Corrects texts to be translated in source code according to changes in en_US translation catalog (en_US.po).
Sets mtime and atime of files to the latest commit time in git.
Initially taken from repository of rsync;a=history;f=support/git-set-file-times at 2009-01-13, and made modifications.
Converts POD data to Markdown format. This may be used as a replacement of pod2man(1). To generate Markdown texts of all available PODs, run:
make POD2MAN="POD2MDOUTPUT=directory pod2md"
then, generated texts will be saved in directory.
The xgettext(1) utility specific to Sympa. Typically invoked by automated processes updating translation catalog.
In below, the username associated with the Git commits should be "
Sympa authors <>
". -
Currently, commits during steps 3 and 4 are automatically created and pushed to
branch on the repository.
Checkout "main" branch.
$ git checkout sympa-6.2
Tidy all sources.
$ make tidyall
Then commit the changes.
Retrieve latest translations from Then merge it into the source, for example:
$ cd (top)/po/sympa $ msgcat -o LL.ponew --use-first UPDATED/LL.po LL.po $ mv LL.ponew LL.po
And optionally, if en_US.po has been updated, update messages in the sources according to it.
$ cd (top) $ support/correct_msgid --domain=sympa $ support/correct_msgid --domain=web_help
Then commit the changes.
Update translation catalog.
$ cd (top)/po/sympa; make clean sympa.pot-update update-po $ cd (top)/po/web_help; make clean web_help.pot-update update-po
Then commit the changes.
Prepare the new version on the repository.
Update (update version number) and
Then commit the changes with message "[-release] Preparing version x.x.x".
Push all of the commits described in above into remote repository.
Cleanup everything.
$ cd (top) $ make distclean $ rm -Rf autom4te.cache/
And sync with repository.
$ git pull $ support/git-set-file-times
Configure, create and check distribution.
$ autoreconf -i $ ./configure --enable-fhs --with-confdir=/etc/sympa $ make distcheck
If something went wrong, fix it, return to 6 above and try again.
Upload generated files to release section:
- sympa-VERSION.tar.gz
- sympa-VERSION.tar.gz.md5
- sympa-VERSION.tar.gz.sha256
- sympa-VERSION.tar.gz.sha512
Tag the remote repository with the new version number.