I wanted to add an action option to the Django Admin for exporting the currently selected set of rows (or every row in the table) as a CSV file.
I ended up using a pattern inspired by this Django Snippet, but with an added touch for more efficient exports. In order to avoid using up too much memory for the export, I use keyset pagination to fetch 500 rows at a time.
The keyset_pagination_iterator()
helper function accepts any queryset, orders it by the primary key and then repeatedly fetches 500 items. It then modifies the queryset to add a WHERE id > $last_seen_id
clause. This is a relatively inexpensive way to paginate, so having an endpoint perform that query dozens or even hundreds of times should hopefully avoid adding too much load to the database.
The action itself uses a pattern that combines StringIO
and csv.writer()
to stream out the results as a CSV file.
Django's StreamingHttpResponse
mechanism is really neat: it accepts a Python iterator or generator and returns a streaming response derived from that sequence.
The Django documentation says "Streaming responses will tie a worker process for the entire duration of the response. This may result in poor performance" - this particular project runs on Google Cloud Run so I'm less concerned about tying up a worker than I would be normally, plus the export option is only available to trusted staff users with access to the Django Admin interface.
To add the CSV export option to a ModelAdmin
subclass, do the following:
from .admin_actions import export_as_csv_action
class CountyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
actions = [export_as_csv_action()]
Here's admin_actions.py
import csv
from io import StringIO
from django.http import StreamingHttpResponse
def keyset_pagination_iterator(input_queryset, batch_size=500):
all_queryset = input_queryset.order_by("pk")
last_pk = None
while True:
queryset = all_queryset
if last_pk is not None:
queryset = all_queryset.filter(pk__gt=last_pk)
queryset = queryset[:batch_size]
for row in queryset:
last_pk = row.pk
yield row
if not queryset:
def export_as_csv_action(description="Export selected rows to CSV"):
def export_as_csv(modeladmin, request, queryset):
def rows(queryset):
csvfile = StringIO()
csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
columns = [field.name for field in modeladmin.model._meta.fields]
def read_and_flush():
data = csvfile.read()
return data
header = False
if not header:
header = True
yield read_and_flush()
for row in keyset_pagination_iterator(queryset):
csvwriter.writerow(getattr(row, column) for column in columns)
yield read_and_flush()
response = StreamingHttpResponse(rows(queryset), content_type="text/csv")
response["Content-Disposition"] = (
"attachment; filename=%s.csv" % modeladmin.model.__name__
return response
export_as_csv.short_description = description
return export_as_csv