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Barcode refers to a method of representing data in a visual, machine-readable form. This topic covers the history, types, and applications of barcodes. Barcodes are widely used in various industries for inventory management, tracking items, and automating data entry. They come in different formats, including linear barcodes and matrix barcodes (such as QR codes), each with its specific use cases and encoding methods. The topic also explores the technologies and standards used in barcode generation and scanning.

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  • Updated Aug 1, 2023
  • Kotlin

QR & Bar Code Scanner Plus is an app that helps you to scan and generate QR codes from various sources. It can generate QR codes from text, contacts, apps, bookmarks, and clipboard. The app has a simple and intuitive interface that allows users to customize the scan settings and share the results easily. 📷

  • Updated Feb 12, 2025
  • Kotlin

Created by Norman Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver


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data-collection inventory-management qr-code scanning