This is a sample template that demonstrates how to use ECS with Spot Fleets.
- Launch Stack with Spot Fleets
- Deploy Demo App
- Cleanup
To launch the stack without a KeyName:
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name ecs-spot-demo --template-body file://ecs-spot-demo.yml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
If you would like to launch the stack with an ssh key. Here are the commands:
# Quick way to grab first keypair on the AWS account.
KEY_NAME=$(aws ec2 describe-key-pairs | jq -r '.KeyPairs[0].KeyName')
# Create a parameters file for the one required parameter in this template
cat <<EOL > parameters.json
"ParameterKey": "KeyName",
"ParameterValue": "$KEY_NAME"
# Launch the stack
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name ecs-spot-demo --template-body file://ecs-spot-demo.yml --parameters file://parameters.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
First let's create the ECR repo and set some variables we'll need:
ECR_REPO=$(aws ecr create-repository --repository-name demo/sinatra | jq -r '.repository.repositoryUri')
VPC_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filters Name=tag:Name,Values="demo vpc" | jq -r '.Vpcs[].VpcId')
Now we're ready to clone the demo repo and deploy an sample app to ECS with ufo. Note, you'll need Docker installed.
git clone /~ demo
cd demo
ufo init --image $ECR_REPO --vpc-id $VPC_ID
ufo current --service demo-web
ufo ship # deploys to ECS on the Spot Fleet cluster
To clean up. First, delete the ECS service.
cd demo # demo project
ufo destroy
Delete the ECR repo:
IMAGES=$(aws ecr list-images --repository-name demo/sinatra | jq -r '.imageIds[].imageDigest')
for i in $IMAGES; do aws ecr batch-delete-image --repository-name demo/sinatra --image-ids imageDigest=$i ; done
aws ecr delete-repository --repository-name demo/sinatra
Delete the infrastructure CloudFormation stack:
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name ecs-spot-demo