School project which main goal is to get familiar with different types of NoSQL databases such as InfluxDB and Neo4J.
- Installed InfluxDB on local machine or remote connection to it
- Neo4J DB instance running on local or remote machine (Aura)
To install bun dependencies:
bun install
To show all allowed commands:
bun index.ts --help
Usage: index [options] [command]
-h, --help display help for command
influx [options] CLI for InfluxDB
neo4j [options] CLI for Neo4j
help [command] display help for command
- Neo4J
- InfluxDB
- Neo4J
For the puproses of working with Neo4J database was chosen the following dataset:
As a format was chosen ".csv" because there is no need of having geographical features for particular dataset.
It contains a list of development projects in the municipality of Brno where every row is represented as an individual project with information of its developer, architect studio or company, type of investion, state of progress and more. Thus, it can be considered as heterogeneous dataset where Neo4J can only levearage of it. Neo4J will allow to map different enteties to nodes connected by different kinds of relationships.
Among the potential issues of specific dataset is irregular frequenc of updates. The most concerning issue is missing data for some of projects where some fields are left empty. It leads to an aggregation of multiple projects into one which decreases the overall quality of dataset.
On the bright side, Neo4J scales out pretty well for large data. It uses the technique known as "sharding" which enables to divide a database into smaller ones which are called shards. Apart of it, individual queries can be tunned and perform better with correct understanding of need to extract only necessary data.
- InfluxDB
For the puproses of working with InfluxDB database was chosen the following dataset:
As a format was chosen ".xml" since there were not any other formats.
This dataset brings information of measured temperatures in the center of town Bohumin for one month between 2023-09-27 and 2023-10-27. Among the values are date of capture, time and its value. The interval between capture data is 5 minutes, and it gives its preciseness for the analysis over the time in a way of graph or other alternatives.
Comparing to previous dataset, there is no much heterogeneity. Thus, it does satisfy InfluxDB design patterns for performance. Moreover, it avoids wide and sparse schemas since there are only three values per row and no null values.
However, there is no any specific identification between rows only if date and time is considered as unique identifier which does not essentially bring worth for storing such an information. As a solution would be an adding of identifiers or names of devices which have captured temperature. It will allow to bring brighter, more descriptive and transparent view on data for further analysis and comparisons between uniques detectors over period of time.
Data will be queried in time range and will not require any computational power since it is limited only for one month. However, in case of bigger ranges prefered way of searching data can be fixed with continuous queries which runs periodically over the data until query is terminated. It incrementally evaluates its result.
- Neo4J
Cypher offers COALESC function which changes empty values to meaningful ones.
MERGE (p:Project {id: row.globalid}) ON CREATE SET = row.nazev_projektu,
p.address = row.adresa,
p.district = row.mestska_cast,
p.description = row.poznamky
MERGE (d:Developer {name: COALESCE(row.developer_investor, "Neuvedeno")})
MERGE (a:Architect {name: COALESCE(row.architekt, "Neuvedeno")})
// Define relationships between nodes
FOREACH (_ in CASE row.stav WHEN "planovany" THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
MERGE (p)-[:PLANNED]->(a)
FOREACH (_ in CASE row.stav WHEN "v realizaci" THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
FOREACH (_ in CASE row.stav WHEN "dokonceny" THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
FOREACH (_ in CASE row.typ_investice WHEN "soukroma" THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
FOREACH (_ in CASE row.typ_investice WHEN "verejna" THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
FOREACH (_ in CASE row.typ_investice WHEN "Strategicky_projekt_mesta_Brna" THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
MERGE (d)-[:WORKED_WITH]->(a);
- InfluxDB
For creation of InfluxDB schema was used @influxdata Javascript client library with the following packages:
- @influxdata/influxdb-client
- @influxdata/influxdb-client-apis
- First step is to create bucket for already existing organization.
