Experiment to have a Roon zone publish now playing song info to my Steelseries keyboard OLED screen using a Steelseries Gamesense App. Special thanks to docBliny and his work on the Roon / App part: /~https://github.com/docBliny/obs-roon-display.git
This app is a tray application. Right click it to see your current available zones. Don't forget to Enable the Roon Extension in the Roon App the first time.
The Extension in Roon is enabled, and will show even some status info:
And the OLED will show a scrolling Song title, the artists and a progress bar:
This little App relies on two SDK's.
- Roon NodeJS API
- Steelseries Gamesense SDK
- Electron
I have this working with:
- Node v18 (installed via homebrew)
- Roon v1.8 (build 884 - 952) running on ROCK
- Steelseries GG for MacOSX 12.2 - 18.1
- Mac OSX Montery 12.1 - 12.4
Download the code in this Repo (with a git clone)
git clone git@github.com:stefvanhooijdonk/roon-steelseries-nowplaying-tray.git
Then run the npm install command to get all the dependencies in place:
npm install
And run the app from the command line:
npm start
If all is well, this node App should now show up in your Roon Extentions. Go and enable it there. Once that is done, and you start playing songs via Roon in your zone you should see the song title scrolling, the artists and a progress bar for the song play duration.
If you want, you can package this app and run it as a "real" app.
npm run make
npm version patch
git push --follow-tags
or a minor version
npm version minor
git push --follow-tags
Building and publishing. Make sure to have a GITHUB_TOKEN in your environment settins in your shell.
npm run make
npm run publish
And the releases can be found at github: roon-steelseries-nowplaying-tray.