Apache Anything To Triples (Any23) is a library, a web service and a command line tool that extracts structured data in RDF format from a variety of Web documents.
Jun 20, 2023 - HTML
The Semantic Web is an extension of the World Wide Web through standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The goal of the Semantic Web is to make Internet data machine-readable.
This can be seen in various aspects of web development, one being semantic HTML as a way to give your markup meaning, microformats like schema.org or linked-data like json-ld. Another aspect is from the opposite perspective: Reading and interpreting data. This can be done with metadata via RDF.
Apache Anything To Triples (Any23) is a library, a web service and a command line tool that extracts structured data in RDF format from a variety of Web documents.
The eProcurement Ontology provides the formal, semantic foundation for the creation and reuse of linked open data in the domain of public procurement in the EU.
🌐 linkedresearch.org
Easy-to-use résumé template with lots of features
A generic webservice to extract RDF statements from XML resources
Linked Data vocabulary and API for parliamentary and committee information systems
Semantic Web for Hugo through Schema.org JSON-LD with Google Rich Results support.
SHACL-Shapes für DCAT-AP.de
Documentation for the TriplyDB and TriplyETL products
Transformation rules and other artefacts for the TED Semantic Web Services
Vocabulary definition for the European Union Agency for Railways
A Survey on Knowledge Organization Systems of Research Fields: Resources and Challenges
Slides for a mini-lecture on “Rule-based reasoning on the Semantic Web”
大规模集成网页,集成超过一千个链接的网页 <br>Large Scale Integrated web Page
A social network for pets | Project created to study CSS BEM, SEO and Accessibility
"Linked Bioscience" is a prototype software project that allows one to visualize research and networks of expertise based on researcher interests and research collaborations.
TED Semantic Web Services
Repository for the Semantic Technologies Committee
Created by Tim Berners-Lee, James Alexander Hendler, Ora Lassila