async postBucket(orgID: string, name: string) {
const bucketsAPI = new BucketsAPI(this._influxDB);
const bucket = await bucketsAPI.postBuckets({ body: { orgID, name } });
(key, value) => (key === "links" ? undefined : value),
- Once bucket exists data can be stored within it in range of bucket's retention period. Each row is converted into a point. InfluxDB documentation states
"A point represents a single data record that has four components: a measurement, tag set, field set, and a timestamp. A point is uniquely identified by its series and timestamp".
temperatures.forEach((t) => {
const value = parseFloat(t.hodnota[0]);
const timestamp = new Date(`${t.datum} ${t.cas}`).getTime();
const point = new Point("temperature")
.tag("sensor", "Bohumin")
.floatField("value", value)
- Neo4J
In order to import data for Neo4J were used the following tools:
Firstly was created an instance of remotely running neo4j database with help of Aura DB. Afterwards, the connection between remote database and local machine was established via cypher-shell with provided Aura DB credentials such as user, password and url of running instance. Cypher query language served as a tool for runing queries to upload data.
cypher-shell -a [link_to_instance] -u [username] -p [password]
Cypher query to import data:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "í-projekty-a-záměry-brno-brzo-development-projects-and-plans.csv" AS row
MERGE (p:Project {id: row.globalid}) ON CREATE SET = row.nazev_projektu,
p.address = row.adresa,
p.district = row.mestska_cast,
p.description = row.poznamky
MERGE (d:Developer {name: COALESCE(row.developer_investor, "Neuvedeno")})
MERGE (a:Architect {name: COALESCE(row.architekt, "Neuvedeno")})
// Define relationships between nodes
FOREACH (_ in CASE row.stav WHEN "planovany" THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
MERGE (p)-[:PLANNED]->(a)
FOREACH (_ in CASE row.stav WHEN "v realizaci" THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
FOREACH (_ in CASE row.stav WHEN "dokonceny" THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
FOREACH (_ in CASE row.typ_investice WHEN "soukroma" THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
FOREACH (_ in CASE row.typ_investice WHEN "verejna" THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
FOREACH (_ in CASE row.typ_investice WHEN "Strategicky_projekt_mesta_Brna" THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
MERGE (d)-[:WORKED_WITH]->(a);
- InfluxDB Data is passed as a xml file which is processed with Bun and help of xml parser. Once data is transformed into JSON format, it goes via Influx Client implementation which writes data in the following way:
async writeData(bucket: string, data: Temperature) {
const writeApi = this._influxDB.getWriteApi(, bucket, "ms");
const temperatures = data.teploty.teplota;
this.log('Writing data...');
temperatures.forEach((t) => {
const value = parseFloat(t.hodnota[0]);
const timestamp = new Date(`${t.datum} ${t.cas}`).getTime();
const point = new Point("temperature")
.tag("sensor", "Bohumin")
.floatField("value", value)
try {
await writeApi.close();
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof HttpError && e.statusCode === 401) {
this.log("Set up a new InfluxDB database");
this.log('Writing completed.');
- Neo4J
match (n) detach delete n;
match q=(a:Architect)<--(project)<-[:DEVELOPED_BY]-(developer) return q limit 25;
Result: Screenshot from neo4j console
- InfluxDB
|> range(start: 2023-09-14T12:00:00.000Z, stop: 2023-09-14T23:00:00.000Z)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "temperature" and r["sensor"] == "Bohumin")
|> mean()
Terminal output:
[+] Querying data with from(bucket:"teploty-bohumin")
|> range(start: 2023-09-14T12:00:00.000Z, stop: 2023-09-14T23:00:00.000Z)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "temperature" and r["sensor"] == "Bohumin")
|> mean()
result: "_result",
table: 0,
_start: "2023-09-14T12:00:00Z",
_stop: "2023-09-14T23:00:00Z",
_value: 17.062878787878795,
_field: "value",
_measurement: "temperature",
sensor: "Bohumin"
[+] Query completed
Displays graph with measured temperatures for one month with average value