based on "Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn & TensorFlow" (O'Reilly, Aurelien Geron)
Apr 28, 2017 - HTML
TensorFlow is an open source library that was created by Google. It is used to design, build, and train deep learning models.
based on "Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn & TensorFlow" (O'Reilly, Aurelien Geron)
The code for the book Learning TensorFlow.js by Gant Laborde - Published by O'Reilly Media
TensorFlow with R
Slides and code of my talk “Introduction to Supervised Learning with TensorFlow”.
Image Classification Web Appl built using Tensorflow.js & Google Cloud AutoML Vision.
This is just a simple RNN text generation model that generates new scripts of Friends TV Show.
The implementation of algorithms on the subject of deep learning that are nice in the Neuro-Computation course
Chinese translation for TensorFlow r1.0 docs. TensorFlow r1.0官方文档中文翻译
A Chinese guide book for learning Tensorflow from a starter.
Guess what GOT character will die next using TensorFlow, a codelab by Gema Parreño and Santiago Saavedra
An approach to classify traffic signs with neural networks in TensorFlow. Project 2 of Udacity's Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Program.
Generazione di Immagini Avversariali in Tensorflow
Machine Learning from Scratch and Implement Everything with Python
Simple neural network built using Tensorflow.js
code for Tensorflow.js video: Try Tensorflow.js in your browser
🧠⚡ Series of exercices made by Tensorflow to learn the basics of machine learning and the fundamentals of their API. 💻
TensorFlow.js tutorial - Miles per gallon prediction
simple image classifier using per-trained model with keras, tensorflow and flask.
Repository for code of tensorflowjs and some cool stuff
Created by Google Brain Team
Released November 9, 2015