React - Nextjs 😃, tailwindCSS 🤗, Redux 😌, Sass 😉.
Please run the following after cloning:
To install dependencies;
npm install
To run project;
npm run dev
To setup up with docker build the image using
sudo docker build . -t afri-frontend
To run containner
sudo docker run --publish 3000:3000 afri-frontend
Dependency 👌 | Link to documentation | What is it used for |
Heroicons | , , | A repository of icons, you can call project icons from here |
Nextjs | | React framework to run the entire project |
TailwindCSS | | CSS framework for styling |
Typescript | | For strict typing and error handling for type checking |
Sass | | For better style handling, Please use the SCSS syntax |
Redux | | For state management |
Axios | | For API calls |
Please do not re-install any of the dependencies above because they all install when npm install
is ran
- Read this read me file 👍.
- Pick an issue in the issues section.
- Pick an issue by commenting on the issue you are currently working on
- Clone project to your machine.
git clone <get_link_from_github_page>
- When you're done solving & implementing.
- Checkout to a new branch.
- When your code is in good shape, send a PR merge request to the branch called "development".
- Remember to update your codebase
- Project mainter will then review & merge to "master" or reach out with feedback.