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Instructions and manifest files for deploying MinIO Object Storage on K3s.


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MinIO S3

MinIO is an open source object storage server with support for the S3 API. This means that you can run your very own S3 deployment from your homelab.

My uses of this include:

This repository contains instructions and Kubernetes manifest files for deploying MinIO into a K3s cluster.

UPDATE: 7 Nov 2021: This repository has been upgraded to RELEASE.2021-10-27T16-29-42Z from MinIO RELEASE.2020-10-28T08-16-50Z-arm64. There have been a number of changes between versions so check the release notes for more information if you are upgrading. The configuration and instructions from this repository for the previous release are still available from the v1.0.0 tag.

K3s Deployment

K3s is a lightweight, certified Kubernetes distribution, for production workloads from Rancher Labs. I run K3s on my Raspberry Pi cluster, into which MinIO has been deployed. See raspberry-pi-k3s-homelab for more information on this.

Create Root User and Password

The username and password of the root user need to be created as secrets and provided as environment variables. I have used a similar format as the AWS secret key and secret access key, as this was the pattern used for earlier MinIO naming conventions. This highlighted a couple of gotchas with the S3 url format when integrating some apps with this, which I have documented in this file.

These need to be in base64 format as they will be added to the 200-secrets.yaml file to be created as secrets in Kubernetes.

$ echo -n 'my-access-key' | base64
$ echo -n 'myXXXxxx/secretXXXXxxx/keyXXxxx' | base64

Persistent Volume Claim

The 100-pvc.yaml file contains a Persistent Volume Claim using the K3s local path provisioner local-path storage class. In my homelab I have an external hard drive to store these objects. The 400-deployment.yaml file contains node affinity configuration to ensure that the pod is scheduled onto the node containing the external storage. See External Hard Drive for Persistent Storage for more information on my K3s configuration for this.

The below section from the 400-deployment.yaml file can be removed if you do not wish to use node affinity, e.g. only have a single node, or have a NFS server for shared storage, etc.

        - matchExpressions:
            - key: disktype
              operator: In
                - hdd

Ingress Route

My K3s cluster uses Traefik v2 as the Kubernetes ingress controller and the IngressRoute resource it provides. You can just as easily use the standard Kubernetes Ingress resource, or other such ingress controller annotations or configuration methods.

The 500-ingressroute.yaml file specifies the usage of TLS and associated certificate resolver. You should always use HTTPS when accessing resources, especially over the internet. You can update that file as necessary to work with your deployment, e.g. using a different Traefik endpoint and removing the tls section. In this example tlsresolver is a certificate resolver configured in Traefik to use Let's Encrypt and the tlsChallenge type.

Note that there is a entry as well as a When accessing MinIO via the browser using you will be automatically redirected to the MinIO Console at The MinIO Console is used for both administering the system, as well as standard user access when navigating buckets.

OpenID Connect and Keycloak

MinIO supports authentication using OpenID Connect and providers such as Keycloak. If you are wanting to use username and password authentication only, and not wanting to integrate with OpenID Connect then the below environment variables can be removed from the 400-deployment.yaml file.

  value: minio
  value: cad5f999-81e6-4791-afef-86ddd18ae3df

If integrating with Keycloak the MinIO docs on this were pretty good, see /~ I used a new client named minio instead of modifying the existing account client in Keycloak.

See the section further down in the README file for information on setting up a policy for authorization to MinIO resources using JWT with Keycloak.

MinIO Client

The MinIO Client (mc) can be easily used as to access and administer your MinIO deployment.

Add an alias that points to your minio deployment.

$ mc alias set homelab XXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxXXXxxXXX/XXXXXXX/xxxxxXXXXXXX
Added `homelab` successfully.

The configuration and list of aliases can be viewed in the ~/.mc/config.json file.

  "version": "10",
  "aliases": {
    "homelab": {
      "url": "",
      "accessKey": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
      "secretKey": "xxxxXXXxxXXX/XXXXXXX/xxxxxXXXXXXX",
      "api": "s3v4",
      "path": "auto"

Users and Groups

$ mc admin user add homelab
Enter Access Key: my-home-user
Enter Secret Key:
Added user `my-home-user` successfully.

$ mc admin group add homelab users my-home-user
Added members {my-home-user} to group users successfully.

$ mc admin user info homelab my-home-user
AccessKey: my-home-user
Status: enabled
MemberOf: users

Minio Policies

MinIO can be configured with policies to only allow users access to directories within a bucket based on their username.

The below policy will mean that the previously created my-home-user will only be able to perform operations within the my-home-user prefix of the users bucket.

$ mc admin policy add homelab readwriteusers policies/read-write-users.json
Added policy `readwriteusers` successfully.

