Got only 5 seconds to spend on this? Try my dotfiles out with
docker run -ti
- Install
, and theen_US.UTF-8
locale - Run
git clone /~ && dotfiles/install
Whee! 🎉
I normally install these things:
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
brew install \
coreutils \
delta \
findutils \
git \
gnupg \
go \
htop \
jq \
rust \
svn \
wget \
1password \
aws-vpn-client \
homebrew/cask/dash \
datagrip \
homebrew/cask/docker \
figma \
homebrew/cask/flux \
google-chrome \
google-chrome-canary \
google-drive \
imageoptim \
iterm2 \
karabiner-elements \
linear-linear \
mackup \
ngrok \
postman \
raycast \
rectangle \
semgrep \
slack \
spotify \
tailscale \
brew install \
font-cozette \
font-fira-code-for-powerline \
font-roboto-mono-for-powerline \
versioned_tools=(kubectl kubectx terraform nodejs python)
for tool in $versioned_tools; do
asdf plugin add $tool; asdf install $tool latest; asdf global $tool latest
asdf exec python -m pip install pipx
python_tools=(black docker-compose git-delete-merged-branches httpie mypy pipenv poetry tox)
for tool in $python_tools; do
pipx install $tool
pipx install jupyter --include-deps