command-line tool for manipulating atomic coordinate files and more
license: AGPLv3
language: fortran
usage: cofima --task [options]
help: cofima --help
installation on a linux computer:
- download source code
- go to directory with source code
- (if not done yet, load or install a fortran compiler (for example gfortran) and linear algebra library "Lapack")
- (if needed, edit the file "Makefile")
- type "make"
cofima --cut: cut surface/slab/sphere from crystal, saturate dangling bonds with H
cofima --vasp_bs, cofima --vasp_bs_pr: (atom-projected) electronic band structure (vasp postprocessing)
Inspiration: Pierre Hirel
Testing: Eva M. Kalivoda, Anais Colibaba
Name: Pavel Márton