ETL scripts to convert CALIBER data to OMOP CDM. The script are mainly sql queries, that are executed from Python.
- Postgres (9.5)
- Pl/Python
select version(); sudo apt-get install postgresql-plpython3-<postgresql version> CREATE EXTENSION plpython3u;
- cdm5 schema with OMOP vocabulary pre-loaded
- Python 3, with the following installed:
- pip
apt install python3-pip
- click
pip3 install click
- sqlalchemy
pip3 install sqlalchemy
- psycopg2
pip3 install psycopg2
- pip
See this document describing the initial setup.
In this setup the dependencies are installed and the target cdm5
schema is initialized with the OMOP vocabulary tables.
python3 -h -d <database-name> -p <port> -u <user> -w <password> -s <source-schema>
By default, a log file will be created in the current working directory.
Other parameters:
to apply constraints before loading. This gives direct feedback if any constraints fail, but is less optimal for loading speed.--skipvocab
to skip the time consuming loading and pre-processing of source to target vocabularies.--log <file_name>
to supply a different location and name of the log file.
This work builds on the CPRD mapping efforts made by Janssen, led by Amy Matcho. The original ETL documentation can be found here