Labels Across Borders
By: Sung Won Chung
Vision: I made this because demystifying programming, machine learning, and every other buzzword under the sun is the name of the game.
Whoever's reading this, I hope you feel more liberated to explore all the cutting edge tech freely available and accessible literally at your fingertips.
Use Case: Label images and share end results in both English and foreign language
Technologies: Colaboratory, Cloud Vision API, Cloud Translate API, Bigquery
Languages: Python, SQL
Order of Operations:
- Import packages and API in Colaboratory
- Get images from:
- Label images
- Translate results into another language(Spanish)
- Export into BigQuery for SQL analysis
- Share end results with someone who speaks another language(most important part!)
Reference: /~
- I highly recommend viewing the notebook in colaboratory as it utilizes tons of fun features
- This notebook assumes you have a billing-enabled Google Cloud account