A KISS pure Fortran Library for easy colorize (and stylize) strings.
- FACE is a pure Fortran (KISS) library;
- FACE is Fortran 2008+ standard compliant;
- FACE is tiny;
- FACE is a Free, Open Source Project.
use face
print '(A)', colorize('Hello', color_fg='red')//colorize(' World', color_fg='blue', style='underline_on')
| What is FACE? | Main features | Copyrights | Documentation | Install |
FACE is KISS pure Fortran library for easy colorize (and stylize) strings: FACE allows for easy handling of Ansi Colors and Styles codes providing a user-friendly Fortran environment... just one function π
FACE is a library allowing
- easy handle of Ansi Colors and Styles Codes;
- Test Driven Developed (TDD);
- collaborative developed;
- well documented;
- free!
Any feature request is welcome.
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FACE is a Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), it is distributed under a very permissive multi-licensing system: selectable licenses are GPLv3, BSD2-Clause, BSD3-Clause and MIT, feel free to select the license that best matches your workflow.
Anyone is interest to use, to develop or to contribute to FACE is welcome.
More details can be found on wiki.
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Besides this README file the FACE documentation is contained into its own wiki. Detailed documentation of the API is contained into the GitHub Pages that can also be created locally by means of ford tool.
FACE expose only 3 procedures:
the main function;colors_samples
an helper subroutine that prints to standard output a sample of all colors available;styles_samples
an helper subroutine that prints to standard output a sample of all styles available;
The usage is extremely simple, colorize
returns an allocatable character with the requested (foreground and background) colors and style, while the 2 helper subroutines have not dummies:
use face
character(len=:), allocatable :: error_message
error_message = colorize('error:', color_fg='red', style='underline_on')//' file not found!'
print '(A)', error_message
print '(A)', colorize('suggestion: check you configuration', color_fg='blue')
call colors_samples ! print samples of all colors available
call styles_samples ! print samples of all styles available
is the main function used to colorize and stylize the input string. Its signature is:
pure function colorize(string, color_fg, color_bg, style) result(colorized)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string ! Input string.
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: color_fg ! Foreground color definition.
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: color_bg ! Background color definition.
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style ! Style definition.
character(len=:), allocatable :: colorized ! Colorized string.
end function colorize
is the input string;color_fg
is the foreground color definition and it is optional;color_bg
is the background color definition and it is optional;style
is the style definition and it is optional;
- colors and style definitions are case insensitive;
- no warning is returned if the colors or style definitions are wrong (or not available): in case the color or style are simply not applied.
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FACE is a Fortran library composed by several modules.
Before download and compile the library you must check the requirements.
To download and build the project two main ways are available:
- exploit the install script that can be downloaded here
- manually download and build:
FACE ships a bash script (downloadable from here) that is able to automatize the download and build steps. The script install.sh
has the following usage:
β ./install.sh
Install script of FACE
install.sh --help|-?
Print this usage output and exit
install.sh --download|-d <arg> [--verbose|-v]
Download the project
--download|-d [arg] Download the project, arg=git|wget to download with git or wget respectively
--verbose|-v Output verbose mode activation
install.sh --build|-b <arg> [--verbose|-v]
Build the project
--build|-b [arg] Build the project, arg=fobis|make|cmake to build with FoBiS.py, GNU Make or CMake respectively
--verbose|-v Output verbose mode activation
install.sh --download git
install.sh --build make
install.sh --download wget --build cmake
The script does not cover all possibilities.
The script operation modes are 2 (collapsible into one-single-mode):
- download a new fresh-clone of the latest master-release by means of:
- build a fresh-clone project as static-linked library by means of:
you can mix any of the above combinations accordingly to the tools available.
Typical usages are:
# download and prepare the project by means of git and build with GNU Make
install.sh --dowload git --build make
# download and prepare the project by means of wget (curl) and build with CMake
install.sh --dowload wget --build cmake
# download and prepare the project by means of git and build with FoBiS.py
install.sh --dowload git --build fobis
To download all the available releases and utilities (fobos, license, readme, etc...), it can be convenient to clone whole the project:
git clone /~https://github.com/szaghi/FACE
Alternatively, you can directly download a release from GitHub server, see the ChangeLog.
The most easy way to compile FACE is to use FoBiS.py within the provided fobos file.
Consequently, it is strongly encouraged to install FoBiS.py.
| Build by means of FoBiS | Build by means of GNU Make | Build by means of CMake |
FoBiS.py is a KISS tool for automatic building of modern Fortran projects. Providing very few options, FoBiS.py is able to build almost automatically complex Fortran projects with cumbersome inter-modules dependency. This removes the necessity to write complex makefile. Moreover, providing a very simple options file (in the FoBiS.py nomenclature indicated as fobos
file) FoBiS.py can substitute the (ab)use of makefile for other project stuffs (build documentations, make project archive, etc...). FACE is shipped with a fobos file that can build the library in both static and shared forms and also build the Test_Driver
program. The provided fobos file has several building modes.
FoBiS.py build -lmodes
the following message should be printed:
The fobos file defines the following modes:
- "face-shared-gnu"
- "face-static-gnu"
- "tests-gnu"
- "face-shared-gnu-debug"
- "face-static-gnu-debug"
- "tests-gnu-debug"
- "face-shared-intel"
- "face-static-intel"
- "tests-intel"
- "face-shared-intel-debug"
- "face-static-intel-debug"
- "tests-intel-debug"
The modes should be self-explicative: shared
, static
and test-driver
are the modes for building (in release, optimized form) the shared and static versions of the library and the Test Driver program, respectively. The other 3 modes are the same, but in debug form instead of release one. -gnu
use the GNU gfortran
compiler while -intel
the Intel one.
The shared
or static
directories are created accordingly to the form of the library built. The compiled objects and mod files are placed inside this directory, as well as the linked library.
FoBiS.py build -mode face-shared-gnu
FoBiS.py build -mode face-static-gnu
FoBiS.py build -mode face-shared-gnu-debug
FoBiS.py build -mode face-static-gnu-debug
The Test_Driver
directory is created. The compiled objects and mod files are placed inside this directory, as well as the linked program.
FoBiS.py build -mode tests-gnu
FoBiS.py build -mode tests-gnu-debug
FoBiS.py rule -ls
the following message should be printed:
The fobos file defines the following rules:
The rules should be self-explicative.
To be implemented.
To be implemented.
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