A C++ library for the Binance Futures exchange, using Boost's Beast and JSON, developed and test on Ubuntu.
The JSON returned from Binance is passed to response handlers and the BinanceBeast is lightweight, with functions for sending REST requests and starting Websocket sessions.
Rather than getAllOrders()
, getSymbolMarkPrice()
etc, all REST requests use sendRestRequest()
. This means the BinanceBeast API is simpler and doesn't require updating if Binance add more endpoints or parameters.
Disclaimer: The author(s) of Binance Beast are not liable for any losses (be it financial or otherwise), caused by irresponsible trades or from bugs in the Binance Beast library. Trading is risky, 90% of consumer traders will lose money. By using Binance Beast you agree to this.
REST, WebSockets and User Data fully supported for USD-M, COIN-M Futures and SPOT.
- Consider using Websockets rather than frequent REST calls
- All API functions are asychronous, supplied with a callback function, either:
using RestResponseHandler = std::function<void(RestResponse)>
using WebSocketResponseHandler = std::function<void(WsResponse)>
, astate
members- If
returns true, thefailMessage
is set - There are multiple
to handle Rest and Websockets, set withBinanceBeast::start()
- Rest default is 4
- Websockets default is 6
Configs store the API keys, they are created with ConnectionConfig::MakeTestNetConfig()
or ConnectionConfig::MakeLiveConfig()
, which have overloads:
- Pass a path to a key file
- A key file format is 3 lines, first line is "test" or "live", the next two lines are the API then secret key:
test myapiKeyMyKey723423Ju&jNhuayNahas617238Jaiasjd31as52v46523435vs 8LBwbPvcub5GHtxLgWDZnm23KFcXwXwXwXwLBwbLBwbAABBca-sdasdasdas123
- Supply just an API key, or an API and secret key
Which keys you need depends on the endpoints you use: https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#endpoint-security-type
Get all orders for BTCUSDT:
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
// allOrders requires both keys
auto config = ConnectionConfig::MakeTestNetConfig(Market::USDM, "YOUR API KEY", "YOUR SECRET KEY");
std::condition_variable cvHaveReply;
BinanceBeast bb;
bb.start(config); // call once to start the networking processing loop
bb.sendRestRequest([&](RestResponse result) // the RestResponseHandler
if (result.hasErrorCode())
std::cout << "\nError: " << result.failMessage << "\n";
std::cout << "\n" << result.json << "\n";
"/fapi/v1/allOrders", // the stream path
RestSign::HMAC_SHA256, // this calls requires a signature
RestParams{{{"symbol", "BTCUSDT"}}}, // rest parameters
RequestType::Get); // this is a GET request
std::mutex mux;
std::unique_lock lck(mux);
return 0;
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
// allOrders requires both keys
auto config = ConnectionConfig::MakeTestNetConfig(Market::USDM, "YOUR API KEY", "YOUR SECRET KEY");
std::condition_variable cvHaveReply;
BinanceBeast bb;
// start the network processing
// create a new order
bb.sendRestRequest([&](RestResponse result)
if (result.hasErrorCode())
std::cout << "Error: " << result.failMessage << "\n";
std::cout << "\nNew Order info:\n" << result.json << "\n";
RestParams{{{"symbol", "BTCUSDT"}, {"side", "BUY"}, {"type", "MARKET"}, {"quantity", "0.001"}}},
std::mutex mux;
std::unique_lock lck(mux);
return 0;
A batch order is a JSON array with the same content as single order but it's URL encoded. Binance Beast provides a function to do this.
