I wanted the ability to paste the image on my clipboard into a command in the macOS terminal.
It turns out pbpaste
only works with textual data - so copying a portion of a screenshot to my clipboard (using CleanShot X) and running the following produced a 0 byte file:
pbpaste > /tmp/screenshot.png
With some initial clues from Feraidoon Mehri in a GitHub issue followed by some ChatGPT and Claude 3 Opus prompting I got to the following script, saved as ~/.local/bin/impaste
on my machine (that folder is on my PATH
) and made excutable with chmod 755 ~/.local/bin/impaste
# Generate a unique temporary filename
tempfile=$(mktemp -t clipboard.XXXXXXXXXX.png)
# Save the clipboard image to the temporary file
osascript -e 'set theImage to the clipboard as «class PNGf»' \
-e "set theFile to open for access POSIX file \"$tempfile\" with write permission" \
-e 'write theImage to theFile' \
-e 'close access theFile'
# Output the image data to stdout
cat "$tempfile"
# Delete the temporary file
rm "$tempfile"
Now I can copy an image to my clipboard and run this:
impaste > /tmp/image.png
Or pipe impaste
into any command that accepts images.