Search Details of GSTIN
Check out source code here - /~
Search GSTIN of TaxPayer
Details will fetched(Scrapped) from the web
A bit time consuming task due to the underlying process
Doesn't last for longer period as this depends on web sites for collecting data and they keeps changing constantly
Can Communicate with Tally DataBase to get GSTIN details of the ledger
Source code can be downloaded if you want to contribute or make changes
Web site used in this code is for demonstration purpose only not intended to use for commercial purpose We are not responsible for any legal actions that may araise if you use it unethically.
-> Download all the files except Sources
-> Download files from source folder only if you want modify or build on your own.
-> Run GSTIN Finder.exe and start seraching GSTIN's
-> Click Use tally DataBase if you want to serach Parties GSTIN
-> Hot Reload Option Provided if you to switch companies instantly while using tally data base
Requirements -> Requires .Net Framework 4.5 or higher You can download from here :