed when cathing it.
- Automatic Backtrace of non handled exceptions: going out of the main TRY/ENDTRY scope with non handled exceptions in the stack causes exception backtrace flush.
##How to get ForEx
git clone /~https://github.com/victorsndvg/Forex.git
ForEx compile with GNU Fortran compiler 5.1 (and newer versions) and Intel Fortran compiler 15.0.1 (and newer versions).
ForEx uses CMake as a portable compilation system.
The easiest way to compile ForEx under Linux is:
$ cd ForEx
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../
$ make
To compile ForEx under Windows use de equivalent commands
Remember, ForEx take advantage of the C preprocessor. To include it in your project, you have to add the preprocessor flags while compiling. Preprocesor flags depending on the compiler vendor:
- GNU Fortran: -cpp
- Intel Fortran: -fpp
- IBM XLF: -qsuffix=f=f90:cpp=f90
###Using ForEx in your program
program test
implicit none
#include "ExceptionHandler.i90"
! Variable allocation
if(Error) then
THROW(Exception(Code=-1, Message='An error message')
CATCH(Exception, Ex)
call Ex%Print()
! Variable deallocation
end program test