A basic web application to test the memory profile of the Thymeleaf Layout Dialect.
To execute the benchmark, use ./gradlew benchmark
from the command line. This
will start the test application, then execute the JMeter test plan over it.
Once completed, JMeter's HTML reports can be found in build/reports/(dialect-version)/(date-time-of-run)
To include YourKit profiling for memory snapshots, then the agent needs to be
loaded with the web application via the -agentpath
VM argument. eg: on MacOS:
-agentpath:"/Applications/YourKit Java Profiler 2015.app/Contents/Resources/bin/mac/libyjpagent.jnilib"
From version 2.5.0 of the layout dialect, this benchmark is now included as a subproject with the layout dialect. For benchmarking older versions, this repo is still the way to do it.