Originally based on molecular addon from pyroevil. /~https://github.com/Pyroevil/Blender-Molecular-Script and the efforts of PavelBlend and Scorpion81 for maintaining compatibility with Blender 2.8+. /~https://github.com/scorpion81/Blender-Molecular-Script
This is my extended version of the addon adding a create panel to be able to fast setup a scene.
I cleaned up the code and moved the molecular+ panel to the physics section of blender, where it belongs.
Added an N-panel to get fast access to setup / simulation.
More info on my website. http://q3de.com/research/molecular/
Join my discord https://discord.com/invite/tAwvNEAfA3
If you find this helpful and want to support future development please consider supporting me. Thanks !