Releases: ambassify/react-avatar
This release fixes typescript typedefinition for the alt and title attributes, and fixes the use of an empty string.
- fix(image): allow empty string for alt and title property, thanks @ritchiejacobs (/~
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This release fixes typescript typedefinition changes in react 18.
- React 18 add children to props, thanks @Maxim-Filimonov (#249)
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This release extracts the data provider into a higher order component and fixes some outstanding bugs.
- [data-provider] Decouple data retrieval from rendering (#221)
- Accessibility fix for default color, thanks @normankong (#235)
- feat(title): add nullable title (#241)
- fix(round): properly calculate borderRadius from round (#242)
- fix(round): support number in proptypes (#244)
- fix scaling on an unmounted node, thanks @IrakliJani (#229)
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The react-avatar package will be maintained by the team @ambassify moving forward.
We've updated the babel-preset configuration to reduce bundle size in modern application.
- [build] use new babel tools to optimize dependencies and polyfills (#230)
- [docs] Fix link to demo page (#231)
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This releases adds support for React 17
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This releases adds TypeScript testing and fixes incorrect types.
- [typescript] fix broken typescript definitions (#207)
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This releases attempts to fix TypeScript types.
- [typescript] fixes incorrect typedefinitions (#205)
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This releases adds missing TypeScript types and allows references to be set on withAvatarConfig
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This release removes warnings about the React legacy context API.
- [context] prevent legacy warning (#200)
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