$ mc admin policy info homelab readwriteusers
 "Version": "2012-10-17",
 "Statement": [
   "Effect": "Allow",
   "Action": [
   "Resource": [
   "Condition": {
    "StringLike": {
     "s3:prefix": [
   "Effect": "Allow",
   "Action": [
   "Resource": [

Apply the policy to the users group so that it comes into effect for all users belonging to that group.

$ mc admin policy set homelab readwriteusers group=users
Policy readwriteusers is set on group `users`

$ mc admin group info homelab users
Group: users
Status: enabled
Policy: readwriteusers
Members: my-home-user

Authentication and Authorization with OpenID Connect and OAuth2

Users can be authenticated with MinIO using OpenID Connect. In my deployment I am using Keycloak as the OpenID Connect Provider. When the MinIO login page is displayed it will contain an additional link "Log in with OpenID". When clicking this the user will be redirected to the Keycloak login page, once they have provided their credentials they will be redirected back to MinIO and logged in automatically.

A new policy needs to created for authorization to resources accessed using a JWT that was provided during the OpenID Connect login. This is similar to the previous readwriteusers policy except that the user principal is identified by the preferred_username claim within the JWT.

This policy is not set on the users group. MinIO will select and enforce this policy based on the readwriteusersjwt name specified in the policy claim of the token.

$ mc admin policy add homelab readwriteusersjwt policies/read-write-users-jwt.json
Added policy `readwriteusersjwt` successfully.

mc admin policy info homelab readwriteusersjwt
 "Version": "2012-10-17",
 "Statement": [
   "Effect": "Allow",
   "Action": [
   "Resource": [
   "Condition": {
    "StringLike": {
     "s3:prefix": [
   "Effect": "Allow",
   "Action": [
   "Resource": [

Keycloak User Attribute and Claim Token

Keycloak will generate a JWT containing claims for the user when they are authenticated by Keycloak. MinIO expects that this token contain a specific claim named policy and that the value matches a policy that has been configured.

On the user account details page in Keycloak for the my-home-user user under the Attributes tab I have added an attribute with the name minio-policy and the value readwriteusersjwt. In the configuration for the minio client I have created an attribute mapping with the name "Minio Policy". This is a User Attribute Mapper Type with the User Attribute value of "minio-policy" and the Token Claim Name of "policy". This means that when the user is authenticated it will retrieve "readwriteusersjwt" from the user's "minio-policy" attribute and use it for the value of the "policy" token claim.

MinIO Console Administrator

MinIO has a default policy named consoleAdmin which allows the user access to the administration features of the console. If authenticating as an administrative user via OpenID Connect you will need to add set consoleAdmin as the value for the minio-policy user attribute.

Troubleshooting JWT Authorization

The below error in the Minio logs may be seen when failing to authenticate using JWT. This can mean that the policy claim is missing. Check to ensure that the policy Claim Mapping has been added to the client in Keycloak. Check that this is mapped to a user attribute belonging to the user attempting to authenticate, and that the value of this attribute on the user matches the Minio policy name for the JWT policy, e.g. readwriteusersjwt.

API: AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity()
Time: 07:55:11 UTC 12/07/2020
DeploymentID: f096ff8d-f2a5-46ac-8c74-0b9de20fe2c6
RequestID: 164E6009BEBE4A3F
UserAgent: Go-http-client/2.0
Error: policy claim missing from the JWT token, credentials will not be generated
       4: cmd/sts-errors.go:57:cmd.writeSTSErrorResponse()
       3: cmd/sts-handlers.go:335:cmd.(*stsAPIHandlers).AssumeRoleWithSSO()
       2: cmd/sts-handlers.go:423:cmd.(*stsAPIHandlers).AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity()
       1: net/http/server.go:2042:http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP()

API: WebLoginSTS()
Time: 07:55:11 UTC 12/07/2020
DeploymentID: f096ff8d-f2a5-46ac-8c74-0b9de20fe2c6
UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.1 Safari/605.1.15
Error: 400 Bad Request
      25: cmd/web-handlers.go:2278:cmd.toWebAPIError()
      24: cmd/web-handlers.go:2147:cmd.toJSONError()
      23: cmd/web-handlers.go:2131:cmd.(*webAPIHandlers).LoginSTS()

Tips, Tricks, and Gotchas

S3 Connection Urls

When configuring applications to connect to S3 the url format for MinIO may differ from the standard AWS S3 url.

For example, when integrating with Loki the below format is required. This has some important changes:

  • The protocol specifies https and not s3.
  • The hostname in the url contains an extra dot at the end, i.e., which forces S3 to use this as the hostname and not the AWS region.
  • Any forward slashes contained in the access key or secret key in the url need to be escaped. These need to be replaced with %2F.



MIT license


Instructions and manifest files for deploying MinIO Object Storage on K3s.








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