Java library that autogrades projects based on a configurable set of metrics. Currently, you can select from the following metrics:
Test statistics (e.g., number of failed tests)
Code coverage (e.g., line coverage percentage)
Mutation coverage (e.g., survived mutations' percentage)
Static analysis warnings (e.g., number of SpotBugs warnings)
Software metric (e.g., cyclomatic complexity)
This library internally uses the Java libraries analysis-model and coverage-model to read and parse build reports. These results are then aggregated and evaluated. These libraries are the fundament for the following tools:
Jenkins autograding plugin: Show the autograding results in Jenkins' UI
GitHub autograding action: Show the autograding results in GitHub pull requests
GitLab autograding action: Show the autograding results in GitLab merge requests
For each metric you can define the impact on the overall score, and the individual scoring criteria using a JSON configuration:
"tests": {
"name": "JUnit Tests",
"id": "tests",
"tools": [
"id": "junit",
"name": "Unit Tests",
"pattern": "**/target/*-reports/TEST*.xml"
"failureRateImpact": -1,
"maxScore": 100
"analysis": [
"name": "Style",
"id": "style",
"tools": [
"id": "checkstyle",
"pattern": "**/target/checkstyle-result.xml"
"id": "pmd",
"pattern": "**/target/pmd.xml"
"errorImpact": -1,
"highImpact": -1,
"normalImpact": -1,
"lowImpact": -1,
"maxScore": 100
"name": "Bugs",
"id": "bugs",
"icon": "bug",
"tools": [
"id": "spotbugs",
"sourcePath": "src/main/java",
"pattern": "**/target/spotbugsXml.xml"
"errorImpact": -3,
"highImpact": -3,
"normalImpact": -3,
"lowImpact": -3,
"maxScore": 100
"coverage": [
"name": "Code Coverage",
"tools": [
"id": "jacoco",
"name": "Line Coverage",
"metric": "line",
"sourcePath": "src/main/java",
"pattern": "**/target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml"
"id": "jacoco",
"name": "Branch Coverage",
"metric": "branch",
"sourcePath": "src/main/java",
"pattern": "**/target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml"
"maxScore": 100,
"missedPercentageImpact": -1
"name": "Mutation Coverage",
"tools": [
"id": "pit",
"name": "Mutation Coverage",
"metric": "mutation",
"sourcePath": "src/main/java",
"pattern": "**/target/pit-reports/mutations.xml"
"id": "pit",
"name": "Test Strength",
"metric": "test-strength",
"sourcePath": "src/main/java",
"pattern": "**/target/pit-reports/mutations.xml"
"maxScore": 100,
"missedPercentageImpact": -1