This is the box hosting the PiAware hardware for the FlightAware system. Is mounted in my attic, which has a tin roof. The ADS-B antenna is mounted close by vertically up on the same mount as the HF TV antenna.
The tin is precariously mounted on a cross beam. Power and wired ethernet is fed in from below.
The tin was used because its unlikely to catch fire, and should be able to contain any electrical fires. Its also a faraday cage of sorts, but for that to be really effective the pi needs to be more isolated from the SDR internally, and the tin needs to be grounded. All of that may improve reception a bit.
Everybody like shortbread. Some ventilation holes for bugs to freely travel. Also heat to escape.
- 1090 band pass filter to get rid of surrounding frequencies
- A 8020 SDR USB stick
- Raspberry Pi running 1090 ADS-B decoder and FlightAware local website and out-feeder
- Inline Ethernet surge arrestor to help protect the rest of the network against lightning strikes