Python library to generate L2A wind speed products from intermediate Sentinel-1 TOPS SLC-derived products.
This library based on xarray
is providing wind speed retrievals from NRCS (Normalized Radar Cross Section) coming from C-band SAR images.
In particular the wind can be estimated from:
- VV channel
- HH channel
- VH channel
- HV channel
- combination of co and cross-pol channels (e.g. VV+VH)
- Free software: MIT license
- Documentation:
pip install git+/~
slcwindinversion -h
usage: slcwindinversion [-h] [--verbose] [--overwrite] --inputsafe INPUTSAFE --outputdir OUTPUTDIR --version VERSION [--dev]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--overwrite overwrite the existing outputs [default=False]
--inputsafe INPUTSAFE
safe product full path to use as input
--outputdir OUTPUTDIR
directory where to store output netCDF files
--version VERSION set the output product version (e.g. 1.4)
--dev dev mode stops the computation early