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Image Restoration by Denoising Diffusion Models with Iteratively Preconditioned Guidance

📖Paper (CVPR 2024)

Tomer Garber, Tom Tirer

The Open University of Israel and Bar-Ilan University


This repository contains the code release for Image Restoration by Denoising Diffusion Models with Iteratively Preconditioned Guidance (DDPG).

Main idea: identifying back-projection (BP) guidance (used recently under the names "pseudoinverse" or "range/null-space" guidance) as a preconditioned version of least squares (LS) guidance, and accordingly, devising a guidance technique with iteration-dependent preconditioning that traverses from BP to LS, enjoying the benefits of both.

Supported degradations

  1. Super-Resolution (Bicubic)
  2. Gaussian Deblurring
  3. Motion Deblurring

The code can be very easily adapted to super-resolution and deblurring with any kernel.
Extension to other linear measurement models is also possible.



Clone this repository

To clone this repository and the code, run:

git clone /~


There are several dependencies required, and you may install it via pip or docker. The code was written and tested on Python 3.8 and PyTorch 1.9.0.


pip install torch torchvision lpips numpy tqdm pillow pyYaml pandas scipy

Install the relevant torch and torchvision versions according to your setup, for example:

pip install torch==1.9.0+cu111 torchvision==0.10.1+cu111 -f


The repository contains Dockerfile, in order to use it run (after cloning this repo and cd to it):

docker build .

If you wish to run IDPG instead of DDPG, You can swap the CMD commands in the Docker file.

Pre-Trained Models

To download the models used in the paper:


The CelebA-HQ model checkpoint can be found here. Download it and place it in DDPG/exp/logs/celeba/.


The ImageNet model checkpoint can be found here. Download it and place it in DDPG/exp/logs/imagenet/.

Quick Start

Run the following commands to get immediate DDPG results:

  1. CelebA noiseless SRx4:

    python --config celeba_hq.yml --path_y celeba_hq --deg sr_bicubic --sigma_y 0 \
    -i DDPG_celeba_sr_bicubic_sigma_y_0 --inject_noise 1 --zeta 0.7 --step_size_mode 0 \
    --deg_scale 4 --operator_imp SVD
  2. CelebA Gaussian deblurring with sigma_y=0.05:

    python --config celeba_hq.yml --path_y celeba_hq --deg deblur_gauss --sigma_y 0.05 \
    -i DDPG_celeba_deblur_gauss_sigma_y_0.05 --inject_noise 1 --gamma 8 --zeta 0.5 --eta_tilde 0.7 \
    --step_size_mode 1 --operator_imp FFT

The results will be in DDPG/exp/image_samples/.

Full Datasets

The datasets used in the paper are CelebA-HQ and ImageNet. Both can be found in: [Google drive] [Baidu drive].

After you download the datasets, place each dataset in the relevant directory:

  1. CelebA-HQ - Place the dataset in DDPG/exp/datasets/celeba/.
  2. ImageNet - Place the dataset in DDPG/exp/datasets/imagenet/.
    1. Download the file imagenet_val_1k.txt from the links above as well, and place it in DDPG/exp. Rename this file to imagenet_val.txt in order for the code to use it.

Motion Deblur

For motion deblur we used the following git repository to generate the kernels: /~

Clone that repository and copy the file into DDPG/functions.

As mentioned in the paper, we used motion deblur kernels with intensity=0.5.


The general python command to run the code is:

python --config {config}.yml --path_y {dataset_folder} --deg {deg} --sigma_y {sigma_y}
-i {image_folder} --inject_noise {inject_noise} --gamma {gamma} --zeta {zeta} --eta_tilde {eta_tilde}
--step_size_mode {step_size_mode} --operator_imp {operator_implementation} --save_y {save_observation}
--scale_ls {scale_for_gLS}


  • config: The name of the yml to use to configure the model used.
  • dataset_folder: The name of the directory containing the image dataset.
  • deg: the degradation type to use. Used in paper: sr_bicubic, deblur_gauss, motion_deblur
    • When using sr_bicubic, the flag --deg_scale 4 is also required
  • sigma_y: Noise level. Noise levels used in paper: 0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1.
  • image_folder: Name of directory for output images.
  • inject_noise: Whether to inject noise (1) and run DDPG or not (0) and run IDPG.
  • gamma: The Gamma hyperparameter used in the paper.
  • zeta: The Zeta hyperparameter used in the paper.
  • eta_tilde: The Eta hyperparameter used in the paper.
  • step_size_mode: Which step size mode to use. In the paper, step_size_mode=0 (fixed 1) was used for IDPG, noiseless DDPG and DDPG with noise level 0.01. step_size_mode=1 (certain decay) was used for the rest of the DDPG runs.
  • operator_implementation - Whether to use SVD or FFT. Defaults to FFT.
  • scale_ls - The c hyperparameter used in the paper, which is Least Squares guidance scale. Defaults to 1.
  • save_observation - Whether to save the observed image (y) or not. Defaults to False.

Additionally, you can configure the sampling steps (defaults to 100 in the paper). In each yml config under configs directory (celeba_hq.yml, imagenet_256.yml and imagenet_256_cc.yml) you may change:

  T_sampling: <desired_sampling_steps>


In order to reproduce the paper's results, there are 2 evaluation scripts:

  1. for DDPG results.
  2. for IDPG results.

Both scripts contain all tasks mentioned in the paper with the relevant configuration.

Qualitative Results

Qualitative Results

Additional results can be found in the paper, including PSNR and LPIPS results compared to competitors.


If you used this repository in your research, please cite the paper:

  title={Image Restoration by Denoising Diffusion Models with Iteratively Preconditioned Guidance},
  author={Garber, Tomer and Tirer, Tom},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition},

This implementation is inspired by /~ and /~