My db-to-sqlite tool can connect to a PostgreSQL database, export all of the content and write it to a SQLite database file on disk.
I wanted to use it in a GitHub Action - but that meant I needed code running in the action workflow to be able to access my Heroku PostgreSQL database directly.
It turns out the DATABASE_URL
environment variable in Heroku has everything you need to connect to that database from elsewhere.
If you have the heroku
CLU tool installed and authenticated the following one-liner does the job:
db-to-sqlite $(heroku config:get DATABASE_URL -a simonwillisonblog) simonwillisonblog.db
To configure heroku
in a GitHub Action you need to set a HEROKU_API_KEY
environment variable.
You can create an OAuth token on your laptop like this:
% heroku authorizations:create --scope=read-protected
Creating OAuth Authorization... done
Client: <none>
ID: 4dd42e6c-5c89-4389-a9b1-4a5388b88517
Description: Long-lived user authorization
Scope: read-protected
Token: xxx copy and paste this bit xxx
Then you can paste the token into a GitHub repository secret called HEROKU_API_KEY
Here's a fragment of my action workflow that creates the SQLite database pulling data from Heroku:
- name: Import Heroku DB into SQLite
run: |-
db-to-sqlite $(heroku config:get DATABASE_URL -a simonwillisonblog) simonwillisonblog.db \
--table auth_permission \
--table auth_user \
--table blog_blogmark \
--table blog_blogmark_tags \
--table blog_entry \
--table blog_entry_tags \
--table blog_quotation \
--table blog_quotation_tags \
--table blog_tag \
--table django_content_type \
--table redirects_redirect