Information collected from Superhero API. The dataset contains biographical information about each comic book character (e.g. name, place of birth, species), character associaitions (e.g. affiliations, relatives), as well as power stat information scaled from 0-100 (e.g. strength, durability, intelligence). Data was compiled using R (httr & jsonlite packages), code for data collection process can be found here.
Characters are from various different comic book publishers, including but not limited to DC Comics, Marvel Comics, and Dark Horse comics The data consists of a total of 731 different characters.
Data dictionary can be found here.
Visualizations created with the help of ggplot2 and ggplot extensions, geomtext_path and ggimage. I picked select characters from popular affiliations of super heros & villains (Justice League, The Avengers, Guardians of The Galaxy), and plotted the values of their super abilities. Images for these characters were downloaded from the respective DC Fandom and Marvel Fandom sites.