CSC330 Object-Oriented Software Design course, CSC424 Database Management course
Aug 20, 2017 - C#
The term MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. MVC is a software design pattern that separates an application's logic according to responsibilities: The model manages the application's data structure, the view manages how information is represented in the user interface, and the controller accepts input and dispatches commands to the model and the view.
CSC330 Object-Oriented Software Design course, CSC424 Database Management course
Super simple Invoice Generator Web App running on ASP.NET Core 6 MVC
Backend for Full Stack Group Project PropTrac ~in development
An expense tracker using ASP.NET Core
BilgeAdam academy .NET Education achievement certificate project.
A console based contact manager application built upon .NET Generic Host and Entity Framework Core
Several implementations of localization from route data in Asp.Net MVC Web Application.
Personal Web Site ( ASP.NET MVC)
Bank Application -> Model View Controller
Ice Cream WebApp Exercise Still In progress
This repository contains a comprehensive .NET MVC project implementing basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. The project serves as an exemplary guide for developers looking to understand the fundamental operations in an ASP.NET MVC application.
My project for SoftUni ASP.NET Core course, a music shop using the Model-VIew-Controller approach.
A simple CRUD application in ASP.NET Core using Visual Studio and the C# language.
This repository contains the source code of a web application created with core - Csharp.
Basic web application written in C# based on the actor model
Code example of an MVC web app using .net core 2.0, Entity Framework Core 2.0 and React.js to accompany the 12 Labours of a .NET Developer blog series.
A console based minimalistic text-based RPG game
WPF application, CRUD, Task Desc in: MainViewModel.cs