See examples\neworder.cpp
for full code.
boost::json::array order =
{{"symbol", "BTCUSDT"}, {"side", "BUY"}, {"type", "MARKET"}, {"quantity", "0.001"}},
{{"symbol", "BTCUSDT"}, {"side", "BUY"}, {"type", "MARKET"}, {"quantity", "0.001"}}
bb.sendRestRequest([&](RestResponse result)
if (result.hasErrorCode())
std::cout << "Error: " << result.failMessage << "\n";
std::cout << "\nNew Order info:\n" << result.json << "\n";
RestParams{{{"batchOrders", BinanceBeast::urlEncode(json::serialize(order))}}},
A websocket stream is closed when the BinanceBeast
object is destructed or calling BinanceBeast::stopWebSocket()
Receive Mark Price for ETHUSDT for 10 seconds:
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
// you don't need API or secret keys for mark price
auto config = ConnectionConfig::MakeTestNetConfig(Market::USDM); // or MakeLiveConfig()
BinanceBeast bb;
bb.startWebSocket([&](WsResponse result)
std::cout << result.json << "\n\n";
if (result.hasErrorCode())
std::cout << "\nError " << result.failMessage << "\n";
std::cout << "\n" << result.json.as_object()["s"] << " = " << result.json.as_object()["p"] << "\n";
"ethusdt@markPrice@1s"); // stream
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
return 0;
If you want to receive data from multiple streams but do so with one response handler/websocket stream, you can use a combined stream.
Use BinanceBeast::startWebSocket (WebSocketResponseHandler handler, const std::vector<string>& streams)
See examples\combinedstreams.cpp
for full code.
Receive the mark price for BTCUSDT and ETHUSDT in a combined stream:
// each stream's data is pushed separately.
// in this case, we have two combined streams, the handler will be called once for btcusdt and again for ethusdt.
// the "stream" value contains the stream name
bb.startWebSocket([](WsResponse result)
if (result.hasErrorCode())
std::cout << "Error: " << result.failMessage << "\n";
auto& object = result.json.as_object();
auto& streamName = object["stream"];
if (streamName == "btcusdt@markPrice@1s")
std::cout << "Mark price for BTCUSDT:\n";
else if (streamName == "ethusdt@markPrice@1s")
std::cout << "Mark price for ETHUSDT:\n";
std::cout << object["data"] << "\n";
{{"btcusdt@markPrice@1s"}, {"ethusdt@markPrice@1s"}});
Use the BinanceBeast::startUserData()
, it's a standard websocket session.
- User data has a key, "e", which is the eventType
- Listen keys expire after 60 minutes
- You should use
to extend the key within 60 minutes - If the key expires you should call
to create a new key- When a key expires it does not close the websocket connection
NOTE: because user data relates to positions and orders, you won't receive anything unless positions are opened/closed or orders are filled.
void onUserData(WsResult result)
if (result.hasErrorCode())
std::cout << result.failMessage << "\n";
auto topLevel = result.json.as_object();
const auto eventType = json::value_to<string>(topLevel["e"]);
if (eventType == "listenKeyExpired")
std::cout << "listen key expired, renew with BinanceBeast::renewListenKey()\n";
else if (eventType == "MARGIN_CALL")
std::cout << "margin call\n";
else if (eventType == "ACCOUNT_UPDATE")
std::cout << "account update\n";
else if (eventType == "ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE")
std::cout << "order trade update\n";
else if (eventType == "ACCOUNT_CONFIG_UPDATE")
std::cout << "account config update\n";
The examples
directory contains:
: how to send a REST querycombinedstreams.cpp
: how to usestartStartWebSocket()
for a combined streamuserdata.cpp
: shows how to start a user data session, and an example of how to periodically renew the listen keyneworder.cpp
: creates a single order and shows how to do a batch ordermultiplemarkets.cpp
: example of how to receive from USD, COIN futures and SPOT markets
It has been developed with GCC 10.3.0 but older versions that support C++17 will work.
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 /~https://github.com/subatomicdev/binancebeast.git binancebeast
cd binancebeast
- Uses
to install the required libraries. This installs cmake and ninja but it's local to vcpkg so will not affect existing installations - Configure and build
- Uses
- After the build a short test runs (which doesn't require an API key)
- The library and test binary are in the lib and bin directories
To link from your app:
- Add
to link directories - Add
to link directories - Add
-lbinancebeast -lssl -lboost_json -lcrypto -lpthread -ldl
to target link libraries
The .vscode
directories are in the repo for convenience. If you use VS Code open the binancebeast/binancebeast
folder in VS Code.