A small collection of routines primarily associated with Linear Algebra.
Currently, the primary application is for use by the M_matrix module. As time permits, all the related modules such as M_blas and this one will be merged into a single repository.
Installation requires fpm(1):
download the github repository and build it with fpm ( as described at Fortran Package Manager )
git clone /~https://github.com/urbanjost/M_LA.git
cd M_LA
fpm run
or if calling it from your fpm
project just list it as a dependency in
the fpm.toml project file.
M_LA = { git = "/~https://github.com/urbanjost/M_LA.git" }
The documentation is nascent. This is just a skeleton at the moment.
There are HTML documents for each subprogram in the style of man-pages:
An index to the HTML versions of the man-pages.
A single page (that uses javascript) combining all the HTML descriptions of the man-pages for easy searching and printing: BOOK_M_LA.
Literal man-pages for use on GNU/Linux, Unix and CygWin platforms:
CHANGELOG provides a history of significant changes
- The code was run through ford(1) to produce a developers' document.
- github action status
Each man-page includes a working example program. These and additional examples are included in the example/ directory.