Various ipython notebooks
Jan 27, 2018 - Jupyter Notebook
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency developed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. Bitcoin is used as a digital payment system. Rather than use traditional currency (USD, YEN, EURO, etc.) individuals may trade in, or even mine Bitcoin. It is a peer-to-peer system, and transactions may take place between users directly.
Various ipython notebooks
Python Scripts and Jupyter Notebooks
Is Bitcoin cloud mining profitable? Check the notebook to find out! (Not Clickbait)
Ethereum Solidity Development Overview
Where I keep all my jupyter notebooks
Predicting Bitcoin prices using Deep Learning
SNA on various social graphs including trading networks & Facebook friendship networks.
A collection of Jupyter Notebooks I've developed and shared publicly on Kaggle. Explore data analysis projects, machine learning models, and other insightful explorations across diverse datasets. Feel free to use, adapt, and contribute to these notebooks as you embark on your own data science journey!
some dumb and cool ideas.
Jupyter Notebook with a Crypto-currency Historical Data generator
Predicted the Price of the Cryptocurrency(Bitcoin) using the past time-series data, Twitter Sentiments(Polarity and Sensitivity), Currency's Fundamentals and Technical Indicators like RSI and SMA on LSTM. The Notebook contains the Exploratory data analysis(with important links) and the astounding result at the end of it
Statistical Models Application to Bitcoin Daily Movement with Python via Jupyter notebook.
Codes and notebooks used for the paper.
Predicting Bitcoin closing prices using deep learning models (GRU, LSTM, Bidirectional GRU) with feature selection and training on various time periods. Developed in Python using Jupyter Notebook.
Jupyter Notebook which allows you to create your own dataset with bitcoin "OPEN, HIGH, LOW, CLOSE" data, through the trades of different exchanges.
Aplicación de modelos estadísticos al movimiento diario del Bitcoin con Python via Jupyter notebook.
Created by Satoshi Nakamoto
Released January 3, 2009
Latest release 11 days ago